blob: 150189a2be0bae7d0088936cdcfbffa4f8535423 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import org.chromium.base.UserData;
* Helper class for Tabs created from the Start surface.
public class StartSurfaceUserData implements UserData {
private static final Class<StartSurfaceUserData> USER_DATA_KEY = StartSurfaceUserData.class;
private boolean mKeepTab;
private boolean mFocusOnOmnibox;
private boolean mCreatedAsNtp;
private boolean mOpenedFromStart;
private String mLastVisitedTabAtStartupUrl;
// Saves the Feeds instance state.
private String mFeedsInstanceState;
* Tracks whether the last visited Tab is restored at startup but not showing due to the
* overview page is showing at the startup.
private boolean mUnusedTabRestoredAtStartup;
* Static class that implements the initialization-on-demand holder idiom.
private static class LazyHolder {
static final StartSurfaceUserData INSTANCE = new StartSurfaceUserData();
* Gets the singleton instance for the StartSurfaceUserData.
public static StartSurfaceUserData getInstance() {
return LazyHolder.INSTANCE;
* Sets the flag of whether to keep the given tab in the TabModel without auto deleting when
* tapping the back button. This flag is for a tab with launchType
* {@link}.
public static void setKeepTab(Tab tab, boolean keepTab) {
if (tab == null || tab.getLaunchType() != TabLaunchType.FROM_START_SURFACE) return;
StartSurfaceUserData startSurfaceUserData = get(tab);
if (startSurfaceUserData == null) {
startSurfaceUserData = new StartSurfaceUserData();
startSurfaceUserData.mKeepTab = keepTab;
tab.getUserDataHost().setUserData(USER_DATA_KEY, startSurfaceUserData);
* @return Whether to keep the given tab in the TabModel without auto deleting when tapping the
* back button. Returns false if the UserData isn't set.
public static boolean getKeepTab(Tab tab) {
StartSurfaceUserData startSurfaceUserData = get(tab);
return startSurfaceUserData == null ? false : startSurfaceUserData.mKeepTab;
* Sets the flag of whether the given tab is opened from the Start surface. Note: should only
* call this function in the code path that Start surface is enabled, otherwise may cause the
* StartSurfaceUserData is created without Start surface.
public static void setOpenedFromStart(Tab tab) {
if (tab == null || !StartSurfaceConfiguration.isStartSurfaceFlagEnabled()) return;
StartSurfaceUserData startSurfaceUserData = get(tab);
if (startSurfaceUserData == null) {
startSurfaceUserData = new StartSurfaceUserData();
if (startSurfaceUserData.mOpenedFromStart) return;
startSurfaceUserData.mOpenedFromStart = true;
tab.getUserDataHost().setUserData(USER_DATA_KEY, startSurfaceUserData);
* @return Whether the given tab is opened from the Start surface.
public static boolean isOpenedFromStart(Tab tab) {
StartSurfaceUserData startSurfaceUserData = get(tab);
return startSurfaceUserData == null ? false : startSurfaceUserData.mOpenedFromStart;
* Sets whether to focus on omnibox when the given tab is shown. Prefer to call
* {@link StartSurfaceConfiguration#maySetUserDataForEmptyTab(Tab, String)} instead this
* function, since it doesn't have complete checks for the given tab and may cause the
* StartSurfaceUserData is created without Start surface enabled.
public static void setFocusOnOmnibox(Tab tab, boolean focusOnOmnibox) {
StartSurfaceUserData startSurfaceUserData = get(tab);
if (startSurfaceUserData == null) {
startSurfaceUserData = new StartSurfaceUserData();
tab.getUserDataHost().setUserData(USER_DATA_KEY, startSurfaceUserData);
startSurfaceUserData.mFocusOnOmnibox = focusOnOmnibox;
* @return Whether to focus on omnibox when the given tab is shown. The focusing on omnibox will
* only shown when the tab is created as a new Tab.
public static boolean getFocusOnOmnibox(Tab tab) {
StartSurfaceUserData startSurfaceUserData = get(tab);
return startSurfaceUserData == null ? false : startSurfaceUserData.mFocusOnOmnibox;
private static StartSurfaceUserData get(Tab tab) {
return tab.getUserDataHost().getUserData(USER_DATA_KEY);
* Sets whether the tab is created as chrome://newTab. A tab can only be created in this way
* when {@link StartSurfaceConfiguration.OMNIBOX_FOCUSED_ON_NEW_TAB} is enabled. The URL of the
* newly created tab is empty, but should be treated as NTP for features like autocomplete.
public static void setCreatedAsNtp(Tab tab) {
if (!StartSurfaceConfiguration.OMNIBOX_FOCUSED_ON_NEW_TAB.getValue()) return;
StartSurfaceUserData startSurfaceUserData = get(tab);
if (startSurfaceUserData == null) {
startSurfaceUserData = new StartSurfaceUserData();
tab.getUserDataHost().setUserData(USER_DATA_KEY, startSurfaceUserData);
startSurfaceUserData.mCreatedAsNtp = true;
* @return Whether the tab is created as chrome://newTab. A tab can only be created in this way
* when {@link StartSurfaceConfiguration.OMNIBOX_FOCUSED_ON_NEW_TAB} is enabled. The URL of the
* newly created tab is empty, but should be treated as NTP for features like autocomplete.
public static boolean getCreatedAsNtp(Tab tab) {
StartSurfaceUserData startSurfaceUserData = get(tab);
return startSurfaceUserData == null ? false : startSurfaceUserData.mCreatedAsNtp;
/** Save the feed instance state if necessary. */
public void saveFeedInstanceState(String state) {
mFeedsInstanceState = state;
* @return The saved feed instance state, or null if it is not previously saved.
protected String restoreFeedInstanceState() {
return mFeedsInstanceState;
* Sets the url of last visited tab at start up.
* @param lastVisitedTabAtStartupUrl The url of last visited tab at start up.
public void setLastVisitedTabAtStartupUrl(String lastVisitedTabAtStartupUrl) {
mLastVisitedTabAtStartupUrl = lastVisitedTabAtStartupUrl;
* Returns the saved url of last visited tab at start up.
public String getLastVisitedTabAtStartupUrl() {
return mLastVisitedTabAtStartupUrl;
* Sets whether an unused Tab is restored at startup due to an overview page is showing at the
* startup.
public void setUnusedTabRestoredAtStartup(boolean overviewShownAtStartup) {
mUnusedTabRestoredAtStartup = overviewShownAtStartup;
* Gets whether an unused Tab is restored at startup due to an overview page is showing at the
* startup.
public boolean getUnusedTabRestoredAtStartup() {
return mUnusedTabRestoredAtStartup;