blob: 45d22ea8d0a74a0c402f3a7e2e28a841098a4354 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app_constants.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app_id.h"
#include "chrome/browser/web_applications/web_app_shortcut_manager.h"
#include "components/services/app_service/public/cpp/file_handler.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_remote.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
class Profile;
namespace web_app {
class WebAppRegistrar;
class WebAppSyncBridge;
class WebAppFileHandlerManager {
explicit WebAppFileHandlerManager(Profile* profile);
WebAppFileHandlerManager(const WebAppFileHandlerManager&) = delete;
WebAppFileHandlerManager& operator=(const WebAppFileHandlerManager&) = delete;
virtual ~WebAppFileHandlerManager();
void SetSubsystems(WebAppSyncBridge* sync_bridge);
void Start();
// Disables OS integrations, such as shortcut creation on Linux or modifying
// the registry on Windows, to prevent side effects while testing. Note: When
// disabled, file handling integration will not work on most operating
// systems.
void DisableOsIntegrationForTesting();
// This is needed because cleanup can run before the tests have finished
// setting up.
static void DisableAutomaticFileHandlerCleanupForTesting();
// Manually trigger file handler cleanup for tests. Returns the number of file
// handlers which were cleaned up. After the origin trial for file handling is
// completed this can be removed.
int TriggerFileHandlerCleanupForTesting();
// Called by tests to enable file handling icon infrastructure on a platform
// independently of whether it's needed or used in production. Note that the
// feature flag must also separately be enabled.
static void SetIconsSupportedByOsForTesting(bool value);
// Returns |app_id|'s URL registered to handle |launch_files|'s extensions, or
// nullopt otherwise.
const absl::optional<GURL> GetMatchingFileHandlerURL(
const AppId& app_id,
const std::vector<base::FilePath>& launch_files);
// Enables and registers OS specific file handlers for OSs that need them.
// Currently on Chrome OS, file handlers are enabled and registered as long as
// the app is installed.
void EnableAndRegisterOsFileHandlers(const AppId& app_id);
// Disables file handlers for all OSs and unregisters OS specific file
// handlers for OSs that need them. On Chrome OS file handlers are registered
// separately but they are still enabled and disabled here.
void DisableAndUnregisterOsFileHandlers(const AppId& app_id,
ResultCallback callback);
// Gets all enabled file handlers for |app_id|. |nullptr| if the app has no
// enabled file handlers. Note: The lifetime of the file handlers are tied to
// the app they belong to.
const apps::FileHandlers* GetEnabledFileHandlers(const AppId& app_id) const;
// Determines whether file handling is allowed for |app_id|. This is true if
// the app has a valid origin trial token for the file handling API or if the
// FileHandlingAPI flag is enabled.
bool IsFileHandlingAPIAvailable(const AppId& app_id) const;
// Returns true when the system supports file type association icons.
static bool IconsEnabled();
// Gets all file handlers for |app_id|. |nullptr| if the app has no file
// handlers or if app_id was uninstalled.
// Note: The lifetime of the file handlers are tied to the app they belong to.
// `virtual` for testing.
virtual const apps::FileHandlers* GetAllFileHandlers(
const AppId& app_id) const;
// Removes file handlers whose origin trials have expired (assuming
// kFileHandlingAPI isn't enabled). Returns the number of apps that had file
// handlers unregistered, for use in tests.
int CleanupAfterOriginTrials();
// Sets whether `app_id` should have its File Handling abilities surfaces in
// the OS. In theory, this should match the actual OS integration state (e.g.
// the contents of the .desktop file on Linux), however, that's only enforced
// on a best-effort basis.
void SetOsIntegrationState(const AppId& app_id, OsIntegrationState os_state);
// Indicates whether file handlers should be OS-registered for an app. As with
// `SetOsIntegrationState()`, there may be a mismatch with the actual OS
// registry.
bool ShouldOsIntegrationBeEnabled(const AppId& app_id) const;
const WebAppRegistrar* GetRegistrar() const;
static bool disable_automatic_file_handler_cleanup_for_testing_;
bool disable_os_integration_for_testing_ = false;
const raw_ptr<Profile> profile_;
raw_ptr<WebAppSyncBridge> sync_bridge_ = nullptr;
base::WeakPtrFactory<WebAppFileHandlerManager> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace web_app