blob: 2b92d7a758961ac65e2cb5e8b0bcb9e20e8fed1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/ink_drop.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/ink_drop_highlight_observer.h"
#include "ui/views/animation/ink_drop_ripple_observer.h"
#include "ui/views/views_export.h"
namespace base {
class Timer;
} // namespace base
namespace views {
namespace test {
class InkDropImplTestApi;
} // namespace test
class InkDropRipple;
class InkDropHost;
class InkDropHighlight;
class InkDropFactoryTest;
// A functional implementation of an InkDrop.
class VIEWS_EXPORT InkDropImpl : public InkDrop,
public InkDropRippleObserver,
public InkDropHighlightObserver {
// Constructs an ink drop that will attach the ink drop to the given
// |ink_drop_host|.
explicit InkDropImpl(InkDropHost* ink_drop_host);
~InkDropImpl() override;
// InkDrop:
InkDropState GetTargetInkDropState() const override;
void AnimateToState(InkDropState ink_drop_state) override;
void SnapToActivated() override;
void SetHovered(bool is_hovered) override;
void SetFocused(bool is_focused) override;
friend class test::InkDropImplTestApi;
// Destroys |ink_drop_ripple_| if it's targeted to the HIDDEN state.
void DestroyHiddenTargetedAnimations();
// Creates a new InkDropRipple and sets it to |ink_drop_ripple_|. If
// |ink_drop_ripple_| wasn't null then it will be destroyed using
// DestroyInkDropRipple().
void CreateInkDropRipple();
// Destroys the current |ink_drop_ripple_|.
void DestroyInkDropRipple();
// Creates a new InkDropHighlight and assigns it to |highlight_|. If
// |highlight_| wasn't null then it will be destroyed using
// DestroyInkDropHighlight().
void CreateInkDropHighlight();
// Destroys the current |highlight_|.
void DestroyInkDropHighlight();
// Adds the |root_layer_| to the |ink_drop_host_| if it hasn't already been
// added.
void AddRootLayerToHostIfNeeded();
// Removes the |root_layer_| from the |ink_drop_host_| if no ink drop ripple
// or highlight is active.
void RemoveRootLayerFromHostIfNeeded();
// Returns true if the highlight animation is in the process of fading in or
// is visible.
bool IsHighlightFadingInOrVisible() const;
// views::InkDropRippleObserver:
void AnimationStarted(InkDropState ink_drop_state) override;
void AnimationEnded(InkDropState ink_drop_state,
InkDropAnimationEndedReason reason) override;
// views::InkDropHighlightObserver:
void AnimationStarted(
InkDropHighlight::AnimationType animation_type) override;
void AnimationEnded(InkDropHighlight::AnimationType animation_type,
InkDropAnimationEndedReason reason) override;
// Enables or disables the highlight state based on |should_highlight| and if
// an animation is triggered it will be scheduled to have the given
// |animation_duration|. If |explode| is true the highlight will expand as it
// fades out. |explode| is ignored when |should_higlight| is true.
void SetHighlight(bool should_highlight,
base::TimeDelta animation_duration,
bool explode);
// Returns true if this ink drop is hovered or focused.
bool ShouldHighlight() const;
// Starts the |highlight_after_ripple_timer_| timer. This will stop the
// current
// |highlight_after_ripple_timer_| instance if it exists.
void StartHighlightAfterRippleTimer();
// Stops and destroys the current |highlight_after_ripple_timer_| instance.
void StopHighlightAfterRippleTimer();
// Callback for when the |highlight_after_ripple_timer_| fires.
void HighlightAfterRippleTimerFired();
// The host of the ink drop. Used to poll for information such as whether the
// highlight should be shown or not.
InkDropHost* ink_drop_host_;
// The root Layer that parents the InkDropRipple layers and the
// InkDropHighlight layers. The |root_layer_| is the one that is added and
// removed from the InkDropHost.
std::unique_ptr<ui::Layer> root_layer_;
// True when the |root_layer_| has been added to the |ink_drop_host_|.
bool root_layer_added_to_host_;
// The current InkDropHighlight. Lazily created using
// CreateInkDropHighlight();
std::unique_ptr<InkDropHighlight> highlight_;
// Tracks the logical hovered state of |this| as manipulated by the public
// SetHovered() function.
bool is_hovered_;
// Tracks the logical focused state of |this| as manipulated by the public
// SetFocused() function.
bool is_focused_;
// The current InkDropRipple. Created on demand using CreateInkDropRipple().
std::unique_ptr<InkDropRipple> ink_drop_ripple_;
// The timer used to delay the highlight fade in after an ink drop ripple
// animation.
std::unique_ptr<base::Timer> highlight_after_ripple_timer_;
} // namespace views