blob: cad5e20a5fff0cd0155b27dd1ddb90b766a4d575 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef BrowserControls_h
#define BrowserControls_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "public/platform/WebBrowserControlsState.h"
namespace blink {
class Page;
class FloatSize;
// This class encapsulate data and logic required to show/hide browser controls
// duplicating cc::BrowserControlsManager behaviour. Browser controls'
// self-animation to completion is still handled by compositor and kicks in
// when scrolling is complete (i.e, upon ScrollEnd or FlingEnd).
class CORE_EXPORT BrowserControls final
: public GarbageCollected<BrowserControls> {
static BrowserControls* Create(const Page& page) {
return new BrowserControls(page);
// The amount that the viewport was shrunk by to accommodate the top
// controls.
float LayoutHeight();
// The amount that browser controls are currently shown.
float ContentOffset();
float Height() const { return height_; }
bool ShrinkViewport() const { return shrink_viewport_; }
void SetHeight(float height, bool shrink_viewport);
float ShownRatio() const { return shown_ratio_; }
void SetShownRatio(float);
void UpdateConstraintsAndState(WebBrowserControlsState constraints,
WebBrowserControlsState current,
bool animate);
void ScrollBegin();
// Scrolls browser controls vertically if possible and returns the remaining
// scroll amount.
FloatSize ScrollBy(FloatSize scroll_delta);
WebBrowserControlsState PermittedState() const { return permitted_state_; }
explicit BrowserControls(const Page&);
void ResetBaseline();
Member<const Page> page_;
// The browser controls height regardless of whether it is visible or not.
float height_;
// The browser controls shown amount (normalized from 0 to 1) since the last
// compositor commit. This value is updated from two sources:
// (1) compositor (impl) thread at the beginning of frame if it has
// scrolled browser controls since last commit.
// (2) blink (main) thread updates this value if it scrolls browser controls
// when responding to gesture scroll events.
// This value is reflected in web layer tree and is synced with compositor
// during the commit.
float shown_ratio_;
// Content offset when last re-baseline occurred.
float baseline_content_offset_;
// Accumulated scroll delta since last re-baseline.
float accumulated_scroll_delta_;
// If this is true, then the embedder shrunk the WebView size by the top
// controls height.
bool shrink_viewport_;
// Constraints on the browser controls state
WebBrowserControlsState permitted_state_;
} // namespace blink
#endif // BrowserControls_h