blob: d223e59e066e6c7b74ee50b915082e733be01bf5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/task/post_task.h"
#include "base/threading/sequence_bound.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/browser/child_process_launcher.h"
#include "content/browser/dom_storage/session_storage_namespace_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/media/video_decoder_proxy.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/embedded_frame_sink_provider_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/frame_sink_provider_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/aec_dump_manager_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/media/renderer_audio_output_stream_factory_context_impl.h"
#include "content/common/associated_interfaces.mojom.h"
#include "content/common/child_process.mojom.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/media/renderer_audio_output_stream_factory.mojom.h"
#include "content/common/renderer.mojom.h"
#include "content/common/renderer_host.mojom.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_task_traits.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
#include "content/public/common/service_manager_connection.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_channel_proxy.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_platform_file.h"
#include "media/media_buildflags.h"
#include "media/mojo/mojom/video_decode_perf_history.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_receiver_set.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/generic_pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_associated_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/invitation.h"
#include "net/base/network_isolation_key.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/mdns_responder.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_loader_factory.mojom.h"
#include "services/resource_coordinator/public/mojom/memory_instrumentation/memory_instrumentation.mojom.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/cpp/binder_registry.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/mojom/service.mojom.h"
#include "services/viz/public/mojom/compositing/compositing_mode_watcher.mojom.h"
#include "services/viz/public/mojom/gpu.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/associated_interfaces/associated_interface_registry.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/associated_interfaces/associated_interfaces.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/broadcastchannel/broadcast_channel.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/dom_storage/storage_partition_service.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/filesystem/file_system.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/indexeddb/indexeddb.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/mediastream/media_stream.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/webdatabase/web_database.mojom.h"
#include "ui/gfx/gpu_memory_buffer.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "content/public/browser/android/child_process_importance.h"
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
class PersistentMemoryAllocator;
namespace viz {
class GpuClient;
namespace content {
class BrowserPluginMessageFilter;
class ChildConnection;
class FileSystemManagerImpl;
class IndexedDBDispatcherHost;
class InProcessChildThreadParams;
class IsolationContext;
class MediaStreamTrackMetricsHost;
class P2PSocketDispatcherHost;
class PermissionServiceContext;
class PeerConnectionTrackerHost;
class PluginRegistryImpl;
class PushMessagingManager;
class RenderFrameMessageFilter;
class RenderProcessHostCreationObserver;
class RenderProcessHostFactory;
class RenderWidgetHelper;
class SiteInstance;
class SiteInstanceImpl;
class StoragePartition;
class StoragePartitionImpl;
struct ChildProcessTerminationInfo;
typedef base::Thread* (*RendererMainThreadFactoryFunction)(
const InProcessChildThreadParams& params);
// Implements a concrete RenderProcessHost for the browser process for talking
// to actual renderer processes (as opposed to mocks).
// Represents the browser side of the browser <--> renderer communication
// channel. There will be one RenderProcessHost per renderer process.
// This object is refcounted so that it can release its resources when all
// hosts using it go away.
// This object communicates back and forth with the RenderProcess object
// running in the renderer process. Each RenderProcessHost and RenderProcess
// keeps a list of RenderView (renderer) and WebContentsImpl (browser) which
// are correlated with IDs. This way, the Views and the corresponding ViewHosts
// communicate through the two process objects.
// A RenderProcessHost is also associated with one and only one
// StoragePartition. This allows us to implement strong storage isolation
// because all the IPCs from the RenderViews (renderer) will only ever be able
// to access the partition they are assigned to.
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderProcessHostImpl
: public RenderProcessHost,
public ChildProcessLauncher::Client,
public mojom::RouteProvider,
public blink::mojom::AssociatedInterfaceProvider,
public mojom::RendererHost,
public memory_instrumentation::mojom::CoordinatorConnector {
// Special depth used when there are no PriorityClients.
static const unsigned int kMaxFrameDepthForPriority;
// Create a new RenderProcessHost.
// If |storage_partition_impl| is null, the default partition from the
// browser_context is used, using |site_instance| (for which a null value is
// legal). |site_instance| is not used if |storage_partition_impl| is not
// null.
static RenderProcessHost* CreateRenderProcessHost(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
StoragePartitionImpl* storage_partition_impl,
SiteInstance* site_instance,
bool is_for_guests_only);
~RenderProcessHostImpl() override;
// RenderProcessHost implementation (public portion).
bool Init() override;
void EnableSendQueue() override;
int GetNextRoutingID() override;
void AddRoute(int32_t routing_id, IPC::Listener* listener) override;
void RemoveRoute(int32_t routing_id) override;
void AddObserver(RenderProcessHostObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(RenderProcessHostObserver* observer) override;
void ShutdownForBadMessage(CrashReportMode crash_report_mode) override;
void UpdateClientPriority(PriorityClient* client) override;
int VisibleClientCount() override;
unsigned int GetFrameDepth() override;
bool GetIntersectsViewport() override;
bool IsForGuestsOnly() override;
StoragePartition* GetStoragePartition() override;
bool Shutdown(int exit_code) override;
bool FastShutdownIfPossible(size_t page_count = 0,
bool skip_unload_handlers = false) override;
const base::Process& GetProcess() override;
bool IsReady() override;
BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() override;
bool InSameStoragePartition(StoragePartition* partition) override;
int GetID() override;
bool IsInitializedAndNotDead() override;
void SetBlocked(bool blocked) override;
bool IsBlocked() override;
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool)>& cb) override;
void Cleanup() override;
void AddPendingView() override;
void RemovePendingView() override;
void AddPriorityClient(PriorityClient* priority_client) override;
void RemovePriorityClient(PriorityClient* priority_client) override;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
ChildProcessImportance GetEffectiveImportance() override;
void DumpProcessStack() override;
void SetSuddenTerminationAllowed(bool enabled) override;
bool SuddenTerminationAllowed() override;
IPC::ChannelProxy* GetChannel() override;
void AddFilter(BrowserMessageFilter* filter) override;
bool FastShutdownStarted() override;
base::TimeDelta GetChildProcessIdleTime() override;
void FilterURL(bool empty_allowed, GURL* url) override;
void EnableAudioDebugRecordings(const base::FilePath& file) override;
void DisableAudioDebugRecordings() override;
WebRtcStopRtpDumpCallback StartRtpDump(
bool incoming,
bool outgoing,
const WebRtcRtpPacketCallback& packet_callback) override;
void EnableWebRtcEventLogOutput(int lid, int output_period_ms) override;
void DisableWebRtcEventLogOutput(int lid) override;
void BindInterface(const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle interface_pipe) override;
void BindReceiver(mojo::GenericPendingReceiver receiver) override;
const service_manager::Identity& GetChildIdentity() override;
std::unique_ptr<base::PersistentMemoryAllocator> TakeMetricsAllocator()
const base::TimeTicks& GetInitTimeForNavigationMetrics() override;
bool IsProcessBackgrounded() override;
void IncrementKeepAliveRefCount() override;
void DecrementKeepAliveRefCount() override;
void DisableKeepAliveRefCount() override;
bool IsKeepAliveRefCountDisabled() override;
void Resume() override;
mojom::Renderer* GetRendererInterface() override;
void CreateURLLoaderFactory(
const base::Optional<url::Origin>& origin,
network::mojom::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy embedder_policy,
const WebPreferences* preferences,
const net::NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key,
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryRequest request) override;
void SetIsNeverSuitableForReuse() override;
bool MayReuseHost() override;
bool IsUnused() override;
void SetIsUsed() override;
bool HostHasNotBeenUsed() override;
void LockToOrigin(const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const GURL& lock_url) override;
void BindCacheStorage(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::CacheStorage> receiver,
const url::Origin& origin) override;
void BindIndexedDB(
const url::Origin& origin,
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::IDBFactory> receiver) override;
void ForceCrash() override;
void CleanupCorbExceptionForPluginUponDestruction() override;
mojom::RouteProvider* GetRemoteRouteProvider();
// IPC::Sender via RenderProcessHost.
bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) override;
// IPC::Listener via RenderProcessHost.
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) override;
void OnAssociatedInterfaceRequest(
const std::string& interface_name,
mojo::ScopedInterfaceEndpointHandle handle) override;
void OnChannelConnected(int32_t peer_pid) override;
void OnChannelError() override;
void OnBadMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) override;
// ChildProcessLauncher::Client implementation.
void OnProcessLaunched() override;
void OnProcessLaunchFailed(int error_code) override;
// Similar to the CreateURLLoaderFactory RenderProcessHost override, but this
// creates a trusted URLLoaderFactory with no default NetworkIsolationKey.
void CreateTrustedURLLoaderFactory(
const base::Optional<url::Origin>& origin,
network::mojom::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy embedder_policy,
const WebPreferences* preferences,
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryRequest request);
// Call this function when it is evident that the child process is actively
// performing some operation, for example if we just received an IPC message.
void mark_child_process_activity_time() {
child_process_activity_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();
// Used to extend the lifetime of the sessions until the render view
// in the renderer is fully closed. This is static because its also called
// with mock hosts as input in test cases. The RenderWidget routing associated
// with the view is used as the key since the WidgetMsg_Close and
// WidgetHostMsg_Close_ACK logic is centered around RenderWidgets.
static void ReleaseOnCloseACK(RenderProcessHost* host,
const SessionStorageNamespaceMap& sessions,
int widget_route_id);
// Register/unregister the host identified by the host id in the global host
// list.
static void RegisterHost(int host_id, RenderProcessHost* host);
static void UnregisterHost(int host_id);
static void RegisterCreationObserver(
RenderProcessHostCreationObserver* observer);
static void UnregisterCreationObserver(
RenderProcessHostCreationObserver* observer);
// Implementation of FilterURL below that can be shared with the mock class.
static void FilterURL(RenderProcessHost* rph, bool empty_allowed, GURL* url);
// Returns true if |host| is suitable for rendering a page in the given
// |browser_context|, where the page would utilize |site_url| as its
// SiteInstance site URL, and its process would be locked to |lock_url|.
// |site_url| and |lock_url| may differ in cases where an effective URL is
// not the actual site that the process is locked to, which happens for
// hosted apps.
static bool IsSuitableHost(RenderProcessHost* host,
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const GURL& site_url,
const GURL& lock_url);
// Returns an existing RenderProcessHost for |url| in |browser_context|,
// if one exists. Otherwise a new RenderProcessHost should be created and
// registered using RegisterProcessHostForSite().
// This should only be used for process-per-site mode, which can be enabled
// globally with a command line flag or per-site, as determined by
// SiteInstanceImpl::ShouldUseProcessPerSite.
// Important: |url| should be a full URL and *not* a site URL.
static RenderProcessHost* GetSoleProcessHostForURL(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const GURL& url);
// Variant of the above that takes in a SiteInstance site URL and the
// process's origin lock URL, when they are known.
static RenderProcessHost* GetSoleProcessHostForSite(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const GURL& site_url,
const GURL& lock_url);
// Registers the given |process| to be used for all sites identified by
// |site_instance| within |browser_context|.
// This should only be used for process-per-site mode, which can be enabled
// globally with a command line flag or per-site, as determined by
// SiteInstanceImpl::ShouldUseProcessPerSite.
static void RegisterSoleProcessHostForSite(BrowserContext* browser_context,
RenderProcessHost* process,
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance);
// Returns a suitable RenderProcessHost to use for |site_instance|. Depending
// on the SiteInstance's ProcessReusePolicy and its url, this may be an
// existing RenderProcessHost or a new one.
// This is the main entrypoint into the process assignment logic, which
// handles all cases. These cases include:
// - process-per-site: see
// RegisterSoleProcessHostForSite/GetSoleProcessHostForSite.
// - REUSE_PENDING_OR_COMMITTED reuse policy (for ServiceWorkers and OOPIFs):
// see FindReusableProcessHostForSiteInstance.
// - normal process reuse when over process limit: see
// GetExistingProcessHost.
// - using the spare RenderProcessHost when possible: see
// MaybeTakeSpareRenderProcessHost.
// - process creation when an existing process couldn't be found: see
// CreateRenderProcessHost.
static RenderProcessHost* GetProcessHostForSiteInstance(
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance);
// Should be called when |browser_context| is used in a navigation.
// The SpareRenderProcessHostManager can decide how to respond (for example,
// by shutting down the spare process to conserve resources, or alternatively
// by making sure that the spare process belongs to the same BrowserContext as
// the most recent navigation).
static void NotifySpareManagerAboutRecentlyUsedBrowserContext(
BrowserContext* browser_context);
// This enum backs a histogram, so do not change the order of entries or
// remove entries and update enums.xml if adding new entries.
enum class SpareProcessMaybeTakeAction {
kNoSparePresent = 0,
kMismatchedBrowserContext = 1,
kMismatchedStoragePartition = 2,
kRefusedByEmbedder = 3,
kSpareTaken = 4,
kRefusedBySiteInstance = 5,
kMaxValue = kRefusedBySiteInstance
static scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Gets the platform-specific limit. Used by GetMaxRendererProcessCount().
static size_t GetPlatformMaxRendererProcessCount();
// This forces a renderer that is running "in process" to shut down.
static void ShutDownInProcessRenderer();
static void RegisterRendererMainThreadFactory(
RendererMainThreadFactoryFunction create);
// Allows external code to supply a callback which handles a
// StoragePartitionServiceRequest. Used for supplying test versions of the
// service.
using StoragePartitionServiceRequestHandler = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
RenderProcessHostImpl* rph,
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::StoragePartitionService> receiver)>;
static void SetStoragePartitionServiceRequestHandlerForTesting(
StoragePartitionServiceRequestHandler handler);
// Allows external code to supply a callback which handles a
// mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::BroadcastChannelProvider>. Used for
// supplying test versions of the service.
using BroadcastChannelProviderReceiverHandler = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
RenderProcessHostImpl* rph,
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::BroadcastChannelProvider> receiver)>;
static void SetBroadcastChannelProviderReceiverHandlerForTesting(
BroadcastChannelProviderReceiverHandler handler);
RenderFrameMessageFilter* render_frame_message_filter_for_testing() const {
return render_frame_message_filter_.get();
void SetBrowserPluginMessageFilterSubFilterForTesting(
scoped_refptr<BrowserMessageFilter> message_filter) const;
void set_is_for_guests_only_for_testing(bool is_for_guests_only) {
is_for_guests_only_ = is_for_guests_only;
#if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Launch the zygote early in the browser startup.
static void EarlyZygoteLaunch();
#endif // defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_ANDROID) && !defined(OS_MACOSX)
GetRendererAudioOutputStreamFactoryContext() override;
// Called when a video capture stream or an audio stream is added or removed
// and used to determine if the process should be backgrounded or not.
void OnMediaStreamAdded() override;
void OnMediaStreamRemoved() override;
int get_media_stream_count_for_testing() const { return media_stream_count_; }
void OnForegroundServiceWorkerAdded() override;
void OnForegroundServiceWorkerRemoved() override;
// Sets the global factory used to create new RenderProcessHosts in unit
// tests. It may be nullptr, in which case the default RenderProcessHost will
// be created (this is the behavior if you don't call this function). The
// factory must be set back to nullptr before it's destroyed; ownership is not
// transferred.
static void set_render_process_host_factory_for_testing(
RenderProcessHostFactory* rph_factory);
// Gets the global factory used to create new RenderProcessHosts in unit
// tests.
static RenderProcessHostFactory*
// Tracks which sites frames are hosted in which RenderProcessHosts.
static void AddFrameWithSite(BrowserContext* browser_context,
RenderProcessHost* render_process_host,
const GURL& site_url);
static void RemoveFrameWithSite(BrowserContext* browser_context,
RenderProcessHost* render_process_host,
const GURL& site_url);
// Tracks which sites navigations are expected to commit in which
// RenderProcessHosts.
static void AddExpectedNavigationToSite(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
RenderProcessHost* render_process_host,
const GURL& site_url);
static void RemoveExpectedNavigationToSite(
BrowserContext* browser_context,
RenderProcessHost* render_process_host,
const GURL& site_url);
// Return the spare RenderProcessHost, if it exists. There is at most one
// globally-used spare RenderProcessHost at any time.
static RenderProcessHost* GetSpareRenderProcessHostForTesting();
// Discards the spare RenderProcessHost. After this call,
// GetSpareRenderProcessHostForTesting will return nullptr.
static void DiscardSpareRenderProcessHostForTesting();
// Returns true if a spare RenderProcessHost should be kept at all times.
static bool IsSpareProcessKeptAtAllTimes();
PermissionServiceContext& permission_service_context() {
return *permission_service_context_;
bool is_initialized() const { return is_initialized_; }
// Ensures that this process is kept alive for the specified amount of time.
// This is used to ensure that unload handlers have a chance to execute
// before the process shuts down.
void DelayProcessShutdownForUnload(const base::TimeDelta& timeout);
// Binds |receiver| to the FileSystemManager instance owned by the render
// process host, and is used by workers via BrowserInterfaceBroker.
void BindFileSystemManager(
const url::Origin& origin,
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::FileSystemManager> receiver) override;
FileSystemManagerImpl* GetFileSystemManagerForTesting() {
return file_system_manager_impl_.get();
// Binds |receiver| to the VideoDecodePerfHistory instance owned by the render
// process host, and is used by workers via BrowserInterfaceBroker.
void BindVideoDecodePerfHistory(
mojo::PendingReceiver<media::mojom::VideoDecodePerfHistory> receiver)
// Binds |receiver| to the LockManager owned by |storage_partition_impl_|.
// |receiver| belongs to a frame or worker at |origin| hosted by this process.
// If it belongs to a frame, |render_frame_id| identifies it, otherwise it is
// Used by frames and workers via BrowserInterfaceBroker.
void CreateLockManager(
int render_frame_id,
const url::Origin& origin,
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::LockManager> receiver) override;
// Binds |receiver| to the PermissionService instance owned by
// |permission_service_context_|, and is used by workers via
// BrowserInterfaceBroker.
void CreatePermissionService(
const url::Origin& origin,
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::PermissionService> receiver) override;
// Binds |receiver| to the PaymentManager instance owned by
// |storage_partition_impl_|, and is used by workers via
// BrowserInterfaceBroker.
void CreatePaymentManager(
mojo::PendingReceiver<payments::mojom::PaymentManager> receiver) override;
// Adds a CORB (Cross-Origin Read Blocking) exception for |process_id|. The
// exception will be removed when the corresponding RenderProcessHostImpl is
// destroyed (see |cleanup_corb_exception_for_plugin_upon_destruction_|).
static void AddCorbExceptionForPlugin(int process_id);
using IpcSendWatcher = base::RepeatingCallback<void(const IPC::Message& msg)>;
void SetIpcSendWatcherForTesting(IpcSendWatcher watcher) {
ipc_send_watcher_for_testing_ = std::move(watcher);
size_t keep_alive_ref_count() const { return keep_alive_ref_count_; }
// A proxy for our IPC::Channel that lives on the IO thread.
std::unique_ptr<IPC::ChannelProxy> channel_;
// True if fast shutdown has been performed on this RPH.
bool fast_shutdown_started_;
// True if we've posted a DeleteTask and will be deleted soon.
bool deleting_soon_;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// True if this object has deleted itself.
bool is_self_deleted_;
// The count of currently swapped out but pending RenderViews. We have
// started to swap these in, so the renderer process should not exit if
// this count is non-zero.
int32_t pending_views_;
friend class ChildProcessLauncherBrowserTest_ChildSpawnFail_Test;
friend class VisitRelayingRenderProcessHost;
friend class StoragePartitonInterceptor;
// Use CreateRenderProcessHost() instead of calling this constructor
// directly.
RenderProcessHostImpl(BrowserContext* browser_context,
StoragePartitionImpl* storage_partition_impl,
bool is_for_guests_only);
// Initializes a new IPC::ChannelProxy in |channel_|, which will be connected
// to the next child process launched for this host, if any.
void InitializeChannelProxy();
// Resets |channel_|, removing it from the attachment broker if necessary.
// Always call this in lieu of directly resetting |channel_|.
void ResetChannelProxy();
// Creates and adds the IO thread message filters.
void CreateMessageFilters();
// Registers Mojo interfaces to be exposed to the renderer.
void RegisterMojoInterfaces();
// mojom::RouteProvider:
void GetRoute(
int32_t routing_id,
receiver) override;
// blink::mojom::AssociatedInterfaceProvider:
void GetAssociatedInterface(
const std::string& name,
receiver) override;
// mojom::RendererHost
using BrowserHistogramCallback =
void GetBrowserHistogram(const std::string& name,
BrowserHistogramCallback callback) override;
void SuddenTerminationChanged(bool enabled) override;
void BindRouteProvider(
mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<mojom::RouteProvider> receiver);
void CreateEmbeddedFrameSinkProvider(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::EmbeddedFrameSinkProvider> receiver);
void BindFrameSinkProvider(
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::FrameSinkProvider> receiver);
void BindCompositingModeReporter(
mojo::PendingReceiver<viz::mojom::CompositingModeReporter> receiver);
void CreateStoragePartitionService(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::StoragePartitionService> receiver);
void CreateBroadcastChannelProvider(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::BroadcastChannelProvider> receiver);
void CreateRendererHost(
mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<mojom::RendererHost> receiver);
void BindVideoDecoderService(media::mojom::InterfaceFactoryRequest request);
void BindWebDatabaseHostImpl(
mojo::PendingReceiver<blink::mojom::WebDatabaseHost> receiver);
// memory_instrumentation::mojom::CoordinatorConnector implementation:
void RegisterCoordinatorClient(
client_process) override;
// Control message handlers.
void OnUserMetricsRecordAction(const std::string& action);
void OnCloseACK(int closed_widget_route_id);
// Generates a command line to be used to spawn a renderer and appends the
// results to |*command_line|.
void AppendRendererCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line);
// Copies applicable command line switches from the given |browser_cmd| line
// flags to the output |renderer_cmd| line flags. Not all switches will be
// copied over.
void PropagateBrowserCommandLineToRenderer(
const base::CommandLine& browser_cmd,
base::CommandLine* renderer_cmd);
// Recompute |visible_clients_| and |effective_importance_| from
// |priority_clients_|.
void UpdateProcessPriorityInputs();
// Inspects the current object state and sets/removes background priority if
// appropriate. Should be called after any of the involved data members
// change.
void UpdateProcessPriority();
// Called if the backgrounded or visibility state of the process changes.
void SendProcessStateToRenderer();
// Creates a PersistentMemoryAllocator and shares it with the renderer
// process for it to store histograms from that process. The allocator is
// available for extraction by a SubprocesMetricsProvider in order to
// report those histograms to UMA.
void CreateSharedRendererHistogramAllocator();
// Handle termination of our process.
void ProcessDied(bool already_dead,
ChildProcessTerminationInfo* known_details);
// Destroy all objects that can cause methods to be invoked on this object or
// any other that hang off it.
void ResetIPC();
// Get an existing RenderProcessHost associated with the given browser
// context, if possible. The renderer process is chosen randomly from
// suitable renderers that share the same context and type (determined by the
// site url of |site_instance|).
// Returns nullptr if no suitable renderer process is available, in which case
// the caller is free to create a new renderer.
static RenderProcessHost* GetExistingProcessHost(
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance);
// Returns a RenderProcessHost that is rendering a URL corresponding to
// |site_instance| in one of its frames, or that is expecting a navigation to
// that SiteInstance.
static RenderProcessHost* FindReusableProcessHostForSiteInstance(
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance);
void CreateMediaStreamTrackMetricsHost(
void CreateMdnsResponder(
mojo::PendingReceiver<network::mojom::MdnsResponder> receiver);
void NotifyRendererIfLockedToSite();
void PopulateTerminationInfoRendererFields(ChildProcessTerminationInfo* info);
static void OnMojoError(int render_process_id, const std::string& error);
template <typename InterfaceType>
using AddInterfaceCallback =
template <typename InterfaceType>
using AddReceiverCallback =
template <typename CallbackType>
struct InterfaceGetter;
template <typename InterfaceType>
struct InterfaceGetter<AddInterfaceCallback<InterfaceType>> {
static void GetInterfaceOnUIThread(
base::WeakPtr<RenderProcessHostImpl> weak_host,
const AddInterfaceCallback<InterfaceType>& callback,
mojo::InterfaceRequest<InterfaceType> request) {
if (!weak_host)
template <typename InterfaceType>
struct InterfaceGetter<AddReceiverCallback<InterfaceType>> {
static void GetInterfaceOnUIThread(
base::WeakPtr<RenderProcessHostImpl> weak_host,
const AddReceiverCallback<InterfaceType>& callback,
mojo::PendingReceiver<InterfaceType> receiver) {
if (!weak_host)
// Helper to bind an interface callback whose lifetime is limited to that of
// the render process currently hosted by the RPHI. Callbacks added by this
// method will never run beyond the next invocation of Cleanup().
template <typename CallbackType>
void AddUIThreadInterface(service_manager::BinderRegistry* registry,
const CallbackType& callback) {
instance_weak_factory_->GetWeakPtr(), callback),
// Callback to unblock process shutdown after waiting for unload handlers to
// execute.
void CancelProcessShutdownDelayForUnload();
// Creates a URLLoaderFactory that can be used by the renderer process,
// without binding it to a specific frame or an origin.
// TODO(kinuko, lukasza): Remove, once all
// URLLoaderFactories are associated with a specific origin and an execution
// context (e.g. a frame, a service worker or any other kind of worker).
void CreateURLLoaderFactoryForRendererProcess(
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryRequest request);
// Creates a URLLoaderFactory whose NetworkIsolationKey is set if
// |network_isoation_key| has a value, and whose trust is given by
// |is_trusted|. Only called by CreateURLLoaderFactory and
// CreateTrustedURLLoaderFactory.
void CreateURLLoaderFactoryInternal(
const base::Optional<url::Origin>& origin,
network::mojom::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy embedder_policy,
const WebPreferences* preferences,
const base::Optional<net::NetworkIsolationKey>& network_isolation_key,
network::mojom::URLLoaderFactoryRequest request,
bool is_trusted);
// Handles incoming requests to bind a process-scoped receiver from the
// renderer process. This is posted to the main thread by IOThreadHostImpl
// if the request isn't handled on the IO thread.
void OnBindHostReceiver(mojo::GenericPendingReceiver receiver);
mojo::OutgoingInvitation mojo_invitation_;
std::unique_ptr<ChildConnection> child_connection_;
size_t keep_alive_ref_count_;
// Set in DisableKeepAliveRefCount(). When true, |keep_alive_ref_count_| must
// no longer be modified.
bool is_keep_alive_ref_count_disabled_;
// Whether this host is never suitable for reuse as determined in the
// MayReuseHost() function.
bool is_never_suitable_for_reuse_ = false;
// The registered IPC listener objects. When this list is empty, we should
// delete ourselves.
base::IDMap<IPC::Listener*> listeners_;
// Mojo interfaces provided to the child process are registered here if they
// need consistent delivery ordering with legacy IPC, and are process-wide in
// nature (e.g. metrics, memory usage).
std::unique_ptr<blink::AssociatedInterfaceRegistry> associated_interfaces_;
mojo::AssociatedReceiver<mojom::RouteProvider> route_provider_receiver_{this};
// These fields are cached values that are updated in
// UpdateProcessPriorityInputs, and are used to compute priority sent to
// ChildProcessLauncher.
// |visible_clients_| is the count of currently visible clients.
int32_t visible_clients_;
// |frame_depth_| can be used to rank processes of the same visibility, ie it
// is the lowest depth of all visible clients, or if there are no visible
// widgets the lowest depth of all hidden clients. Initialized to max depth
// when there are no clients.
unsigned int frame_depth_ = kMaxFrameDepthForPriority;
// |intersects_viewport_| similar to |frame_depth_| can be used to rank
// processes of same visibility. It indicates process has frames that
// intersect with the viewport.
bool intersects_viewport_ = false;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Highest importance of all clients that contribute priority.
ChildProcessImportance effective_importance_ = ChildProcessImportance::NORMAL;
// Clients that contribute priority to this process.
base::flat_set<PriorityClient*> priority_clients_;
ChildProcessLauncherPriority priority_;
// Used to allow a RenderWidgetHost to intercept various messages on the
// IO thread.
scoped_refptr<RenderWidgetHelper> widget_helper_;
scoped_refptr<RenderFrameMessageFilter> render_frame_message_filter_;
// The filter for messages coming from the browser plugin.
scoped_refptr<BrowserPluginMessageFilter> bp_message_filter_;
// Used in single-process mode.
std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> in_process_renderer_;
// True after Init() has been called.
bool is_initialized_ = false;
// True after ProcessDied(), until the next call to Init().
bool is_dead_ = false;
// Stores the time at which the first call to Init happened.
base::TimeTicks init_time_;
// Used to launch and terminate the process without blocking the UI thread.
std::unique_ptr<ChildProcessLauncher> child_process_launcher_;
// The globally-unique identifier for this RPH.
const int id_;
BrowserContext* const browser_context_;
// Owned by |browser_context_|.
StoragePartitionImpl* const storage_partition_impl_;
// Keeps track of the BindingIds returned by storage_partition_impl_->Bind()
// calls so we can Unbind() them on cleanup.
std::set<mojo::BindingId> storage_partition_binding_ids_;
// The observers watching our lifetime.
base::ObserverList<RenderProcessHostObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
// True if the process can be shut down suddenly. If this is true, then we're
// sure that all the RenderViews in the process can be shutdown suddenly. If
// it's false, then specific RenderViews might still be allowed to be shutdown
// suddenly by checking their SuddenTerminationAllowed() flag. This can occur
// if one WebContents has an unload event listener but another WebContents in
// the same process doesn't.
bool sudden_termination_allowed_;
// Set to true if this process is blocked and shouldn't be sent input events.
// The checking of this actually happens in the RenderWidgetHost.
bool is_blocked_;
// The clients who want to know when the blocked state has changed.
base::CallbackList<void(bool)> blocked_state_changed_callback_list_;
// Records the last time we regarded the child process active.
base::TimeTicks child_process_activity_time_;
// Indicates whether this RenderProcessHost is exclusively hosting guest
// RenderFrames.
bool is_for_guests_only_;
// Indicates whether this RenderProcessHost is unused, meaning that it has
// not committed any web content, and it has not been given to a SiteInstance
// that has a site assigned.
bool is_unused_;
// Set if a call to Cleanup is required once the RenderProcessHostImpl is no
// longer within the RenderProcessHostObserver::RenderProcessExited callbacks.
bool delayed_cleanup_needed_;
// Indicates whether RenderProcessHostImpl is currently iterating and calling
// through RenderProcessHostObserver::RenderProcessExited.
bool within_process_died_observer_;
std::unique_ptr<P2PSocketDispatcherHost> p2p_socket_dispatcher_host_;
// Must be accessed on UI thread.
AecDumpManagerImpl aec_dump_manager_;
WebRtcStopRtpDumpCallback stop_rtp_dump_callback_;
std::unique_ptr<MediaStreamTrackMetricsHost, BrowserThread::DeleteOnIOThread>
std::unique_ptr<VideoDecoderProxy> video_decoder_proxy_;
// Forwards messages between WebRTCInternals in the browser process
// and PeerConnectionTracker in the renderer process.
// It holds a raw pointer to webrtc_eventlog_host_, and therefore should be
// defined below it so it is destructed first.
scoped_refptr<PeerConnectionTrackerHost> peer_connection_tracker_host_;
// Records the time when the process starts surviving for workers for UMA.
base::TimeTicks keep_alive_start_time_;
// Context shared for each mojom::PermissionService instance created for this
// RPH.
std::unique_ptr<PermissionServiceContext> permission_service_context_;
// The memory allocator, if any, in which the renderer will write its metrics.
std::unique_ptr<base::PersistentMemoryAllocator> metrics_allocator_;
std::unique_ptr<IndexedDBDispatcherHost, base::OnTaskRunnerDeleter>
bool channel_connected_;
bool sent_render_process_ready_;
std::unique_ptr<FileSystemManagerImpl, BrowserThread::DeleteOnIOThread>
std::unique_ptr<viz::GpuClient, BrowserThread::DeleteOnIOThread> gpu_client_;
std::unique_ptr<PushMessagingManager, base::OnTaskRunnerDeleter>
std::unique_ptr<EmbeddedFrameSinkProviderImpl> embedded_frame_sink_provider_;
std::unique_ptr<PluginRegistryImpl> plugin_registry_;
mojo::Remote<mojom::ChildProcess> child_process_;
mojo::AssociatedRemote<mojom::RouteProvider> remote_route_provider_;
mojo::AssociatedRemote<mojom::Renderer> renderer_interface_;
mojo::AssociatedBinding<mojom::RendererHost> renderer_host_binding_;
// Tracks active audio and video streams within the render process; used to
// determine if if a process should be backgrounded.
int media_stream_count_ = 0;
// Tracks service workers that may need to respond to events from other
// processes in a timely manner. Used to determine if a process should
// not be backgrounded.
int foreground_service_worker_count_ = 0;
// A WeakPtrFactory which is reset every time Cleanup() runs. Used to vend
// WeakPtrs which are invalidated any time the RPHI is recycled.
FrameSinkProviderImpl frame_sink_provider_;
bool cleanup_corb_exception_for_plugin_upon_destruction_ = false;
// Fields for recording MediaStream UMA.
bool has_recorded_media_stream_frame_depth_metric_ = false;
// If the RenderProcessHost is being shutdown via Shutdown(), this records the
// exit code.
int shutdown_exit_code_;
IpcSendWatcher ipc_send_watcher_for_testing_;
// IOThreadHostImpl owns some IO-thread state associated with this
// RenderProcessHostImpl. This is mainly to allow various IPCs from the
// renderer to be handled on the IO thread without a hop to the UI thread.
class IOThreadHostImpl;
friend class IOThreadHostImpl;
base::Optional<base::SequenceBound<IOThreadHostImpl>> io_thread_host_impl_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RenderProcessHostImpl> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace content