blob: d024d3049595d4a90f6c5d7a13792cee33546ef0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sstream>
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "content/common/content_security_policy/csp_context.h"
namespace content {
namespace {
static CSPDirective::Name CSPFallback(CSPDirective::Name directive) {
switch (directive) {
case CSPDirective::DefaultSrc:
case CSPDirective::FormAction:
case CSPDirective::UpgradeInsecureRequests:
case CSPDirective::NavigateTo:
return CSPDirective::Unknown;
case CSPDirective::FrameSrc:
return CSPDirective::ChildSrc;
case CSPDirective::ChildSrc:
return CSPDirective::DefaultSrc;
case CSPDirective::Unknown:
return CSPDirective::Unknown;
return CSPDirective::Unknown;
// Looks by name for a directive in a list of directives.
// If it is not found, returns nullptr.
static const CSPDirective* FindDirective(
const CSPDirective::Name name,
const std::vector<CSPDirective>& directives) {
for (const CSPDirective& directive : directives) {
if ( == name) {
return &directive;
return nullptr;
std::string ElideURLForReportViolation(const GURL& url) {
// TODO(arthursonzogni): the url length should be limited to 1024 char. Find
// a function that will not break the utf8 encoding while eliding the string.
return url.spec();
void ReportViolation(CSPContext* context,
const ContentSecurityPolicy& policy,
const CSPDirective& directive,
const CSPDirective::Name directive_name,
const GURL& url,
bool has_followed_redirect,
const SourceLocation& source_location) {
// We should never have a violation against `child-src` or `default-src`
// directly; the effective directive should always be one of the explicit
// fetch directives.
DCHECK_NE(directive_name, CSPDirective::DefaultSrc);
DCHECK_NE(directive_name, CSPDirective::ChildSrc);
// For security reasons, some urls must not be disclosed. This includes the
// blocked url and the source location of the error. Care must be taken to
// ensure that these are not transmitted between different cross-origin
// renderers.
GURL safe_url = url;
SourceLocation safe_source_location = source_location;
has_followed_redirect, directive_name, &safe_url, &safe_source_location);
std::stringstream message;
if (policy.header.type == blink::kWebContentSecurityPolicyTypeReport)
message << "[Report Only] ";
if (directive_name == CSPDirective::FormAction)
message << "Refused to send form data to '";
else if (directive_name == CSPDirective::FrameSrc)
message << "Refused to frame '";
else if (directive_name == CSPDirective::NavigateTo)
message << "Refused to navigate to '";
message << ElideURLForReportViolation(safe_url)
<< "' because it violates the following Content Security Policy "
"directive: \""
<< directive.ToString() << "\".";
if ( != directive_name)
message << " Note that '" << CSPDirective::NameToString(directive_name)
<< "' was not explicitly set, so '"
<< CSPDirective::NameToString(
<< "' is used as a fallback.";
message << "\n";
CSPDirective::NameToString(directive_name), message.str(), safe_url,
policy.report_endpoints, policy.use_reporting_api,
policy.header.header_value, policy.header.type, has_followed_redirect,
bool AllowDirective(CSPContext* context,
const ContentSecurityPolicy& policy,
const CSPDirective& directive,
CSPDirective::Name directive_name,
const GURL& url,
bool has_followed_redirect,
bool is_response_check,
const SourceLocation& source_location) {
if (CSPSourceList::Allow(directive.source_list, url, context,
has_followed_redirect, is_response_check)) {
return true;
ReportViolation(context, policy, directive, directive_name, url,
has_followed_redirect, source_location);
return false;
const GURL ExtractInnerURL(const GURL& url) {
if (const GURL* inner_url = url.inner_url())
return *inner_url;
// TODO(arthursonzogni): revisit this once GURL::inner_url support blob-URL.
return GURL(url.path());
bool ShouldBypassContentSecurityPolicy(CSPContext* context, const GURL& url) {
if (url.SchemeIsFileSystem() || url.SchemeIsBlob()) {
return context->SchemeShouldBypassCSP(ExtractInnerURL(url).scheme());
} else {
return context->SchemeShouldBypassCSP(url.scheme());
} // namespace
ContentSecurityPolicy::ContentSecurityPolicy() = default;
const ContentSecurityPolicyHeader& header,
const std::vector<CSPDirective>& directives,
const std::vector<std::string>& report_endpoints,
bool use_reporting_api)
: header(header),
use_reporting_api(use_reporting_api) {}
const ContentSecurityPolicy& other) = default;
ContentSecurityPolicy::~ContentSecurityPolicy() = default;
// static
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::Allow(const ContentSecurityPolicy& policy,
CSPDirective::Name directive_name,
const GURL& url,
bool has_followed_redirect,
bool is_response_check,
CSPContext* context,
const SourceLocation& source_location,
bool is_form_submission) {
if (ShouldBypassContentSecurityPolicy(context, url))
return true;
// 'navigate-to' has no effect when doing a form submission and a
// 'form-action' directive is present.
if (is_form_submission && directive_name == CSPDirective::Name::NavigateTo &&
FindDirective(CSPDirective::Name::FormAction, policy.directives)) {
return true;
CSPDirective::Name current_directive_name = directive_name;
do {
const CSPDirective* current_directive =
FindDirective(current_directive_name, policy.directives);
if (current_directive) {
bool allowed = AllowDirective(context, policy, *current_directive,
directive_name, url, has_followed_redirect,
is_response_check, source_location);
return allowed ||
policy.header.type == blink::kWebContentSecurityPolicyTypeReport;
current_directive_name = CSPFallback(current_directive_name);
} while (current_directive_name != CSPDirective::Unknown);
return true;
std::string ContentSecurityPolicy::ToString() const {
std::stringstream text;
bool is_first_policy = true;
for (const CSPDirective& directive : directives) {
if (!is_first_policy)
text << "; ";
is_first_policy = false;
text << directive.ToString();
if (!report_endpoints.empty()) {
if (!is_first_policy)
text << "; ";
is_first_policy = false;
text << "report-uri";
for (const std::string& endpoint : report_endpoints)
text << " " << endpoint;
return text.str();
// static
bool ContentSecurityPolicy::ShouldUpgradeInsecureRequest(
const ContentSecurityPolicy& policy) {
for (const CSPDirective& directive : policy.directives) {
if ( == CSPDirective::UpgradeInsecureRequests)
return true;
return false;
} // namespace content