blob: 52a1aafbaddc76cb5951c84ff3e5b5a821e575f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module extensions.mojom;
import "content/public/common/transferrable_url_loader.mojom";
import "extensions/common/api/mime_handler.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
interface GuestView {
// Tells the browser to create a mime handler guest view for a plugin.
// This method is only called when the network service is enabled, and only
// for plugins added using the embedded/object tag.
int32 render_frame_id,
int32 tab_id,
url.mojom.Url original_url,
int32 element_instance_id,
gfx.mojom.Size element_size,
content.mojom.TransferrableURLLoader transferrable_url_loader);
// Tells the browser to create a mime handler guest view for a plugin.
// This method is called for full-frame plugins or for all plugins when the
// network service is disabled.
int32 render_frame_id,
string view_id,
int32 element_instance_id,
gfx.mojom.Size element_size,
// Notifies the browser whether or not now is a good time to start loading the
// MimeHandlerView. |routing_id| identifies the embedder frame. If |success|
// is false, then MimeHandlerViewEmbedder should destroy itself. When
// |success| is true the MimeHandlerViewEmbedder should proceed with attaching
// the GuestView.
ReadyToCreateMimeHandlerView(int32 routing_id, bool success);
// An interface implemented by the renderer which is used for creating a
// MimeHandlerViewFrameContainer. This interface is exposed on RenderFrame and
// and is used by the browser to ask the renderer to start the MimeHandlerView
// creation process (by creating a MimeHandlerViewFrameContainer).
interface MimeHandlerViewContainerManager {
// Sets the expected |internal_id| of the plugin element that will be used
// to attach the MimeHandlerViewGuest.
SetInternalId(string token_id);
// Requests the MimeHandlerViewContainerManager to load an empty page as an
// HTML string. This is used in cases where MimeHandlerViewEmbedder decides
// not to continue with loading the embedding page for the resource at
// |resource_url|, e.g., due to sandbox violation.
LoadEmptyPage(url.mojom.Url resource_url);
// Called by the browser to request a BeforeUnloadControl interface pointer
// which will later be connected to the request from the extension page to
// provide the beforeunload API (to setup beforeunload in the embedder
// document). This is only relevant for the non-embedded MimeHandlerView (
// e.g., full page navigations to a relevant MIME type).
=> (pending_remote<extensions.mime_handler.BeforeUnloadControl>
// Asks the renderer to destroy the MimeHandlerViewFrameContainer associated
// with MimeHandlerViewGuest with |element_instance_id|.
DestroyFrameContainer(int32 element_instance_id);
// This is a signal to renderer that the the contents of MimeHandlerViewGuest
// finished loading and therefore the renderer can forward the postMessages
// to the GuestView (if any). |element_instance_id| is the instance ID for
// MimeHandlerViewGuest and the |resource_url| is the original request's URL
// that ended up creating the MimeHandlerViewGuest.
int32 mime_handler_view_guest_element_instance_id,
url.mojom.Url resource_url);