blob: 95c1f397ddc4d6ad18f9cada8f299182149a1660 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/resources/resource_provider.h"
namespace viz {
class SharedBitmapManager;
} // namespace viz
namespace cc {
class BlockingTaskRunner;
// This class is not thread-safe and can only be called from the thread it was
// created on (in practice, the impl thread).
class CC_EXPORT LayerTreeResourceProvider : public ResourceProvider {
viz::ContextProvider* compositor_context_provider,
viz::SharedBitmapManager* shared_bitmap_manager,
gpu::GpuMemoryBufferManager* gpu_memory_buffer_manager,
BlockingTaskRunner* blocking_main_thread_task_runner,
bool delegated_sync_points_required,
bool enable_color_correct_rasterization,
const viz::ResourceSettings& resource_settings);
~LayerTreeResourceProvider() override;
// Gets the most recent sync token from the indicated resources.
gpu::SyncToken GetSyncTokenForResources(const ResourceIdArray& resource_ids);
// Prepares resources to be transfered to the parent, moving them to
// mailboxes and serializing meta-data into TransferableResources.
// Resources are not removed from the ResourceProvider, but are marked as
// "in use".
void PrepareSendToParent(
const ResourceIdArray& resource_ids,
std::vector<viz::TransferableResource>* transferable_resources);
// Receives resources from the parent, moving them from mailboxes. Resource
// IDs passed are in the child namespace.
// NOTE: if the sync_token is set on any viz::TransferableResource, this will
// wait on it.
void ReceiveReturnsFromParent(
const std::vector<viz::ReturnedResource>& transferable_resources);
// The following lock classes are part of the LayerTreeResourceProvider API
// and are needed to write the resource contents. The user must ensure that
// they only use GL locks on GL resources, etc, and this is enforced by
// assertions.
class CC_EXPORT ScopedWriteLockGpuMemoryBuffer {
ScopedWriteLockGpuMemoryBuffer(LayerTreeResourceProvider* resource_provider,
viz::ResourceId resource_id);
gfx::GpuMemoryBuffer* GetGpuMemoryBuffer();
// Will return the invalid color space unless
// |enable_color_correct_rasterization| is true.
const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space_for_raster() const {
return color_space_;
LayerTreeResourceProvider* const resource_provider_;
const viz::ResourceId resource_id_;
gfx::Size size_;
viz::ResourceFormat format_;
gfx::BufferUsage usage_;
gfx::ColorSpace color_space_;
std::unique_ptr<gfx::GpuMemoryBuffer> gpu_memory_buffer_;
void TransferResource(Resource* source,
viz::ResourceId id,
viz::TransferableResource* resource);
} // namespace cc