blob: e29e6771e4114dce571d96baeadd4e7ce8b2d533 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "extensions/common/event_filter.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
namespace extensions {
class EventFilter;
class ValueCounter;
struct EventFilteringInfo;
// A class to track all event listeners across multiple v8::Contexts. Each
// context has a "context owner", which may be the same across multiple
// contexts. For instance, an extension may listen to the same event in
// multiple pages. Since these contexts may have the same context owner,
// tracking when a new listener is added requires looking at more than a
// single context.
// TODO(devlin): We should combine this with EventBookkeeper and use it with
// both native and JS bindings.
// TODO(devlin): We should incorporate the notifications for newly added/
// removed listeners into this class, rather than having callers worry about
// it based on return values.
class ListenerTracker {
// Adds a record of an unfiltered listener for the given |event_name|,
// associated with the given |context_owner_id|.
// Returns true if this was the first listener for this event by this
// |context_owner_id| across all contexts.
// Note that unfiltered listeners should only be added once per unique
// context; callers are responsible for ensuring this isn't called for
// multiple listeners in the same context (though it may be for the same
// context owner).
bool AddUnfilteredListener(const std::string& context_owner_id,
const std::string& event_name);
// Removes a record of an unfiltered listener for the given |event_name|,
// associated with the given |context_owner_id|.
// Returns true if this was the last listener for this event by this
// |context_owner_id| across all contexts.
bool RemoveUnfilteredListener(const std::string& context_owner_id,
const std::string& event_name);
// Adds a record of a filtered listener for the given |event_name|,
// associated with the given |context_owner_id| and with the given |filter|
// and |routing_id|. Returns a pair, with the bool indicating if this was the
// first listener added for this event and |context_owner_id| with this
// specific filter, and an integer for the filter ID. If the filter could not
// be added (i.e., it was invalid), the filter ID will be -1, and no listener
// will have been added.
std::pair<bool, int> AddFilteredListener(
const std::string& context_owner_id,
const std::string& event_name,
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> filter,
int routing_id);
// Removes a record of a filtered listener for the given |event_name|,
// associated with the given |context_owner_id| and |filter_id|. DCHECKs that
// such a listener exists.
// Returns a pair, with the bool indicating if this was the last listener
// added for this event and |context_owner_id| with this specific filter, and
// a copy of the filter value.
std::pair<bool, std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>>
RemoveFilteredListener(const std::string& context_owner_id,
const std::string& event_name,
int filter_id);
// Returns a set of filter IDs to that correspond to the given |event_name|,
// |filter|, and |routing_id|.
std::set<int> GetMatchingFilteredListeners(const std::string& event_name,
const EventFilteringInfo& filter,
int routing_id);
EventFilter* event_filter_for_testing() { return &event_filter_; }
// A map of event name to the number of different contexts listening to that
// event.
using ListenerCountMap = std::map<std::string, int>;
// A map of context owner to the listener counts for all events.
using UnfilteredListeners = std::map<std::string, ListenerCountMap>;
// A key for a filtered listener; a pair of <context owner, event name>.
using FilteredEventListenerKey = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
// A map of filtered event listeners, mapping the key to a counter to track
// the number of listeners with given filters.
using FilteredListeners =
std::map<FilteredEventListenerKey, std::unique_ptr<ValueCounter>>;
UnfilteredListeners unfiltered_listeners_;
FilteredListeners filtered_listeners_;
// The event filter.
EventFilter event_filter_;
} // namespace extensions