blob: a0d4e69eb4d338b79760612ac71b841ec4562fbe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/gfx/platform_font_mac.h"
#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/font.h"
namespace gfx {
// PlatformFontMac, public:
PlatformFontMac::PlatformFontMac() {
font_size_ = [NSFont systemFontSize];
style_ = gfx::Font::NORMAL;
NSFont* system_font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:font_size_];
font_name_ = base::SysNSStringToUTF8([system_font fontName]);
PlatformFontMac::PlatformFontMac(NativeFont native_font) {
PlatformFontMac::PlatformFontMac(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size) {
InitWithNameSizeAndStyle(font_name, font_size, gfx::Font::NORMAL);
// PlatformFontMac, PlatformFont implementation:
Font PlatformFontMac::DeriveFont(int size_delta, int style) const {
return Font(new PlatformFontMac(font_name_, font_size_ + size_delta, style));
int PlatformFontMac::GetHeight() const {
return height_;
int PlatformFontMac::GetBaseline() const {
return ascent_;
int PlatformFontMac::GetAverageCharacterWidth() const {
return average_width_;
int PlatformFontMac::GetStringWidth(const string16& text) const {
return Canvas::GetStringWidth(text,
int PlatformFontMac::GetExpectedTextWidth(int length) const {
return length * average_width_;
int PlatformFontMac::GetStyle() const {
return style_;
std::string PlatformFontMac::GetFontName() const {
return font_name_;
int PlatformFontMac::GetFontSize() const {
return font_size_;
NativeFont PlatformFontMac::GetNativeFont() const {
// TODO(pinkerton): apply |style_| to font.
// We could cache this, but then we'd have to conditionally change the
// dtor just for MacOS. Not sure if we want to/need to do that.
return [NSFont fontWithName:base::SysUTF8ToNSString(font_name_)
// PlatformFontMac, private:
PlatformFontMac::PlatformFontMac(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size,
int style) {
InitWithNameSizeAndStyle(font_name, font_size, style);
void PlatformFontMac::InitWithNameSizeAndStyle(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size,
int style) {
font_name_ = font_name;
font_size_ = font_size;
style_ = style;
void PlatformFontMac::CalculateMetrics() {
NSFont* font = GetNativeFont();
scoped_nsobject<NSLayoutManager> layout_manager(
[[NSLayoutManager alloc] init]);
height_ = [layout_manager defaultLineHeightForFont:font];
ascent_ = [font ascender];
average_width_ =
NSWidth([font boundingRectForGlyph:[font glyphWithName:@"x"]]);
// PlatformFont, public:
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateDefault() {
return new PlatformFontMac;
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateFromNativeFont(NativeFont native_font) {
return new PlatformFontMac(native_font);
// static
PlatformFont* PlatformFont::CreateFromNameAndSize(const std::string& font_name,
int font_size) {
return new PlatformFontMac(font_name, font_size);
} // namespace gfx