blob: 7bbfb9a1b4c0cb8ba2bad58cd1eed82c8d43705d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
class GURL;
namespace policy {
class DlpReportingManager;
// DlpRulesManager parses the rules set by DataLeakPreventionRulesList policy
// and serves as an available service which can be queried anytime about the
// restrictions set by the policy.
class DlpRulesManager : public KeyedService {
// A restriction that can be set by DataLeakPreventionRulesList policy.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// When new entries are added, EnterpriseDlpPolicyRestriction enum in
// histograms/enums.xml should be updated.
enum class Restriction {
kUnknownRestriction = 0,
kClipboard = 1, // Restricts sharing the data via clipboard and
// drag-n-drop.
kScreenshot = 2, // Restricts taking screenshots of confidential screen
// content.
// TODO(crbug/1145100): Update to include video capture
kPrinting = 3, // Restricts printing confidential screen content.
kPrivacyScreen = 4, // Enforces the Eprivacy screen when there's
// confidential content on the screen.
kScreenShare = 5, // Restricts screen sharing of confidential content
// through 3P extensions/websites.
kFiles = 6, // Restricts file operations, like copying, uploading
// or opening in an app.
kMaxValue = kFiles
// A representation of destinations to which sharing confidential data is
// restricted by DataLeakPreventionRulesList policy.
enum class Component {
kArc, // ARC++ as a Guest OS.
kCrostini, // Crostini as a Guest OS.
kPluginVm, // Plugin VM (Parallels/Windows) as a Guest OS.
kMaxValue = kPluginVm
// The enforcement level of the restriction set by DataLeakPreventionRulesList
// policy. Should be listed in the order of increased priority.
enum class Level {
kNotSet = 0, // Restriction level is not set.
kReport = 1, // Restriction level to only report on every action.
kWarn = 2, // Restriction level to warn the user on every action.
kBlock = 3, // Restriction level to block the user on every action.
kAllow = 4, // Restriction level to allow (no restriction).
kMaxValue = kAllow
~DlpRulesManager() override = default;
// Returns the enforcement level for `restriction` given that data comes
// from `source`. ALLOW is returned if there is no matching rule. Requires
// `restriction` to be one of the following: screenshot, printing,
// privacy screen, screenshare.
virtual Level IsRestricted(const GURL& source,
Restriction restriction) const = 0;
// Returns the enforcement level for `restriction` given that data comes
// from `source` and requested to be shared to `destination`. ALLOW is
// returned if there is no matching rule. Requires `restriction` to be
// clipboard or files.
// If there's a rule matching, `out_source_pattern` and
// `out_destination_pattern` will be changed to the original rule URL
// patterns.
virtual Level IsRestrictedDestination(
const GURL& source,
const GURL& destination,
Restriction restriction,
std::string* out_source_pattern,
std::string* out_destination_pattern) const = 0;
// Returns the enforcement level for `restriction` given that data comes
// from `source` and requested to be shared to `destination`. ALLOW is
// returned if there is no matching rule. Requires `restriction` to be
// clipboard.
// If there's a rule matching, `out_source_pattern` will be changed to the
// original rule URL patterns.
virtual Level IsRestrictedComponent(
const GURL& source,
const Component& destination,
Restriction restriction,
std::string* out_source_pattern) const = 0;
// Returns true if the general dlp reporting policy is enabled otherwise
// false.
virtual bool IsReportingEnabled() const = 0;
// Returns the reporting manager that is used to report DLPPolicyEvents to the
// serverside. Should always return a nullptr if reporting is disabled (see
// IsReportingEnabled).
virtual DlpReportingManager* GetReportingManager() const = 0;
// Returns the URL pattern that `source_url` is matched against. The returned
// URL pattern should be configured in a policy rule with the same
// `restriction` and `level`.
virtual std::string GetSourceUrlPattern(const GURL& source_url,
Restriction restriction,
Level level) const = 0;
} // namespace policy