blob: 1d03230e048ccc061f4dbccc14436f8232f91c74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace physical_web {
class PhysicalWebListener;
// Metadata struct for associating data with Physical Web URLs.
struct Metadata {
Metadata(const Metadata& other);
// The URL broadcasted by the beacon and scanned by the client device.
GURL scanned_url;
// The URL that the scanned_url redirects to.
// This is the URL that users should be directed to.
GURL resolved_url;
// The favicon URL.
GURL icon_url;
// The title of the web page.
std::string title;
// The description of the web page.
// OPTIONAL: When the website has not specified a description, the PWS
// generates one based on the initial text of the site, but this is not
// guaranteed behavior.
std::string description;
// An identifier that associates multiple resolved URLs. These URLs will
// most typically be associated because their metadata is near-identical
// (same icon, title, description, URL minus the fragment). e.g.,
// https://mymuseum/exhibits#e1
// https://mymuseum/exhibits#e2
// If two URLs have the same group id, only one should be shown (typically,
// the one with the smallest distance estimate).
// OPTIONAL: Treat the item as its own unique group if this is empty.
std::string group_id;
// The estimated distance between the user and the Physical Web device (e.g.,
// beacon) in meters.
// OPTIONAL: This will be a value <= 0 if no distance estimate has been
// calculated. The distance may not be calculated if we aren't able to
// receive an estimate from the underlying scanning service in time, or if
// (in the future) we begin sourcing Physical Web URLs from a non-BLE
// transport (e.g. mDNS).
double distance_estimate;
// The timestamp corresponding to when this URL was last scanned.
base::Time scan_timestamp;
using MetadataList = std::vector<Metadata>;
// Helper class for accessing Physical Web metadata and controlling the scanner.
class PhysicalWebDataSource {
virtual ~PhysicalWebDataSource() {}
// Starts scanning for Physical Web URLs. If |network_request_enabled| is
// true, discovered URLs will be sent to a resolution service.
virtual void StartDiscovery(bool network_request_enabled) = 0;
// Stops scanning for Physical Web URLs and clears cached URL content.
virtual void StopDiscovery() = 0;
// Returns a list of resolved URLs and associated page metadata. If network
// requests are disabled or if discovery is not active, the list will be
// empty. The method can be called at any time to receive the current metadata
// list.
virtual std::unique_ptr<MetadataList> GetMetadataList() = 0;
// Returns boolean |true| if network requests are disabled and there are one
// or more discovered URLs that have not been sent to the resolution service.
// The method can be called at any time to check for unresolved discoveries.
// If discovery is inactive or network requests are enabled, it will always
// return false.
virtual bool HasUnresolvedDiscoveries() = 0;
// Register for changes to Physical Web URLs and associated page metadata.
virtual void RegisterListener(PhysicalWebListener* physical_web_listener) = 0;
// Unregister for changes to Physical Web URLs and associated page metadata.
virtual void UnregisterListener(
PhysicalWebListener* physical_web_listener) = 0;
} // namespace physical_web