blob: 3395c7f2ce0b690ea910c0c1aaa40a265e6d5f9b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Suppress warning about configuration changes
changelog-seen = 2
download-ci-llvm = false
# Doesn't affect LLVM build (which we don't do) but rather how rustc_llvm crate
# is linked.
static-libstdcpp = true
download-rustc = false
channel = "dev"
description = "$PACKAGE_VERSION chromium"
# Vendor dependencies to rust-src/vendor and check they match root
# Cargo.lock. In the future we will probably want to vendor these ourself like
# we do with third_party/rust dependencies. For now, the Rust build script auto
# fetches the dependencies.
# This is added now to work around a permissions bug in Rust's bootstrap:
# it fails to run under sudo even if the sudo user is not root, unless sources
# are vendored in tree.
locked-deps = true
vendor = true
target = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"]
prefix = "$INSTALL_DIR"
sysconfdir = "etc"
cc = "$LLVM_ROOT/bin/clang"
cxx = "$LLVM_ROOT/bin/clang++"
ar = "$LLVM_ROOT/bin/llvm-ar"
ranlib = "$LLVM_ROOT/bin/llvm-ranlib"
linker = "$LLVM_ROOT/bin/clang"
llvm-config = "$LLVM_ROOT/bin/llvm-config"