blob: a94b0b0def65c08da85a5262493fa1bc4cce5159 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/credential_provider_signin_dialog_win.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/credential_provider_signin_info_fetcher_win.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_promo.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_dialogs.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/chrome_web_contents_handler.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/credential_provider/common/gcp_strings.h"
#include "components/keep_alive_registry/keep_alive_types.h"
#include "components/keep_alive_registry/scoped_keep_alive.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/signin_metrics.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
#include "content/public/browser/storage_partition.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_ui_message_handler.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/webview/web_dialog_view.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
#include "ui/web_dialogs/web_dialog_delegate.h"
namespace {
// This message must match the one sent in inline_login.js: sendLSTFetchResults.
constexpr char kLSTFetchResultsMessage[] = "lstFetchResults";
void HandleAllGcpwInfoFetched(
std::unique_ptr<ScopedKeepAlive> keep_alive,
std::unique_ptr<CredentialProviderSigninInfoFetcher> fetcher,
base::Value signin_result,
base::Value fetch_result) {
if (!signin_result.DictEmpty() && !fetch_result.DictEmpty()) {
std::string json_result;
if (base::JSONWriter::Write(signin_result, &json_result) &&
!json_result.empty()) {
// TODO( output to the correct pipe the JSON result of
// the user sign in.
// Release the fetcher and mark it for eventual delete. It is not immediately
// deleted here in case it still wants to do further processing after
// returning from this callback
base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, fetcher.release());
// Release the keep_alive implicitly and allow the dialog to die.
void HandleSigninCompleteForGcpwLogin(
std::unique_ptr<ScopedKeepAlive> keep_alive,
base::Value signin_result,
const std::string& access_token,
const std::string& refresh_token,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory) {
access_token.empty() && refresh_token.empty());
if (!signin_result.DictEmpty()) {
// Create the fetcher and pass it to the callback so that it can be
// deleted once it is finished.
auto fetcher = std::make_unique<CredentialProviderSigninInfoFetcher>(
refresh_token, url_loader_factory);
base::BindOnce(&HandleAllGcpwInfoFetched, std::move(keep_alive),
std::move(fetcher), std::move(signin_result)));
// If the function has not pass ownership of the keep alive yet at this point
// this means there was some error reading the sign in result or the result
// was empty. In this case, return from the method which will implicitly
// release the keep_alive which will close and release everything.
class CredentialProviderWebUIMessageHandler
: public content::WebUIMessageHandler {
explicit CredentialProviderWebUIMessageHandler(
HandleGcpwSigninCompleteResult signin_callback)
: signin_callback_(std::move(signin_callback)) {}
// content::WebUIMessageHandler:
void RegisterMessages() override {
base::Value ParseArgs(const base::ListValue* args,
std::string* out_access_token,
std::string* out_refresh_token) {
const base::Value* dict_result = nullptr;
if (!args || args->empty() || !args->Get(0, &dict_result) ||
!dict_result->is_dict()) {
return base::Value(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
const base::Value* email = dict_result->FindKeyOfType(
credential_provider::kKeyEmail, base::Value::Type::STRING);
const base::Value* password = dict_result->FindKeyOfType(
credential_provider::kKeyPassword, base::Value::Type::STRING);
const base::Value* id = dict_result->FindKeyOfType(
credential_provider::kKeyId, base::Value::Type::STRING);
const base::Value* access_token = dict_result->FindKeyOfType(
credential_provider::kKeyAccessToken, base::Value::Type::STRING);
const base::Value* refresh_token = dict_result->FindKeyOfType(
credential_provider::kKeyRefreshToken, base::Value::Type::STRING);
if (!email || email->GetString().empty() || !password ||
password->GetString().empty() || !id || id->GetString().empty() ||
!access_token || access_token->GetString().empty() || !refresh_token ||
refresh_token->GetString().empty()) {
return base::Value(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
*out_access_token = access_token->GetString();
*out_refresh_token = refresh_token->GetString();
return dict_result->Clone();
void OnSigninComplete(const base::ListValue* args) {
std::string access_token;
std::string refresh_token;
base::Value signin_result = ParseArgs(args, &access_token, &refresh_token);
content::WebContents* contents = web_ui()->GetWebContents();
content::StoragePartition* partition =
contents->GetBrowserContext(), signin::GetSigninPartitionURL());
// Regardless of the results of ParseArgs, |signin_callback_| will always
// be called to allow it to release any additional references it may hold
// (like the keep_alive in HandleSigninCompleteForGCPWLogin) or perform
// possible error handling.
.Run(std::move(signin_result), access_token, refresh_token,
HandleGcpwSigninCompleteResult signin_callback_;
} // namespace
// Delegate to control a views::WebDialogView for purposes of showing a gaia
// sign in page for purposes of the credential provider.
class CredentialProviderWebDialogDelegate : public ui::WebDialogDelegate {
// |reauth_email| is used to pre fill in the sign in dialog with the user's
// e-mail during a reauthorize sign in. This type of sign in is used to update
// the user's password.
const std::string& reauth_email,
HandleGcpwSigninCompleteResult signin_callback)
: reauth_email_(reauth_email),
signin_callback_(std::move(signin_callback)) {}
GURL GetDialogContentURL() const override {
signin_metrics::AccessPoint access_point =
signin_metrics::Reason reason =
return reauth_email_.empty()
? signin::GetPromoURLForDialog(access_point, reason, false)
: signin::GetReauthURLWithEmailForDialog(access_point, reason,
ui::ModalType GetDialogModalType() const override {
base::string16 GetDialogTitle() const override { return base::string16(); }
base::string16 GetAccessibleDialogTitle() const override {
return base::string16();
std::string GetDialogName() const override {
// Return an empty window name; otherwise chrome will try to persist the
// window's position and DCHECK.
return std::string();
void GetWebUIMessageHandlers(
std::vector<content::WebUIMessageHandler*>* handlers) const override {
// The WebDialogUI will own and delete this message handler.
new CredentialProviderWebUIMessageHandler(std::move(signin_callback_)));
void GetDialogSize(gfx::Size* size) const override {
// TODO( Figure out exactly what size the dialog should
// be.
size->SetSize(448, 610);
void GetMinimumDialogSize(gfx::Size* size) const override {
std::string GetDialogArgs() const override { return std::string(); }
void OnDialogClosed(const std::string& json_retval) override {
// Class owns itself and thus needs to be deleted eventually after the
// closed call back has been signalled since it will no longer be accessed
// by the WebDialogView.
base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, this);
void OnCloseContents(content::WebContents* source,
bool* out_close_dialog) override {}
bool HandleContextMenu(const content::ContextMenuParams& params) override {
return true;
bool ShouldShowDialogTitle() const override { return false; }
// E-mail used to pre-fill the e-mail field when a reauth signin is required.
std::string reauth_email_;
// Callback that will be called when a valid sign in has been completed
// through the dialog.
mutable HandleGcpwSigninCompleteResult signin_callback_;
bool ValidateSigninCompleteResult(const std::string& access_token,
const std::string& refresh_token,
const base::Value& signin_result) {
return !access_token.empty() && !refresh_token.empty() &&
void StartGCPWSignin(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
content::BrowserContext* context) {
// This keep_alive is created since there is no browser created when
// --gcpw-logon is specified. Since there is no browser there is no holder of
// a ScopedKeepAlive present that will ensure Chrome kills itself when the
// last keep alive is released. So instead, keep the keep alive across the
// callbacks that will be sent during the signin process. Once the full fetch
// of the information necesssary for the GCPW is finished (or there is a
// failure) release the keep alive so that Chrome can shutdown.
command_line, context,
views::WebDialogView* ShowCredentialProviderSigninDialog(
const base::CommandLine& command_line,
content::BrowserContext* context,
HandleGcpwSigninCompleteResult signin_complete_handler) {
// Open a frameless window whose entire surface displays a gaia sign in web
// page.
std::string reauth_email =
// Delegate to handle the result of the sign in request. This will
// delete itself eventually when it receives the OnDialogClosed call.
auto delegate = std::make_unique<CredentialProviderWebDialogDelegate>(
reauth_email, std::move(signin_complete_handler));
// The web dialog view that will contain the web ui for the login screen.
// This view will be automatically deleted by the widget that owns it when it
// is closed.
auto view = std::make_unique<views::WebDialogView>(
context, delegate.release(), new ChromeWebContentsHandler);
views::Widget::InitParams init_params(
views::WebDialogView* web_view = view.release(); = "GCPW"; // Used for debugging only.
init_params.delegate = web_view;
// This widget will automatically delete itself and its WebDialogView when the
// dialog window is closed.
views::Widget* widget = new views::Widget;
return web_view;