blob: c39cfa9f97ea22af2068c2b737ebd25bad554baa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Sync protocol datatype extension for nigori keys.
// Update proto_value_conversions{.h,.cc,} if you change
// any fields in this file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package sync_pb;
import "sync_enums.proto";
// Information about a device that is running a sync-enabled Chrome browser. We
// are mapping the per-client cache guid to more specific information about the
// device.
message DeviceInfoSpecifics {
// The cache_guid created to identify a sync client on this device.
optional string cache_guid = 1;
// A non-unique but human readable name to describe this client.
optional string client_name = 2;
// The platform of the device.
optional SyncEnums.DeviceType device_type = 3;
// The UserAgent used when contacting the Chrome Sync server.
optional string sync_user_agent = 4;
// The Chrome instance's version. Updated (if necessary) on every startup.
optional string chrome_version = 5;
// Last time when pre-sync data on the device was saved. The device can be
// restored to state back to this time. In millisecond since UNIX epoch.
optional int64 deprecated_backup_timestamp = 6 [deprecated = true];
// Device_id that is stable until user signs out. This device_id is used for
// annotating login scoped refresh token.
optional string signin_scoped_device_id = 7;
// This field is updated to be the current time periodically, and is also set
// to the current time whenever another field changes. By examining the
// difference between this field and the current time, it should be possible
// to reason about the inactivity of any device that was syncing at one time.
optional int64 last_updated_timestamp = 8;