blob: 1f66cf6ca18930f23576f7c15c29fdae4b080749 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/login_status.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/i18n/time_formatting.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
namespace base {
class TimeDelta;
class TimeTicks;
namespace ash {
struct IMEInfo;
struct IMEPropertyInfo;
class SystemTray;
class SystemTrayItem;
using IMEInfoList = std::vector<IMEInfo>;
using IMEPropertyInfoList = std::vector<IMEPropertyInfo>;
class NetworkingConfigDelegate;
// SystemTrayDelegate is intended for delegating tasks in the System Tray to the
// application (e.g. Chrome). These tasks should be limited to application
// (browser) specific tasks. For non application specific tasks, where possible,
// components/, chromeos/, device/, etc., code should be used directly.
// DEPRECATED: This class is being replaced with SystemTrayController and
// SessionController to support mash/mustash. Add new code to those classes.
class ASH_EXPORT SystemTrayDelegate {
virtual ~SystemTrayDelegate();
// Called after SystemTray has been instantiated.
virtual void Initialize();
// Gets information about the active user.
virtual LoginStatus GetUserLoginStatus() const;
// Returns the domain that manages the device, if it is enterprise-enrolled.
virtual std::string GetEnterpriseDomain() const;
// Returns the realm that manages the device, if it is enterprise enrolled
// with Active Directory and joined the realm (Active Directory domain).
virtual std::string GetEnterpriseRealm() const;
// Returns notification for enterprise enrolled devices.
virtual base::string16 GetEnterpriseMessage() const;
// Shows information about enterprise enrolled devices.
virtual void ShowEnterpriseInfo();
// Shows login UI to add other users to this session.
virtual void ShowUserLogin();
// Returns the currently selected IME.
virtual void GetCurrentIME(IMEInfo* info);
// Returns a list of availble IMEs.
virtual void GetAvailableIMEList(IMEInfoList* list);
// Returns a list of properties for the currently selected IME.
virtual void GetCurrentIMEProperties(IMEPropertyInfoList* list);
// Returns a non-empty string if IMEs are managed by policy.
virtual base::string16 GetIMEManagedMessage();
// Switches to the selected input method.
virtual void SwitchIME(const std::string& ime_id);
// Activates an IME property.
virtual void ActivateIMEProperty(const std::string& key);
// Returns NetworkingConfigDelegate. May return nullptr.
virtual NetworkingConfigDelegate* GetNetworkingConfigDelegate() const;
// Retrieves the session start time. Returns |false| if the time is not set.
virtual bool GetSessionStartTime(base::TimeTicks* session_start_time);
// Retrieves the session length limit. Returns |false| if no limit is set.
virtual bool GetSessionLengthLimit(base::TimeDelta* session_length_limit);
// The active user has been changed. This will be called when the UI is ready
// to be switched to the new user.
// Note: This will happen after SessionObserver::ActiveUserChanged fires.
virtual void ActiveUserWasChanged();
// Returns true when the Search key is configured to be treated as Caps Lock.
virtual bool IsSearchKeyMappedToCapsLock();
// Creates a system tray item for display rotation lock.
// TODO(jamescook): Remove this when mus has support for display management
// and we have a DisplayManager equivalent. See
virtual std::unique_ptr<SystemTrayItem> CreateRotationLockTrayItem(
SystemTray* tray);
} // namespace ash