blob: fca8d74ba01b4fd36c25297adbb10c4a54c31b0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/network/network_connection_observer.h"
#include "chromeos/network/network_state_handler_observer.h"
#include "components/arc/common/net.mojom.h"
#include "components/arc/session/connection_observer.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
} // namespace content
class PrefService;
namespace arc {
class ArcBridgeService;
// Private implementation of ArcNetHost.
class ArcNetHostImpl : public KeyedService,
public ConnectionObserver<mojom::NetInstance>,
public chromeos::NetworkConnectionObserver,
public chromeos::NetworkStateHandlerObserver,
public mojom::NetHost {
// Returns singleton instance for the given BrowserContext,
// or nullptr if the browser |context| is not allowed to use ARC.
static ArcNetHostImpl* GetForBrowserContext(content::BrowserContext* context);
static ArcNetHostImpl* GetForBrowserContextForTesting(
content::BrowserContext* context);
// The constructor will register an Observer with ArcBridgeService.
ArcNetHostImpl(content::BrowserContext* context,
ArcBridgeService* arc_bridge_service);
~ArcNetHostImpl() override;
void SetPrefService(PrefService* pref_service);
// ARC -> Chrome calls:
void GetNetworks(mojom::GetNetworksRequestType type,
GetNetworksCallback callback) override;
void GetWifiEnabledState(GetWifiEnabledStateCallback callback) override;
void SetWifiEnabledState(bool is_enabled,
SetWifiEnabledStateCallback callback) override;
void StartScan() override;
void CreateNetwork(mojom::WifiConfigurationPtr cfg,
CreateNetworkCallback callback) override;
void ForgetNetwork(const std::string& guid,
ForgetNetworkCallback callback) override;
void StartConnect(const std::string& guid,
StartConnectCallback callback) override;
void StartDisconnect(const std::string& guid,
StartDisconnectCallback callback) override;
void AndroidVpnConnected(mojom::AndroidVpnConfigurationPtr cfg) override;
void AndroidVpnStateChanged(mojom::ConnectionStateType state) override;
void SetAlwaysOnVpn(const std::string& vpnPackage, bool lockdown) override;
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> TranslateVpnConfigurationToOnc(
const mojom::AndroidVpnConfiguration& cfg);
// Overriden from chromeos::NetworkStateHandlerObserver.
void ScanCompleted(const chromeos::DeviceState* /*unused*/) override;
void OnShuttingDown() override;
void DefaultNetworkChanged(const chromeos::NetworkState* network) override;
void NetworkConnectionStateChanged(
const chromeos::NetworkState* network) override;
void ActiveNetworksChanged(
const std::vector<const chromeos::NetworkState*>& networks) override;
void NetworkListChanged() override;
void DeviceListChanged() override;
void GetDefaultNetwork(GetDefaultNetworkCallback callback) override;
// Overriden from chromeos::NetworkConnectionObserver.
void DisconnectRequested(const std::string& service_path) override;
// Overridden from ConnectionObserver<mojom::NetInstance>:
void OnConnectionReady() override;
void OnConnectionClosed() override;
const chromeos::NetworkState* GetDefaultNetworkFromChrome();
void UpdateDefaultNetwork();
void DefaultNetworkSuccessCallback(const std::string& service_path,
const base::DictionaryValue& dictionary);
// Due to a race in Chrome, GetNetworkStateFromGuid() might not know about
// newly created networks, as that function relies on the completion of a
// separate GetProperties shill call that completes asynchronously. So this
// class keeps a local cache of the path->guid mapping as a fallback.
// This is sufficient to pass CTS but it might not handle multiple
// successive Create operations (
bool GetNetworkPathFromGuid(const std::string& guid, std::string* path);
// Look through the list of known networks for an ARC VPN service.
// If found, return the Shill service path. Otherwise return
// an empty string. It is assumed that there is at most one ARC VPN
// service in the list, as the same service will be reused for every
// ARC VPN connection.
std::string LookupArcVpnServicePath();
// Convert a vector of strings, |string_list|, to a base::Value
// that can be added to an ONC dictionary. This is used for fields
// like NameServers, SearchDomains, etc.
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> TranslateStringListToValue(
const std::vector<std::string>& string_list);
// Ask Shill to connect to the Android VPN with name |service_path|.
// |service_path| and |guid| are stored locally for future reference.
// This is used as the callback from a CreateConfiguration() or
// SetProperties() call, depending on whether an ARCVPN service already
// exists.
void ConnectArcVpn(const std::string& service_path, const std::string& guid);
// Ask Android to disconnect any VPN app that is currently connected.
void DisconnectArcVpn();
void CreateNetworkSuccessCallback(
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string&)> callback,
const std::string& service_path,
const std::string& guid);
void CreateNetworkFailureCallback(
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string&)> callback,
const std::string& error_name,
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> error_data);
ArcBridgeService* const arc_bridge_service_; // Owned by ArcServiceManager.
// True if the chrome::NetworkStateHandler is currently being observed for
// state changes.
bool observing_network_state_ = false;
std::string cached_service_path_;
std::string cached_guid_;
std::string arc_vpn_service_path_;
// Owned by the user profile whose context was used to initialize |this|.
PrefService* pref_service_ = nullptr;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ArcNetHostImpl> weak_factory_;
} // namespace arc