blob: 4923484c3f045469cf189be06839cce3505418df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
namespace history_clusters {
namespace features {
// Params & helpers functions
// Enables configuring the on-device clustering backend.
extern const base::Feature kOnDeviceClustering;
// Returns the maximum duration between navigations that
// a visit can be considered for the same cluster.
base::TimeDelta ClusterNavigationTimeCutoff();
// Returns whether content clustering is enabled and
// should be performed by the clustering backend.
bool ContentClusteringEnabled();
// Returns the weight that should be placed on entity similarity for determining
// if two clusters are similar enough to be combined into one.
float ContentClusteringEntitySimilarityWeight();
// Returns the weight that should be placed on category similarity for
// determining if two clusters are similar enough to be combined into one.
float ContentClusteringCategorySimilarityWeight();
// Returns the similarity threshold, between 0 and 1, used to determine if
// two clusters are similar enough to be combined into
// a single cluster.
float ContentClusteringSimilarityThreshold();
// Returns the threshold for which we should mark a cluster as being able to
// show on prominent UI surfaces.
float ContentVisibilityThreshold();
// Returns the min page topics model version to honor the visibility score for.
int64_t GetMinPageTopicsModelVersionToUseContentVisibilityFrom();
// Whether to hide single-visit clusters on prominent UI surfaces.
bool ShouldHideSingleVisitClustersOnProminentUISurfaces();
// Whether to collapse visits within a cluster that will show on the UI in the
// same way.
bool ShouldDedupeSimilarVisits();
// Whether to filter clusters that are noisy from the UI. This will
// heuristically remove clusters that are unlikely to be "interesting".
bool ShouldFilterNoisyClusters();
// Returns the threshold used to determine if a cluster, and its visits, has
// too high site engagement to be likely useful.
float NoisyClusterVisitEngagementThreshold();
// Returns the number of visits considered interesting, or not noisy, required
// to prevent the cluster from being filtered out (i.e., marked as not visible
// on the zero state UI).
size_t NumberInterestingVisitsFilterThreshold();
// Returns the weight to use for the visit duration when ranking visits within a
// cluster. Will always be greater than or equal to 0.
float VisitDurationRankingWeight();
// Returns the weight to use for the foreground duration when ranking visits
// within a cluster. Will always be greater than or equal to 0.
float ForegroundDurationRankingWeight();
// Returns the weight to use for bookmarked visits when ranking visits within
// a cluster. Will always be greater than or equal to 0.
float BookmarkRankingWeight();
// Returns the weight to use for visits that are search results pages ranking
// visits within a cluster. Will always be greater than or equal to 0.
float SearchResultsPageRankingWeight();
// Returns true if content clustering should use the intersection similarity
// score. Note, if this is used, the threshold used for clustering by content
// score should be < .5 (see ContentClusteringSimilarityThreshold above) or the
// weightings between entity and category content similarity scores should be
// adjusted.
bool ContentClusterOnIntersectionSimilarity();
// Returns the threshold, in terms of the number of overlapping keywords, to use
// when clustering based on intersection score.
int ClusterIntersectionThreshold();
// Whether to include category names in the keywords for a cluster.
bool ShouldIncludeCategoriesInKeywords();
// Whether to exclude keywords from visits that may be considered "noisy" to the
// user (i.e. highly engaged, non-SRP).
bool ShouldExcludeKeywordsFromNoisyVisits();
} // namespace features
} // namespace history_clusters