blob: 63fa964919d3a4fc46c46b0db01bc7b010d55e63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class CRWBrowsingDataStore;
namespace web {
// The policy to pass back to the CRWBrowsingDataStore when the
// CRWBrowsingDataStore's mode wants to become |ACTIVE|.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, BrowsingDataStoreMakeActivePolicy) {
// Adopt browsing data to the canonical path where web views store their
// browsing data.
ADOPT = 1,
// Restore browsing data from the stash path. This is the default policy and
// is the same policy that is used if the delegate was not implemented.
// The policy to pass back to the CRWBrowsingDataStore when the
// CRWBrowsingDataStore's mode wants to become |INACTIVE|.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, BrowsingDataStoreMakeInactivePolicy) {
// Delete browsing data created by the web views.
// Stash browsing data created by the web views. This is the default policy
// and is the same policy that is used if the delegate was not implemented.
} // namespace web
// The CRWBrowsingDataStoreDelegate has methods that can override the default
// behavior of a CRWBrowsingDataStore when a mode change occurs.
@protocol CRWBrowsingDataStoreDelegate<NSObject>
// Called when a CRWBrowsingDataStore wants to change its mode to |ACTIVE|.
- (web::BrowsingDataStoreMakeActivePolicy)
// Called when a CRWBrowsingDataStore wants to change its mode to |INACTIVE|.
- (web::BrowsingDataStoreMakeInactivePolicy)