blob: ef9ad934324dd78b12fa10f6648024684fe07568 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/omnibox/browser/omnibox_view.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/location_bar_controller.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_view_ios.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace ios {
class ChromeBrowserState;
namespace web {
class WebState;
@protocol BrowserCommands;
@protocol LocationBarDelegate;
@protocol LocationBarURLLoader;
@class PageInfoBridge;
class OmniboxViewIOS;
@class OmniboxClearButtonBridge;
@class OmniboxPopupCoordinator;
@protocol OmniboxPopupPositioner;
@class LocationBarView;
class ScopedFullscreenDisabler;
class ToolbarModel;
// Concrete implementation of the LocationBarController interface.
class LocationBarControllerImpl : public LocationBarController,
public LeftImageProvider {
LocationBarControllerImpl(LocationBarView* location_bar_view,
ios::ChromeBrowserState* browser_state,
id<LocationBarDelegate> delegate,
id<BrowserCommands> dispatcher);
~LocationBarControllerImpl() override;
void SetURLLoader(id<LocationBarURLLoader> URLLoader) {
URLLoader_ = URLLoader;
// Creates a popup coordinator and wires it to |edit_view_|.
OmniboxPopupCoordinator* CreatePopupCoordinator(
id<OmniboxPopupPositioner> positioner);
// OmniboxEditController implementation
void OnAutocompleteAccept(const GURL& url,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
ui::PageTransition transition,
AutocompleteMatchType::Type type) override;
void OnChanged() override;
void OnInputInProgress(bool in_progress) override;
void OnSetFocus() override;
ToolbarModel* GetToolbarModel() override;
const ToolbarModel* GetToolbarModel() const override;
// WebOmniboxEditController implementation.
web::WebState* GetWebState() override;
void OnKillFocus() override;
// LocationBarController implementation.
void OnToolbarUpdated() override;
void HideKeyboardAndEndEditing() override;
void SetShouldShowHintText(bool show_hint_text) override;
const OmniboxView* GetLocationEntry() const override;
OmniboxView* GetLocationEntry() override;
bool IsShowingPlaceholderWhileCollapsed() override;
// LeftImageProvider implementation.
void SetLeftImage(int ImageId) override;
// Installs a UIButton that serves as the location icon and lock icon. This
// button is installed as a left view of |field_|.
void InstallLocationIcon();
// Creates and installs the voice search UIButton as a right view of |field_|.
// Does nothing on tablet.
void InstallVoiceSearchIcon();
// Creates the clear text UIButton to be used as a right view of |field_|.
void CreateClearTextIcon(bool is_incognito);
// Updates the view to show the appropriate button (e.g. clear text or voice
// search) on the right side of |field_|.
void UpdateRightDecorations();
bool show_hint_text_;
__strong UIButton* clear_text_button_;
std::unique_ptr<OmniboxViewIOS> edit_view_;
__strong OmniboxClearButtonBridge* clear_button_bridge_;
// A bridge from a UIControl action to the dispatcher to display a page
// info popup.
__strong PageInfoBridge* page_info_bridge_;
LocationBarView* location_bar_view_;
__weak id<LocationBarDelegate> delegate_;
__weak id<LocationBarURLLoader> URLLoader_;
// Dispatcher to send commands from the location bar.
__weak id<BrowserCommands> dispatcher_;
// The BrowserState passed on construction.
ios::ChromeBrowserState* browser_state_;
// The disabler that prevents fullscreen calculations to occur while the
// location bar is focused.
std::unique_ptr<ScopedFullscreenDisabler> fullscreen_disabler_;
bool is_showing_placeholder_while_collapsed_;