blob: 1553996c3809b5a9b7d152e09a6b715e9f0055cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop_current.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_pump.h"
#include "base/message_loop/pending_task_queue.h"
#include "base/message_loop/timer_slack.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/pending_task.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/sequence_local_storage_map.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
class MessageLoopImpl;
namespace sequence_manager {
class LazyThreadControllerForTest;
namespace internal {
class SequenceManagerImpl;
} // namespace sequence_manager
// A MessageLoop is used to process events for a particular thread. There is
// at most one MessageLoop instance per thread.
// Events include at a minimum Task instances submitted to the MessageLoop's
// TaskRunner. Depending on the Type of message pump used by the MessageLoop
// other events such as UI messages may be processed. On Windows APC calls (as
// time permits) and signals sent to a registered set of HANDLEs may also be
// processed.
// The MessageLoop's API should only be used directly by its owner (and users
// which the owner opts to share a MessageLoop* with). Other ways to access
// subsets of the MessageLoop API:
// - base::RunLoop : Drive the MessageLoop from the thread it's bound to.
// - base::Thread/SequencedTaskRunnerHandle : Post back to the MessageLoop
// from a task running on it.
// - SequenceLocalStorageSlot : Bind external state to this MessageLoop.
// - base::MessageLoopCurrent : Access statically exposed APIs of this
// MessageLoop.
// - Embedders may provide their own static accessors to post tasks on
// specific loops (e.g. content::BrowserThreads).
// NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, a MessageLoop's methods may only be called
// on the thread where the MessageLoop's Run method executes.
// NOTE: MessageLoop has task reentrancy protection. This means that if a
// task is being processed, a second task cannot start until the first task is
// finished. Reentrancy can happen when processing a task, and an inner
// message pump is created. That inner pump then processes native messages
// which could implicitly start an inner task. Inner message pumps are created
// with dialogs (DialogBox), common dialogs (GetOpenFileName), OLE functions
// (DoDragDrop), printer functions (StartDoc) and *many* others.
// Sample workaround when inner task processing is needed:
// HRESULT hr;
// {
// MessageLoopCurrent::ScopedNestableTaskAllower allow;
// hr = DoDragDrop(...); // Implicitly runs a modal message loop.
// }
// // Process |hr| (the result returned by DoDragDrop()).
// Please be SURE your task is reentrant (nestable) and all global variables
// are stable and accessible before calling SetNestableTasksAllowed(true).
class BASE_EXPORT MessageLoop {
// TODO(gab): Migrate usage of this class to MessageLoopCurrent and remove
// this forwarded declaration.
using DestructionObserver = MessageLoopCurrent::DestructionObserver;
// A MessageLoop has a particular type, which indicates the set of
// asynchronous events it may process in addition to tasks and timers.
// This type of ML only supports tasks and timers.
// This type of ML also supports native UI events (e.g., Windows messages).
// See also MessageLoopForUI.
// This type of ML also supports asynchronous IO. See also
// MessageLoopForIO.
// This type of ML is backed by a Java message handler which is responsible
// for running the tasks added to the ML. This is only for use on Android.
// TYPE_JAVA behaves in essence like TYPE_UI, except during construction
// where it does not use the main thread specific pump factory.
// MessagePump was supplied to constructor.
enum Type {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Normally, it is not necessary to instantiate a MessageLoop. Instead, it
// is typical to make use of the current thread's MessageLoop instance.
explicit MessageLoop(Type type = TYPE_DEFAULT);
// Creates a TYPE_CUSTOM MessageLoop with the supplied MessagePump, which must
// be non-NULL.
explicit MessageLoop(std::unique_ptr<MessagePump> pump);
virtual ~MessageLoop();
using MessagePumpFactory = std::unique_ptr<MessagePump>();
// Uses the given base::MessagePumpForUIFactory to override the default
// MessagePump implementation for 'TYPE_UI'. Returns true if the factory
// was successfully registered.
static bool InitMessagePumpForUIFactory(MessagePumpFactory* factory);
// Creates the default MessagePump based on |type|. Caller owns return
// value.
static std::unique_ptr<MessagePump> CreateMessagePumpForType(Type type);
// Set the timer slack for this message loop.
void SetTimerSlack(TimerSlack timer_slack) {
// Returns true if this loop is |type|. This allows subclasses (especially
// those in tests) to specialize how they are identified.
virtual bool IsType(Type type) const;
// Returns the type passed to the constructor.
Type type() const { return type_; }
// Returns the name of the thread this message loop is bound to. This function
// is only valid when this message loop is running, BindToCurrentThread has
// already been called and has an "happens-before" relationship with this call
// (this relationship is obtained implicitly by the MessageLoop's task posting
// system unless calling this very early).
std::string GetThreadName() const;
// Gets the TaskRunner associated with this message loop.
const scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner>& task_runner() const;
// Sets a new TaskRunner for this message loop. If the message loop was
// already bound, this must be called on the thread to which it is bound.
void SetTaskRunner(scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner);
// TODO( Remove users of TaskObservers through
// MessageLoop::current() and migrate the type back here.
// This alias is deprecated. Use base::TaskObserver instead.
// TODO(yutak): Replace all the use sites with base::TaskObserver.
using TaskObserver = MessageLoopCurrent::TaskObserver;
// These functions can only be called on the same thread that |this| is
// running on.
// These functions must not be called from a TaskObserver callback.
void AddTaskObserver(TaskObserver* task_observer);
void RemoveTaskObserver(TaskObserver* task_observer);
// When this functionality is enabled, the queue time will be recorded for
// posted tasks.
void SetAddQueueTimeToTasks(bool enable);
// Returns true if this is the active MessageLoop for the current thread.
bool IsBoundToCurrentThread() const;
// Returns true if the message loop is idle (ignoring delayed tasks). This is
// the same condition which triggers DoWork() to return false: i.e.
// out of tasks which can be processed at the current run-level -- there might
// be deferred non-nestable tasks remaining if currently in a nested run
// level.
bool IsIdleForTesting();
MessageLoopImpl* impl_for_testing() { return message_loop_impl_.get(); }
using MessagePumpFactoryCallback =
// Common protected constructor. Other constructors delegate the
// initialization to this constructor.
// A subclass can invoke this constructor to create a message_loop of a
// specific type with a custom loop. The implementation does not call
// BindToCurrentThread. If this constructor is invoked directly by a subclass,
// then the subclass must subsequently bind the message loop.
MessageLoop(Type type, MessagePumpFactoryCallback pump_factory);
// Configure various members and bind this message loop to the current thread.
void BindToCurrentThread();
// A raw pointer to the MessagePump handed-off to |message_loop_impl_|.
// Valid for the lifetime of |message_loop_impl_|.
MessagePump* pump_;
std::unique_ptr<MessageLoopImpl> message_loop_impl_;
friend class MessageLoopCurrent;
friend class MessageLoopCurrentForIO;
friend class MessageLoopCurrentForUI;
friend class MessageLoopTaskRunnerTest;
friend class ScheduleWorkTest;
friend class sequence_manager::LazyThreadControllerForTest;
friend class sequence_manager::internal::SequenceManagerImpl;
friend class Thread;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MessageLoopTest, DeleteUnboundLoop);
friend class MessageLoopTaskRunnerTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MessageLoopTest, DeleteUnboundLoop);
// Creates a MessageLoop without binding to a thread.
// If |type| is TYPE_CUSTOM non-null |pump_factory| must be also given
// to create a message pump for this message loop. Otherwise a default
// message pump for the |type| is created.
// It is valid to call this to create a new message loop on one thread,
// and then pass it to the thread where the message loop actually runs.
// The message loop's BindToCurrentThread() method must be called on the
// thread the message loop runs on, before calling Run().
// Before BindToCurrentThread() is called, only Post*Task() functions can
// be called on the message loop.
static std::unique_ptr<MessageLoop> CreateUnbound(
Type type,
MessagePumpFactoryCallback pump_factory);
// Explicitly allow or disallow task execution. Task execution is disallowed
// implicitly when we enter a nested runloop.
void SetTaskExecutionAllowed(bool allowed);
// Whether task execution is allowed at the moment.
bool IsTaskExecutionAllowed() const;
void DeletePendingTasks();
bool HasTasks() const;
// Returns |next_run_time| capped at 1 day from |recent_time_|. This is used
// to mitigate where some platforms are unhappy with
// delays > 100,000,000 seconds. In practice, a diagnosis metric showed that
// no sleep > 1 hour ever completes (always interrupted by an earlier
// MessageLoop event) and 99% of completed sleeps are the ones scheduled for
// <= 1 second. Details @
TimeTicks CapAtOneDay(TimeTicks next_run_time);
std::unique_ptr<MessagePump> CreateMessagePump();
const Type type_;
ObserverList<DestructionObserver>::Unchecked destruction_observers_;
// pump_factory_.Run() is called to create a message pump for this loop
// if |type_| is TYPE_CUSTOM and |pump_| is null.
MessagePumpFactoryCallback pump_factory_;
// Id of the thread this message loop is bound to. Initialized once when the
// MessageLoop is bound to its thread and constant forever after.
PlatformThreadId thread_id_ = kInvalidThreadId;
// Verifies that calls are made on the thread on which BindToCurrentThread()
// was invoked.
#if !defined(OS_NACL)
// MessageLoopForUI extends MessageLoop with methods that are particular to a
// MessageLoop instantiated with TYPE_UI.
// By instantiating a MessageLoopForUI on the current thread, the owner enables
// native UI message pumping.
// MessageLoopCurrentForUI is exposed statically on its thread via
// MessageLoopCurrentForUI::Get() to provide additional functionality.
class BASE_EXPORT MessageLoopForUI : public MessageLoop {
explicit MessageLoopForUI(Type type = TYPE_UI);
// TODO(gab): Mass migrate callers to MessageLoopCurrentForUI::Get()/IsSet().
static MessageLoopCurrentForUI current();
static bool IsCurrent();
#if defined(OS_IOS)
// On iOS, the main message loop cannot be Run(). Instead call Attach(),
// which connects this MessageLoop to the UI thread's CFRunLoop and allows
// PostTask() to work.
void Attach();
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// On Android there are cases where we want to abort immediately without
// calling Quit(), in these cases we call Abort().
void Abort();
// True if this message pump has been aborted.
bool IsAborted();
// Since Run() is never called on Android, and the message loop is run by the
// java Looper, quitting the RunLoop won't join the thread, so we need a
// callback to run when the RunLoop goes idle to let the Java thread know when
// it can safely quit.
void QuitWhenIdle(base::OnceClosure callback);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// See method of the same name in the Windows MessagePumpForUI implementation.
void EnableWmQuit();
// Do not add any member variables to MessageLoopForUI! This is important b/c
// MessageLoopForUI is often allocated via MessageLoop(TYPE_UI). Any extra
// data that you need should be stored on the MessageLoop's pump_ instance.
static_assert(sizeof(MessageLoop) == sizeof(MessageLoopForUI),
"MessageLoopForUI should not have extra member variables");
#endif // !defined(OS_NACL)
// MessageLoopForIO extends MessageLoop with methods that are particular to a
// MessageLoop instantiated with TYPE_IO.
// By instantiating a MessageLoopForIO on the current thread, the owner enables
// native async IO message pumping.
// MessageLoopCurrentForIO is exposed statically on its thread via
// MessageLoopCurrentForIO::Get() to provide additional functionality.
class BASE_EXPORT MessageLoopForIO : public MessageLoop {
MessageLoopForIO() : MessageLoop(TYPE_IO) {}
// TODO(gab): Mass migrate callers to MessageLoopCurrentForIO::Get()/IsSet().
static MessageLoopCurrentForIO current();
static bool IsCurrent();
// Do not add any member variables to MessageLoopForIO! This is important b/c
// MessageLoopForIO is often allocated via MessageLoop(TYPE_IO). Any extra
// data that you need should be stored on the MessageLoop's pump_ instance.
static_assert(sizeof(MessageLoop) == sizeof(MessageLoopForIO),
"MessageLoopForIO should not have extra member variables");
} // namespace base