blob: 191ac0828f0281e5b03aedbc8a4e8ad87b3e93e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/display/window_tree_host_manager.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace ash {
class WindowTreeHostManager;
class WmShellCommon;
class WmWindow;
// Handles pinned state.
class ScreenPinningController : public WindowTreeHostManager::Observer {
ScreenPinningController(WmShellCommon* wm_shell_common,
WindowTreeHostManager* window_tree_host_manager);
~ScreenPinningController() override;
// Sets a pinned window. It is not allowed to call this when there already
// is a pinned window.
void SetPinnedWindow(WmWindow* pinned_window);
// Returns true if in pinned mode, otherwise false.
bool IsPinned() const;
// Returns the pinned window if in pinned mode, or nullptr.
WmWindow* pinned_window() const { return pinned_window_; }
// Called when a new window is added to the container which has the pinned
// window.
void OnWindowAddedToPinnedContainer(WmWindow* new_window);
// Called when a window will be removed from the container which has the
// pinned window.
void OnWillRemoveWindowFromPinnedContainer(WmWindow* window);
// Called when a window stacking is changed in the container which has the
// pinned window.
void OnPinnedContainerWindowStackingChanged(WmWindow* window);
// Called when a new window is added to a system modal container.
void OnWindowAddedToSystemModalContainer(WmWindow* new_window);
// Called when a window will be removed from a system modal container.
void OnWillRemoveWindowFromSystemModalContainer(WmWindow* window);
// Called when a window stacking is changed in a system modal container.
void OnSystemModalContainerWindowStackingChanged(WmWindow* window);
// Called when a dim window in the system modal container is destroying.
void OnDimWindowDestroying(WmWindow* window);
class PinnedContainerWindowObserver;
class PinnedContainerChildWindowObserver;
class SystemModalContainerWindowObserver;
class SystemModalContainerChildWindowObserver;
class DimWindowObserver;
// Keeps the pinned window on top of the siblings.
void KeepPinnedWindowOnTop();
// Keeps the dim window at bottom of the container.
void KeepDimWindowAtBottom(WmWindow* container);
// WindowTreeHostManager::Observer:
void OnDisplayConfigurationChanged() override;
// Pinned window should be on top in the parent window.
WmWindow* pinned_window_ = nullptr;
// Dim background window just behind of the pinned window.
// Not owned. The parent has its ownership.
WmWindow* background_window_ = nullptr;
// In pinned mode, all displays other than the one where pinned_window_ is.
// Similar to background_window_, not owned.
std::vector<WmWindow*> dim_windows_;
// Set true only when restacking done by this controller.
bool in_restacking_ = false;
// For OnPinnedStateChanged event notification.
// While this controller is alive, it needs to be ensured that the instances
// refered from the pointers should be alive.
WmShellCommon* wm_shell_common_;
// Keep references to remove this as a observer.
// While this controller is alive, it needs to be ensured that the instances
// refered from the pointers should be alive.
WindowTreeHostManager* window_tree_host_manager_;
// Window observers to translate events for the window to this controller.
std::unique_ptr<DimWindowObserver> dim_window_observer_;
} // namespace ash