blob: 9c2d2fc8143d7cd56a7b325cc4c4e4f3f710cf88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/shelf/shelf_application_menu_model.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include "ash/public/cpp/shelf_item_delegate.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "ui/display/types/display_constants.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
namespace {
const int kInvalidCommandId = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
} // namespace
namespace ash {
const base::string16& title,
std::vector<mojom::MenuItemPtr> items,
ShelfItemDelegate* delegate)
: ui::SimpleMenuModel(this), items_(std::move(items)), delegate_(delegate) {
AddItem(kInvalidCommandId, title);
for (size_t i = 0; i < items_.size(); i++) {
mojom::MenuItem* item = items_[i].get();
AddItem(i, item->label);
if (!item->image.isNull())
SetIcon(GetIndexOfCommandId(i), gfx::Image(item->image));
// SimpleMenuModel does not allow two consecutive spacing separator items.
// This only occurs in tests; users should not see menus with no |items_|.
if (!items_.empty())
ShelfApplicationMenuModel::~ShelfApplicationMenuModel() = default;
bool ShelfApplicationMenuModel::IsCommandIdChecked(int command_id) const {
return false;
bool ShelfApplicationMenuModel::IsCommandIdEnabled(int command_id) const {
return command_id >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(command_id) < items_.size();
void ShelfApplicationMenuModel::ExecuteCommand(int command_id,
int event_flags) {
// Have the delegate execute its own custom command id for the given item.
if (delegate_) {
// The display hosting the menu is irrelevant, windows activate in-place.
delegate_->ExecuteCommand(false, items_[command_id]->command_id,
event_flags, display::kInvalidDisplayId);
RecordMenuItemSelectedMetrics(command_id, items_.size());
void ShelfApplicationMenuModel::RecordMenuItemSelectedMetrics(
int command_id,
int num_menu_items_enabled) {
UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Ash.Shelf.Menu.SelectedMenuItemIndex", command_id);
} // namespace ash