blob: e0ba370443666000d4ff6c6053b196c7347d5d17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/synchronization/atomic_flag.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/gfx/extension_set.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_export.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_share_group.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_state_restorer.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_workarounds.h"
#include "ui/gl/gpu_preference.h"
namespace gfx {
class ColorSpace;
} // namespace gfx
namespace gl {
class YUVToRGBConverter;
} // namespace gl
namespace gpu {
class GLContextVirtual;
} // namespace gpu
namespace gl {
struct CurrentGL;
class DebugGLApi;
struct DriverGL;
class GLApi;
class GLSurface;
class GPUTiming;
class GPUTimingClient;
struct GLVersionInfo;
class RealGLApi;
class TraceGLApi;
// Where available, choose a GL context priority for devices that support it.
// Currently this requires the EGL_IMG_context_priority extension that is
// present on Daydream ready Android devices. Default is Medium, and the
// attribute is ignored if the extension is missing.
// "High" priority must only be used for special cases with strong realtime
// requirements, it is incompatible with other critical system GL work such as
// the GVR library's asynchronous reprojection for VR viewing. Please avoid
// using it for any GL contexts that may be used during VR presentation,
// see
// Instead, consider using "Low" priority for possibly-slow GL work such as
// user WebGL content.
enum ContextPriority {
struct GLContextAttribs {
GpuPreference gpu_preference = GpuPreference::kLowPower;
bool bind_generates_resource = true;
bool webgl_compatibility_context = false;
bool global_texture_share_group = false;
bool robust_resource_initialization = false;
bool robust_buffer_access = false;
int client_major_es_version = 3;
int client_minor_es_version = 0;
ContextPriority context_priority = ContextPriorityMedium;
// Encapsulates an OpenGL context, hiding platform specific management.
class GL_EXPORT GLContext : public base::RefCounted<GLContext> {
explicit GLContext(GLShareGroup* share_group);
static int32_t TotalGLContexts();
static bool SwitchableGPUsSupported();
// This should be called at most once at GPU process startup time.
// By default, GPU switching is not supported unless this is called.
static void SetSwitchableGPUsSupported();
// This should be called at most once at GPU process startup time.
static void SetForcedGpuPreference(GpuPreference gpu_preference);
// If a gpu preference is forced (by GPU driver bug workaround, etc), return
// it. Otherwise, return the original input preference.
static GpuPreference AdjustGpuPreference(GpuPreference gpu_preference);
// Initializes the GL context to be compatible with the given surface. The GL
// context can be made with other surface's of the same type. The compatible
// surface is only needed for certain platforms like WGL and GLX. It
// should be specific for all platforms though.
virtual bool Initialize(GLSurface* compatible_surface,
const GLContextAttribs& attribs) = 0;
// Makes the GL context and a surface current on the current thread.
virtual bool MakeCurrent(GLSurface* surface) = 0;
// Releases this GL context and surface as current on the current thread.
virtual void ReleaseCurrent(GLSurface* surface) = 0;
// Returns true if this context and surface is current. Pass a null surface
// if the current surface is not important.
virtual bool IsCurrent(GLSurface* surface) = 0;
// Get the underlying platform specific GL context "handle".
virtual void* GetHandle() = 0;
// Creates a GPUTimingClient class which abstracts various GPU Timing exts.
virtual scoped_refptr<GPUTimingClient> CreateGPUTimingClient() = 0;
// Set the GL workarounds.
void SetGLWorkarounds(const GLWorkarounds& workarounds);
void SetDisabledGLExtensions(const std::string& disabled_gl_extensions);
// Gets the GLStateRestorer for the context.
GLStateRestorer* GetGLStateRestorer();
// Sets the GLStateRestorer for the context (takes ownership).
void SetGLStateRestorer(GLStateRestorer* state_restorer);
// Returns set of extensions. The context must be current.
virtual const gfx::ExtensionSet& GetExtensions() = 0;
// Indicate that it is safe to force this context to switch GPUs, since
// transitioning can cause corruption and hangs (OS X only).
virtual void SetSafeToForceGpuSwitch();
// Attempt to force the context to move to the GPU of its sharegroup. Return
// false only in the event of an unexpected error on the context.
virtual bool ForceGpuSwitchIfNeeded();
// Indicate that the real context switches should unbind the FBO first
// (For an Android work-around only).
virtual void SetUnbindFboOnMakeCurrent();
// Indicate that the context has become visible/invisible. This can be due to
// tab-switching, window minimization, etc.
virtual void SetVisibility(bool visibility) {}
// Returns whether the current context supports the named extension. The
// context must be current.
bool HasExtension(const char* name);
// Returns version info of the underlying GL context. The context must be
// current.
const GLVersionInfo* GetVersionInfo();
GLShareGroup* share_group();
static bool LosesAllContextsOnContextLost();
// Returns the last GLContext made current, virtual or real.
static GLContext* GetCurrent();
// Returns the 'sticky' value of glGetGraphicsResetStatus, if available.
// 'sticky' implies that if glGetGraphicsResetStatus ever returns a value
// other than GL_NO_ERROR, that value is returned until the context is
// destroyed.
// The context must be current.
virtual unsigned int CheckStickyGraphicsResetStatus();
// Make this context current when used for context virtualization.
bool MakeVirtuallyCurrent(GLContext* virtual_context, GLSurface* surface);
// Notify this context that |virtual_context|, that was using us, is
// being released or destroyed.
void OnReleaseVirtuallyCurrent(GLContext* virtual_context);
// Returns the GL version string. The context must be current.
virtual std::string GetGLVersion();
// Returns the GL renderer string. The context must be current.
virtual std::string GetGLRenderer();
// Returns a helper structure to convert the YUV color space |color_space|
// to its associated full-range RGB color space.
virtual YUVToRGBConverter* GetYUVToRGBConverter(
const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space);
// Get the CurrentGL object for this context containing the driver, version
// and API.
CurrentGL* GetCurrentGL();
// Reinitialize the dynamic bindings of this context. Needed when the driver
// may be exposing different extensions compared to when it was initialized.
// TODO(geofflang): Try to make this call uncessessary by pre-loading all
// extension entry points.
void ReinitializeDynamicBindings();
// Forces this context, which must be a virtual context, to be no
// longer considered virtually current. The real context remains
// current.
virtual void ForceReleaseVirtuallyCurrent();
// Indicates that some GL state was modified that was not tracked by virtual
// contexts. Forces full reset from unknown state the next time a virtual
// context is made current.
void DirtyVirtualContextState();
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// Create a fence for all work submitted to this context so far, and return a
// monotonically increasing handle to it. This returned handle never needs to
// be freed. This method is used to create backpressure to throttle GL work
// on macOS, so that we do not starve CoreAnimation.
virtual uint64_t BackpressureFenceCreate();
// Perform a client-side wait on a previously-created fence.
virtual void BackpressureFenceWait(uint64_t fence);
// Flush the underlying context to avoid crashes due to driver bugs on macOS.
virtual void FlushForDriverCrashWorkaround();
virtual ~GLContext();
// Create the GLApi for this context using the provided driver. Creates a
// RealGLApi by default.
virtual GLApi* CreateGLApi(DriverGL* driver);
// Will release the current context when going out of scope, unless canceled.
class ScopedReleaseCurrent {
void Cancel();
bool canceled_;
// Sets the GL api to the real hardware API (vs the VirtualAPI)
void BindGLApi();
virtual void SetCurrent(GLSurface* surface);
// Initialize function pointers to functions where the bound version depends
// on GL version or supported extensions. Should be called immediately after
// this context is made current.
void InitializeDynamicBindings();
// Returns the last real (non-virtual) GLContext made current.
static GLContext* GetRealCurrent();
virtual void ResetExtensions() = 0;
GLApi* gl_api() { return gl_api_.get(); }
friend class base::RefCounted<GLContext>;
// For GetRealCurrent.
friend class gpu::GLContextVirtual;
std::unique_ptr<GLVersionInfo> GenerateGLVersionInfo();
static base::subtle::Atomic32 total_gl_contexts_;
static bool switchable_gpus_supported_;
static GpuPreference forced_gpu_preference_;
GLWorkarounds gl_workarounds_;
std::string disabled_gl_extensions_;
bool static_bindings_initialized_ = false;
bool dynamic_bindings_initialized_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<DriverGL> driver_gl_;
std::unique_ptr<GLApi> gl_api_;
std::unique_ptr<TraceGLApi> trace_gl_api_;
std::unique_ptr<DebugGLApi> debug_gl_api_;
std::unique_ptr<CurrentGL> current_gl_;
// Copy of the real API (if one was created) for dynamic initialization
RealGLApi* real_gl_api_ = nullptr;
scoped_refptr<GLShareGroup> share_group_;
GLContext* current_virtual_context_ = nullptr;
bool state_dirtied_externally_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<GLStateRestorer> state_restorer_;
std::unique_ptr<GLVersionInfo> version_info_;
class GL_EXPORT GLContextReal : public GLContext {
explicit GLContextReal(GLShareGroup* share_group);
scoped_refptr<GPUTimingClient> CreateGPUTimingClient() override;
const gfx::ExtensionSet& GetExtensions() override;
~GLContextReal() override;
void ResetExtensions() override;
void SetCurrent(GLSurface* surface) override;
void SetExtensionsFromString(std::string extensions);
const std::string& extension_string() { return extensions_string_; }
std::unique_ptr<GPUTiming> gpu_timing_;
std::string extensions_string_;
gfx::ExtensionSet extensions_;
bool extensions_initialized_ = false;
// Wraps GLContext in scoped_refptr and tries to initializes it. Returns a
// scoped_refptr containing the initialized GLContext or nullptr if
// initialization fails.
GL_EXPORT scoped_refptr<GLContext> InitializeGLContext(
scoped_refptr<GLContext> context,
GLSurface* compatible_surface,
const GLContextAttribs& attribs);
} // namespace gl
#endif // UI_GL_GL_CONTEXT_H_