blob: 420672c8c7a771ca3eedbdd7598b4b1e0d18c0f5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "tools/traffic_annotation/auditor/auditor_result.h"
#include "tools/traffic_annotation/traffic_annotation.pb.h"
// Base class for Annotation and Call instances.
class InstanceBase {
InstanceBase() {}
virtual ~InstanceBase() {}
virtual AuditorResult Deserialize(
const std::vector<std::string>& serialized_lines,
int start_line,
int end_line) = 0;
// Holds an instance of network traffic annotation.
class AnnotationInstance : public InstanceBase {
// Annotation Type.
enum class Type {
AnnotationInstance(const AnnotationInstance& other);
// Deserializes an instance from serialized lines of the text provided by the
// clang tool.
// |serialized_lines| are read from |start_line| to |end_line| and should
// contain the following lines:
// 1- File path.
// 2- Name of the function including this annotation.
// 3- Line number.
// 4- Annotation function Type.
// 5- Unique id of annotation.
// 6- Completing id or group id, when applicable, empty otherwise.
// 7- Serialization of annotation text (several lines).
AuditorResult Deserialize(const std::vector<std::string>& serialized_lines,
int start_line,
int end_line) override;
// Returns the proto field numbers of TrafficSemantics fields that are
// included in this annotation.
void GetSemanticsFieldNumbers(std::set<int>* field_numbers) const;
// Returns the proto field numbers of TrafficPolicy fields that are included
// in this annotation.
// For the cookies_allowed field, if the value is YES,
// kCookiesAllowedFieldNumber is added to the set and if it is NO,
// -kCookiesAllowedFieldNumber is added.
void GetPolicyFieldNumbers(std::set<int>* field_numbers) const;
// Loads annotation based on the data from archive in annotations.xml.
static AnnotationInstance LoadFromArchive(
AnnotationInstance::Type type,
const std::string& unique_id,
int unique_id_hash_code,
int second_id_hash_code,
int content_hash_code,
const std::set<int>& semantics_fields,
const std::set<int>& policy_fields,
const std::string& file_path);
// Checks if an annotation has all required fields.
AuditorResult IsComplete() const;
// Checks if annotation fields are consistent.
AuditorResult IsConsistent() const;
// Checks to see if this annotation can be completed with the |other|
// annotation, based on their unique ids, types, and extra ids. |*this| should
// be of partial type and the |other| either COMPLETING or BRANCHED_COMPLETING
// type.
bool IsCompletableWith(const AnnotationInstance& other) const;
// Tells if annotation requires two ids. All annotations have the unique id,
// but partial annotations also require the completing id, and branched
// completing annotations require the group id.
bool NeedsTwoIDs() const {
return type == Type::ANNOTATION_PARTIAL ||
// If annotation is loaded from archive, returns |archive_content_hash_code|.
// Otherwise computes a hashcode for the annotation content. Source field is
// not used in this computation as we don't need sensitivity to changes in
// source location, i.e. filepath, line number and function.
int GetContentHashCode() const;
// Combines |*this| partial annotation with a completing/branched_completing
// annotation and returns the combined complete annotation.
AuditorResult CreateCompleteAnnotation(
AnnotationInstance& completing_annotation,
AnnotationInstance* combination) const;
// Serializes to text for debugging and visualization.
std::string Serialize() const;
// Protobuf of the annotation.
traffic_annotation::NetworkTrafficAnnotation proto;
// Type of the annotation.
Type type;
// Extra id of the annotation (if available). This can be the completing id
// for partial annotations, or group id for branched completing annotations.
std::string second_id;
// Hash codes of unique id and extra id (if available).
int unique_id_hash_code;
int second_id_hash_code;
// The hash code of annotation content for archived annotations.
int archive_content_hash_code;
// Flag stating if annotation is loaded from annotations.xml.
bool is_loaded_from_archive;
// This annotation is generated from merging two other incomplete annotations.
bool is_merged;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const AnnotationInstance& instance);
// Holds an instance of calling a function that might have a network traffic
// annotation argument.
class CallInstance : public InstanceBase {
CallInstance(const CallInstance& other);
// Deserializes an instance from serialized lines of text provided by the
// clang tool.
// |serialized_lines| are read from |start_line| to |end_line| and should
// contain the following lines:
// 1- File path.
// 2- Name of the function in which the call is made.
// 3- Name of the called function.
// 4- Does the call have an annotation?
AuditorResult Deserialize(const std::vector<std::string>& serialized_lines,
int start_line,
int end_line) override;
std::string file_path;
uint32_t line_number;
// Name of the function in which the call happens.
std::string function_context;
// Name of the function that may need annotation.
std::string function_name;
// Is function |function_name| annotated?
bool is_annotated;
// Holds an instance of initializing a traffic annotation tag with list
// expressions or assignment of a value to |unique_id_hash_code| of the mutable
// ones, outside traffic annotation API functions.
class AssignmentInstance : public InstanceBase {
AssignmentInstance(const AssignmentInstance& other);
// Deserializes an instance from serialized lines of text provided by the
// clang tool.
// |serialized_lines| are read from |start_line| to |end_line| and should
// contain the following lines:
// 1- File path.
// 2- Name of the function in which the assignment is made.
// 3- Line number.
AuditorResult Deserialize(const std::vector<std::string>& serialized_lines,
int start_line,
int end_line) override;
std::string file_path;
uint32_t line_number;
// Name of the function in which assignment happens.
std::string function_context;