blob: 6b98b9a9c833d45d8296332716ac5732157d8438 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "ui/aura/aura_export.h"
#include "ui/base/events.h"
namespace aura {
class GestureEvent;
class KeyEvent;
class MouseEvent;
class TouchEvent;
class Window;
// An object that filters events sent to an owner window. The filter can stop
// further processing of events.
// When the Desktop receives an event, it determines the "target window" for
// the event, this is typically the visible window whose bounds most tightly
// enclose the event coordinates, in the case of mouse events, or the focused
// window, in the case of key events.
// The Desktop then walks up the hierarchy from the target to its own window,
// collecting a list of EventFilters. This list is notified in reverse order
// (i.e. descending, from the Desktop's own event filter). Each filter gets a
// chance to prevent further processing of the event and/or take other actions.
class AURA_EXPORT EventFilter {
virtual ~EventFilter() {}
// Parameters: a |target| Window and the |event|. The target window is the
// window the event was targeted at. If |event| is a LocatedEvent, its
// coordinates are relative to |target|.
// For all PreHandle*() functions that return a bool, return true if the
// filter consumes the event and further processing (by the target, for
// example) is not performed. Return false if the filter does not consume the
// event and further processing is performed. Note that in this case the
// filter may still perform some action, the return value simply indicates
// that further processing can occur.
virtual bool PreHandleKeyEvent(Window* target, KeyEvent* event) = 0;
virtual bool PreHandleMouseEvent(Window* target, MouseEvent* event) = 0;
// Returns a value other than ui::TOUCH_STATUS_UNKNOWN if the event is
// consumed.
virtual ui::TouchStatus PreHandleTouchEvent(Window* target,
TouchEvent* event) = 0;
// Returns a value other than ui::GESTURE_STATUS_UNKNOWN if the gesture is
// consumed.
virtual ui::GestureStatus PreHandleGestureEvent(Window* target,
GestureEvent* event) = 0;
} // namespace aura