blob: a9760c209c5e04a98f9a58f14c46f58fc01d19e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/signatures_util.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/form_fetcher.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/form_parsing/form_parser.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/form_parsing/password_field_prediction.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_form_manager_for_ui.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_form_metrics_recorder.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_form_user_action.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/password_store.h"
#include "components/password_manager/core/browser/votes_uploader.h"
namespace password_manager {
class FormSaver;
class PasswordFormMetricsRecorder;
class PasswordGenerationState;
class PasswordManagerClient;
class PasswordManagerDriver;
struct PossibleUsernameData;
// This class helps with filling the observed form and with saving/updating the
// stored information about it.
class PasswordFormManager : public PasswordFormManagerForUI,
public FormFetcher::Consumer {
// TODO( So far, |form_fetcher| can be null. In that case
// |this| creates an instance of it itself (meant for production code). Once
// the fetcher is shared between PasswordFormManager instances, it will be
// required that |form_fetcher| is not null. |form_saver| is used to
// save/update the form. |metrics_recorder| records metrics for |*this|. If
// null a new instance will be created.
PasswordManagerClient* client,
const base::WeakPtr<PasswordManagerDriver>& driver,
const autofill::FormData& observed_form,
FormFetcher* form_fetcher,
std::unique_ptr<FormSaver> form_saver,
scoped_refptr<PasswordFormMetricsRecorder> metrics_recorder);
// Constructor for http authentication (aka basic authentication).
PasswordFormManager(PasswordManagerClient* client,
PasswordStore::FormDigest observed_http_auth_digest,
FormFetcher* form_fetcher,
std::unique_ptr<FormSaver> form_saver);
~PasswordFormManager() override;
// The upper limit on how many times Chrome will try to autofill the same
// form.
static constexpr int kMaxTimesAutofill = 5;
// Compares |observed_form_| with |form| and returns true if they are the
// same and if |driver| is the same as |driver_|.
bool DoesManage(const autofill::FormData& form,
const PasswordManagerDriver* driver) const;
// Returns whether the form identified by |form_renderer_id| and |driver|
// is managed by this password form manager. Don't call this on iOS.
bool DoesManageAccordingToRendererId(
uint32_t form_renderer_id,
const PasswordManagerDriver* driver) const;
// Check that |submitted_form_| is equal to |form| from the user point of
// view. It is used for detecting that a form is reappeared after navigation
// for success detection.
bool IsEqualToSubmittedForm(const autofill::FormData& form) const;
// If |submitted_form| is managed by *this (i.e. DoesManage returns true for
// |submitted_form| and |driver|) then saves |submitted_form| to
// |submitted_form_| field, sets |is_submitted| = true and returns true.
// Otherwise returns false.
// If as a result of the parsing the username is not found, the
// |possible_username->value| is chosen as username if it looks like an
// username and came from the same domain as |submitted_form|.
bool ProvisionallySave(const autofill::FormData& submitted_form,
const PasswordManagerDriver* driver,
const PossibleUsernameData* possible_username);
// If |submitted_form| is managed by *this then saves |submitted_form| to
// |submitted_form_| field, sets |is_submitted| = true and returns true.
// Otherwise returns false.
bool ProvisionallySaveHttpAuthForm(
const autofill::PasswordForm& submitted_form);
bool is_submitted() { return is_submitted_; }
void set_not_submitted() { is_submitted_ = false; }
// Returns true if |*this| manages http authentication.
bool IsHttpAuth() const;
// Returns true if |*this| manages saving with Credentials API. This class is
// not used for filling with Credentials API.
bool IsCredentialAPISave() const;
// Returns scheme of the observed form or http authentication.
autofill::PasswordForm::Scheme GetScheme() const;
// Selects from |predictions| predictions that corresponds to
// |observed_form_|, initiates filling and stores predictions in
// |predictions_|.
void ProcessServerPredictions(
const std::map<autofill::FormSignature, FormPredictions>& predictions);
// Sends fill data to the renderer.
void Fill();
// Sends fill data to the renderer to fill |observed_form|.
void FillForm(const autofill::FormData& observed_form);
void UpdateSubmissionIndicatorEvent(
autofill::mojom::SubmissionIndicatorEvent event);
// Sends the request to prefill the generated password or pops up an
// additional UI in case of possible override.
void OnGeneratedPasswordAccepted(autofill::FormData form_data,
uint32_t generation_element_id,
const base::string16& password);
// PasswordFormManagerForUI:
const GURL& GetOrigin() const override;
const std::map<base::string16, const autofill::PasswordForm*>&
GetBestMatches() const override;
std::vector<const autofill::PasswordForm*> GetFederatedMatches()
const override;
const autofill::PasswordForm& GetPendingCredentials() const override;
metrics_util::CredentialSourceType GetCredentialSource() const override;
PasswordFormMetricsRecorder* GetMetricsRecorder() override;
base::span<const InteractionsStats> GetInteractionsStats() const override;
bool IsBlacklisted() const override;
void Save() override;
void Update(const autofill::PasswordForm& credentials_to_update) override;
void UpdateUsername(const base::string16& new_username) override;
void UpdatePasswordValue(const base::string16& new_password) override;
void OnNopeUpdateClicked() override;
void OnNeverClicked() override;
void OnNoInteraction(bool is_update) override;
void PermanentlyBlacklist() override;
void OnPasswordsRevealed() override;
bool IsNewLogin() const;
FormFetcher* GetFormFetcher();
bool IsPendingCredentialsPublicSuffixMatch() const;
void PresaveGeneratedPassword(const autofill::PasswordForm& form);
void PasswordNoLongerGenerated();
bool HasGeneratedPassword() const;
void SetGenerationPopupWasShown(bool generation_popup_was_shown,
bool is_manual_generation);
void SetGenerationElement(const base::string16& generation_element);
bool IsPossibleChangePasswordFormWithoutUsername() const;
bool IsPasswordUpdate() const;
base::WeakPtr<PasswordManagerDriver> GetDriver() const;
const autofill::PasswordForm* GetSubmittedForm() const;
#if defined(OS_IOS)
// Presaves the form with |generated_password|. This function is called once
// when the user accepts the generated password. The password was generated in
// the field with identifier |generation_element|. |driver| corresponds to the
// |form| parent frame.
void PresaveGeneratedPassword(PasswordManagerDriver* driver,
const autofill::FormData& form,
const base::string16& generated_password,
const base::string16& generation_element);
// Updates the presaved credential with the generated password when the user
// types in field with |field_identifier|, which is in form with
// |form_identifier| and the field value is |field_value|. Return true if
// |*this| manages a form with name |form_identifier|.
bool UpdateGeneratedPasswordOnUserInput(
const base::string16& form_identifier,
const base::string16& field_identifier,
const base::string16& field_value);
#endif // defined(OS_IOS)
// Create a copy of |*this| which can be passed to the code handling
// save-password related UI. This omits some parts of the internal data, so
// the result is not identical to the original.
// TODO( Replace with translating one appropriate class into
// another one.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordFormManager> Clone();
#if defined(UNIT_TEST)
static void set_wait_for_server_predictions_for_filling(bool value) {
wait_for_server_predictions_for_filling_ = value;
FormSaver* form_saver() { return form_saver_.get(); }
// Constructor for Credentials API.
PasswordFormManager(PasswordManagerClient* client,
std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm> saved_form,
std::unique_ptr<FormFetcher> form_fetcher,
std::unique_ptr<FormSaver> form_saver);
// FormFetcher::Consumer:
void OnFetchCompleted() override;
// Create pending credentials from |parsed_submitted_form_| and forms received
// from the password store.
void CreatePendingCredentials();
// Delegating constructor.
PasswordManagerClient* client,
FormFetcher* form_fetcher,
std::unique_ptr<FormSaver> form_saver,
scoped_refptr<PasswordFormMetricsRecorder> metrics_recorder,
PasswordStore::FormDigest form_digest);
// Records the status of readonly fields during parsing, combined with the
// overall success of the parsing. It reports through two different metrics,
// depending on whether |mode| indicates parsing for saving or filling.
void RecordMetricOnReadonly(
FormDataParser::ReadonlyPasswordFields readonly_status,
bool parsing_successful,
FormDataParser::Mode mode);
// Report the time between receiving credentials from the password store and
// the autofill server responding to the lookup request.
void ReportTimeBetweenStoreAndServerUMA();
// Create pending credentials from provisionally saved form when this form
// represents credentials that were not previosly saved.
void CreatePendingCredentialsForNewCredentials(
const autofill::PasswordForm& submitted_password_form,
const base::string16& password_element);
void SetPasswordOverridden(bool password_overridden) {
password_overridden_ = password_overridden;
// Helper for Save in the case there is at least one match for the pending
// credentials. This sends needed signals to the autofill server, and also
// triggers some UMA reporting.
void ProcessUpdate();
// Sends fill data to the http auth popup.
void FillHttpAuth();
// Helper function for calling form parsing and logging results if logging is
// active.
std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm> ParseFormAndMakeLogging(
const autofill::FormData& form,
FormDataParser::Mode mode);
void PresaveGeneratedPasswordInternal(
const autofill::FormData& form,
const base::string16& generated_password);
// Calculates FillingAssistance metric for |submitted_form|. The metric is
// recorded in case when the successful submission is detected.
void CalculateFillingAssistanceMetric(
const autofill::FormData& submitted_form);
// Save/update |pending_credentials_| to the password store.
void SavePendingToStore(bool update);
PasswordStore::FormDigest ConstructObservedFormDigest();
// The client which implements embedder-specific PasswordManager operations.
PasswordManagerClient* client_;
base::WeakPtr<PasswordManagerDriver> driver_;
// TODO( use std::variant for keeping
// |observed_form_| and |observed_not_web_form_digest_|.
autofill::FormData observed_form_;
// Used for retrieving credentials in case http authentication or Credentials
// API.
base::Optional<PasswordStore::FormDigest> observed_not_web_form_digest_;
// If the observed form gets blacklisted through |this|, we keep the
// information in this boolean flag until data is potentially refreshed by
// reading from PasswordStore again. Upon reading from the store again, we set
// this boolean to false again.
bool newly_blacklisted_ = false;
// Takes care of recording metrics and events for |*this|.
scoped_refptr<PasswordFormMetricsRecorder> metrics_recorder_;
// When not null, then this is the object which |form_fetcher_| points to.
std::unique_ptr<FormFetcher> owned_form_fetcher_;
// FormFetcher instance which owns the login data from PasswordStore.
FormFetcher* form_fetcher_;
// FormSaver instance used by |this| to all tasks related to storing
// credentials.
const std::unique_ptr<FormSaver> form_saver_;
VotesUploader votes_uploader_;
// |is_submitted_| = true means that a submission of the managed form was seen
// and then |submitted_form_| contains the submitted form.
bool is_submitted_ = false;
autofill::FormData submitted_form_;
std::unique_ptr<autofill::PasswordForm> parsed_submitted_form_;
// Stores updated credentials when the form was submitted but success is still
// unknown. This variable contains credentials that are ready to be written
// (saved or updated) to a password store. It is calculated based on
// |submitted_form_| and |best_matches_|.
autofill::PasswordForm pending_credentials_;
// Whether |pending_credentials_| stores a credential that should be added
// to the password store. False means it's a pure update to the existing ones.
// TODO(crbug/831123): this value only makes sense internally. Remove public
// dependencies on it.
bool is_new_login_ = true;
// Handles the user flows related to the generation.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordGenerationState> generation_state_;
// Whether a saved password was overridden. The flag is true when there is a
// credential in the store that will get a new password value.
bool password_overridden_ = false;
// If Chrome has already autofilled a few times, it is probable that autofill
// is triggered by programmatic changes in the page. We set a maximum number
// of times that Chrome will autofill to avoid being stuck in an infinite
// loop.
int autofills_left_ = kMaxTimesAutofill;
// True until server predictions received or waiting for them timed out.
bool waiting_for_server_predictions_ = false;
// Controls whether to wait or not server before filling. It is used in tests.
static bool wait_for_server_predictions_for_filling_;
// Time when stored credentials are received from the store. Used for metrics.
base::TimeTicks received_stored_credentials_time_;
// Used to transform FormData into PasswordForms.
FormDataParser parser_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PasswordFormManager> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace password_manager