blob: 62781d11d3e84ae3743260b9d0c77e16bde47645 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines all the base::FeatureList features for the Password Manager
// module.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
namespace password_manager {
namespace features {
// All features in alphabetical order. The features should be documented
// alongside the definition of their values in the .cc file.
extern const base::Feature kEditPasswordsInDesktopSettings;
extern const base::Feature kDeleteCorruptedPasswords;
extern const base::Feature kEnablePasswordsAccountStorage;
extern const base::Feature kFillOnAccountSelect;
extern const base::Feature kFillOnAccountSelectHttp;
extern const base::Feature kGenerationNoOverwrites;
extern const base::Feature kGooglePasswordManager;
extern const base::Feature kLeakDetection;
extern const base::Feature kLeakHistory;
extern const base::Feature kManualPasswordGenerationAndroid;
extern const base::Feature kPasswordEditingAndroid;
extern const base::Feature kPasswordImport;
extern const base::Feature kPasswordManagerOnboardingAndroid;
extern const base::Feature kRecoverPasswordsForSyncUsers;
extern const base::Feature kTouchToFillAndroid;
extern const base::Feature kUsernameFirstFlow;
extern const base::Feature kStickyBubble;
// Field trial and corresponding parameters.
// To manually override this, start Chrome with the following parameters:
// --enable-features=PasswordGenerationRequirements,\
// PasswordGenerationRequirementsDomainOverrides
// --force-fieldtrials=PasswordGenerationRequirements/Enabled
// --force-fieldtrial-params=PasswordGenerationRequirements.Enabled:\
// version/0/prefix_length/0/timeout/5000
extern const char* kGenerationRequirementsFieldTrial;
extern const char* kGenerationRequirementsVersion;
extern const char* kGenerationRequirementsPrefixLength;
extern const char* kGenerationRequirementsTimeout;
} // namespace features
} // namespace password_manager