blob: 6dd28a6683e574416b90cb06e802f5a98487b8d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/process/kill.h"
#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "cc/input/browser_controls_state.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/invalidate_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/mhtml_generation_result.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/page.h"
#include "content/public/browser/page_navigator.h"
#include "content/public/browser/prerender_handle.h"
#include "content/public/browser/prerender_trigger_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/save_page_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/visibility.h"
#include "content/public/common/stop_find_action.h"
#include "services/data_decoder/public/mojom/web_bundler.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/web_sandbox_flags.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/favicon/favicon_url.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/find_in_page.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/pointer_lock_result.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/media/capture_handle_config.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/include/perfetto/tracing/traced_value_forward.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_mode.h"
#include "ui/display/types/display_constants.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace blink {
namespace web_pref {
struct WebPreferences;
struct UserAgentOverride;
struct RendererPreferences;
} // namespace blink
namespace device {
namespace mojom {
class WakeLockContext;
namespace net {
struct LoadStateWithParam;
namespace service_manager {
class InterfaceProvider;
namespace ui {
struct AXPropertyFilter;
struct AXTreeUpdate;
class ColorProviderSource;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
class BrowserPluginGuestDelegate;
class RenderFrameHost;
class RenderViewHost;
class RenderWidgetHostView;
class ScreenOrientationDelegate;
class SiteInstance;
class WebContentsDelegate;
class WebUI;
struct DropData;
struct MHTMLGenerationParams;
// WebContents is the core class in content/. A WebContents renders web content
// (usually HTML) in a rectangular area.
// Instantiating one is simple:
// std::unique_ptr<content::WebContents> web_contents(
// content::WebContents::Create(
// content::WebContents::CreateParams(browser_context)));
// gfx::NativeView view = web_contents->GetNativeView();
// // |view| is an HWND, NSView*, etc.; insert it into the view hierarchy
// // wherever it needs to go.
// That's it; go to your kitchen, grab a scone, and chill. WebContents will do
// all the multi-process stuff behind the scenes. More details are at
// .
// Each WebContents has exactly one NavigationController; each
// NavigationController belongs to one WebContents. The NavigationController can
// be obtained from GetController(), and is used to load URLs into the
// WebContents, navigate it backwards/forwards, etc. See navigation_controller.h
// for more details.
class WebContents : public PageNavigator,
public base::SupportsUserData {
struct CONTENT_EXPORT CreateParams {
explicit CreateParams(
BrowserContext* context,
base::Location creator_location = base::Location::Current());
CreateParams(BrowserContext* context,
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> site,
base::Location creator_location = base::Location::Current());
CreateParams(const CreateParams& other);
raw_ptr<BrowserContext> browser_context;
// Specifying a SiteInstance here is optional. It can be set to avoid an
// extra process swap if the first navigation is expected to require a
// privileged process.
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> site_instance;
// The process id of the frame initiating the open.
int opener_render_process_id = content::ChildProcessHost::kInvalidUniqueID;
// The routing id of the frame initiating the open.
int opener_render_frame_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
// If the opener is suppressed, then the new WebContents doesn't hold a
// reference to its opener.
bool opener_suppressed = false;
// Indicates whether this WebContents was created by another window.
// This is used when determining whether the WebContents is allowed to be
// closed via window.close(). This may be true even with a null |opener|
// (e.g., for blocked popups), or when the window is opened with "noopener".
bool opened_by_another_window = false;
// The name of the top-level frame of the new window. It is non-empty
// when creating a named window (e.g. <a target="foo"> or
//'', 'bar')).
std::string main_frame_name;
// New window starts from the initial empty document. When created by an
// opener, the latter can request an initial navigation attempt to be made.
// This is the url specified in: `, ...)`.
// This is empty otherwise.
GURL initial_popup_url;
// True if the contents should be initially hidden.
bool initially_hidden = false;
// If non-null then this WebContents will be hosted by a BrowserPlugin.
raw_ptr<BrowserPluginGuestDelegate> guest_delegate = nullptr;
// Used to specify the location context which display the new view should
// belong. This can be nullptr if not needed.
gfx::NativeView context = nullptr;
// Used to specify that the new WebContents creation is driven by the
// renderer process. In this case, the renderer-side objects, such as
// RenderFrame, have already been created on the renderer side, and
// WebContents construction should take this into account.
bool renderer_initiated_creation = false;
// Used to specify how far WebContents::Create can initialize a renderer
// process.
// This is useful in two scenarios:
// - Conserving resources - e.g. tab discarding and session restore do not
// want to use an actual renderer process before the WebContents are
// loaded or reloaded. This can be accomplished via kNoRendererProcess.
// - Avoiding the latency of the first navigation
// - kInitializeAndWarmupRendererProcess is most aggressive in avoiding
// the latency, but may be incompatible with scenarios that require
// manipulating the freshly created WebContents prior to initializing
// renderer-side objects (e.g. in scenarios like
// WebContentsImpl::CreateNewWindow which needs to copy the
// SessionStorageNamespace)
// - kOkayToHaveRendererProcess is the default latency-conserving mode.
// In this mode a spare, pre-spawned RenderProcessHost may be claimed
// by the newly created WebContents, but no renderer-side objects will
// be initialized from within WebContents::Create method.
// Note that the pre-created renderer process may not be used if the first
// navigation requires a dedicated or privileged process, such as a WebUI.
// This can be avoided by ensuring that |site_instance| matches the first
// navigation's destination.
enum RendererInitializationState {
// Creation of WebContents should not spawn a new OS process and should
// not reuse a RenderProcessHost that might be associated with an existing
// OS process (as in the case of SpareRenderProcessHostManager).
// Created WebContents may or may not be associated with an actual OS
// process.
// Ensures that the created WebContents are backed by an OS process which
// has an initialized RenderView.
// TODO(lukasza): Remove
// kInitializeAndWarmupRendererProcess value - warming up the renderer by
// initializing the RenderView is redundant with the warm-up that can be
// achieved by either 1) warming up the spare renderer before creating
// WebContents and/or 2) speculative RenderFrameHost used internally
// during a navigation.
} desired_renderer_state = kOkayToHaveRendererProcess;
// Sandboxing flags set on the new WebContents.
network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags starting_sandbox_flags =
// Value used to set the last time the WebContents was made active, this is
// the value that'll be returned by GetLastActiveTime(). If this is left
// default initialized then the value is not passed on to the WebContents
// and GetLastActiveTime() will return the WebContents' creation time.
base::TimeTicks last_active_time;
// Normal WebContents initialization is split between construction and the
// first time it is shown. Some WebContents are never shown though.
// Setting this to true will invoke the WebContents delayed initialization
// that doesn't require visibility.
bool is_never_visible = false;
// Code location responsible for creating the CreateParams. This is used
// mostly for debugging (e.g. to help attribute specific scenarios or
// invariant violations to a particular flavor of WebContents).
base::Location creator_location;
// Enables contents to hold wake locks, for example, to keep the screen on
// while playing video.
bool enable_wake_locks = true;
// Creates a new WebContents.
CONTENT_EXPORT static std::unique_ptr<WebContents> Create(
const CreateParams& params);
// Similar to Create() above but should be used when you need to prepopulate
// the SessionStorageNamespaceMap of the WebContents. This can happen if
// you duplicate a WebContents, try to reconstitute it from a saved state,
// or when you create a new WebContents based on another one (eg., when
// servicing a call).
// You do not want to call this. If you think you do, make sure you completely
// understand when SessionStorageNamespace objects should be cloned, why
// they should not be shared by multiple WebContents, and what bad things
// can happen if you share the object.
CONTENT_EXPORT static std::unique_ptr<WebContents> CreateWithSessionStorage(
const CreateParams& params,
const SessionStorageNamespaceMap& session_storage_namespace_map);
// Returns the WebContents that owns the RenderViewHost.
// WARNING: `rvh` may belong to a prerendered page, a page in the back/forward
// cache, or a pending deletion page, so it might be inappropriate for it to
// to trigger changes to the WebContents. See also the below comments for
// FromRenderFrameHost().
CONTENT_EXPORT static WebContents* FromRenderViewHost(RenderViewHost* rvh);
// Returns the WebContents for the RenderFrameHost. It is unsafe to call this
// function with an invalid (e.g. destructed) `rfh`.
// WARNING: It might be inappropriate for `rfh` to trigger changes to the
// WebContents, so be careful when calling this. Some cases to be aware of
// are:
// * Pages/documents which are not active are not observable by the user
// and therefore should not show UI elements (e.g., a colour picker). These
// features should use `rfh->IsActive()` to determine whether `rfh` is
// active. See the comments there for more information.
// * Pages/documents which are not primary generally should not update
// per-WebContents state (e.g., theme colour). Use
// `rfh->GetPage().IsPrimary()` to check for primary. Fenced frames are
// one case where a RenderFrameHost can be active but not primary.
CONTENT_EXPORT static WebContents* FromRenderFrameHost(RenderFrameHost* rfh);
// Returns the WebContents associated with the |frame_tree_node_id|. This may
// return nullptr if the RenderFrameHost is shutting down.
CONTENT_EXPORT static WebContents* FromFrameTreeNodeId(
int frame_tree_node_id);
// A callback that returns a pointer to a WebContents. The callback can
// always be used, but it may return nullptr: if the info used to
// instantiate the callback can no longer be used to return a WebContents,
// nullptr will be returned instead.
// The callback should only run on the UI thread and it should always be
// non-null.
using Getter = base::RepeatingCallback<WebContents*(void)>;
// Use this variant for instances that will only run the callback a single
// time.
using OnceGetter = base::OnceCallback<WebContents*(void)>;
// Sets delegate for platform specific screen orientation functionality.
CONTENT_EXPORT static void SetScreenOrientationDelegate(
ScreenOrientationDelegate* delegate);
~WebContents() override = default;
// Intrinsic tab state -------------------------------------------------------
// Gets/Sets the delegate.
virtual WebContentsDelegate* GetDelegate() = 0;
virtual void SetDelegate(WebContentsDelegate* delegate) = 0;
// Gets the NavigationController for primary frame tree of this WebContents.
// See comments on NavigationController for more details.
virtual NavigationController& GetController() = 0;
// Returns the user browser context associated with this WebContents (via the
// NavigationController).
virtual content::BrowserContext* GetBrowserContext() = 0;
// Returns a weak pointer.
virtual base::WeakPtr<WebContents> GetWeakPtr() = 0;
// Gets the URL that is currently being displayed, if there is one.
// This method is deprecated. DO NOT USE! Pick either |GetVisibleURL| or
// |GetLastCommittedURL| as appropriate.
virtual const GURL& GetURL() = 0;
// Gets the virtual URL currently being displayed in the URL bar, if there is
// one. This URL might be a pending navigation that hasn't committed yet, so
// it is not guaranteed to match the current page in this WebContents.
virtual const GURL& GetVisibleURL() = 0;
// Gets the virtual URL of the last committed page in this WebContents.
// Virtual URLs are meant to be displayed to the user (e.g., they include the
// "view-source:" prefix for view source URLs, unlike NavigationEntry::GetURL
// and NavigationHandle::GetURL). The last committed page is the current
// security context and the content that is actually displayed within the tab.
// See also GetVisibleURL above, which may differ from this URL. Note that
// this might return an empty GURL if no navigation has committed in the
// WebContents' main frame.
virtual const GURL& GetLastCommittedURL() = 0;
// Returns the main frame for the currently active view. Always non-null
// except during WebContents destruction. With MPArch, this returns the
// primary main frame. This WebContents may have additional main frames for
// prerendered pages, bfcached pages, etc.
virtual RenderFrameHost* GetMainFrame() = 0;
// Returns the current page in the primary frame tree of this WebContents.
// If this WebContents is associated with an omnibox, usually the URL of the
// main document of this page will be displayed in it.
// Primary page can change as a result of a navigation, both to a new page
// (navigation loading a new main document) and an existing one (when
// restoring the page from back/forward cache or activating a prerendering
// page). This change can be observed using
// WebContentsObserver::PrimaryPageChanged, see the comments there for more
// details.
// The primary page's lifetime corresponds to its main document's lifetime
// and may differ from a RenderFrameHost's lifetime (for cross-document same
// RenderFrameHost navigations).
// Apart from the primary page, additional pages might be associated with this
// WebContents:
// - Pending commit pages (which will become primary after-and-if the ongoing
// main frame navigation successfully commits).
// - Pending deletion pages (pages the user has navigated from, but which are
// still alive as they are running unload handlers in background).
// - Pages in back/forward cache (which can be navigated to later).
// - Prerendered pages (pages which are loading in the background in
// anticipation of user navigating to them).
// Given the existence of multiple pages, in many cases (especially when
// handling IPCs from the renderer process), calling GetPrimaryPage would not
// be appropriate as it might return a wrong page. If the code already has a
// reference to RenderFrameHost or a Page (e.g. each IPC from the renderer
// process should be associated with a particular RenderFrameHost), it should
// be used instead of getting the primary page from the WebContents.
virtual Page& GetPrimaryPage() = 0;
// Returns the focused frame for the currently active view. Might be nullptr
// if nothing is focused.
virtual RenderFrameHost* GetFocusedFrame() = 0;
// Returns true if |frame_tree_node_id| refers to a frame in a prerendered
// page.
// TODO(1196715, 1232528): This will be extended to also return true if it is
// in an inner page of a prerendered page.
virtual bool IsPrerenderedFrame(int frame_tree_node_id) = 0;
// NOTE: This is generally unsafe to use. A frame's RenderFrameHost may
// change over its lifetime, such as during cross-process navigation (and
// thus privilege change). Use RenderFrameHost::FromID instead wherever
// possible.
// Given a FrameTreeNode ID that belongs to this WebContents, returns the
// current RenderFrameHost regardless of which FrameTree it is in.
// See RenderFrameHost::GetFrameTreeNodeId for documentation on this ID.
virtual RenderFrameHost* UnsafeFindFrameByFrameTreeNodeId(
int frame_tree_node_id) = 0;
// TODO(1208438): Migrate to |ForEachRenderFrameHost|.
// Calls |on_frame| for each frame in the currently active view.
// Note: The RenderFrameHost parameter is not guaranteed to have a live
// RenderFrame counterpart in the renderer process. Callbacks should check
// IsRenderFrameLive(), as sending IPC messages to it in this case will fail
// silently.
virtual void ForEachFrame(
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(RenderFrameHost*)>& on_frame) = 0;
// TODO(1208438): Migrate to |ForEachRenderFrameHost|.
// Sends the given IPC to all live frames in this WebContents and returns the
// number of sent messages (i.e. the number of processed frames).
virtual int SendToAllFrames(IPC::Message* message) = 0;
// Calls |on_frame| for every RenderFrameHost in this WebContents. Note that
// this includes RenderFrameHosts that are not descended from the primary main
// frame (e.g. bfcached pages and prerendered pages). The order of traversal
// for RenderFrameHosts within a page is consistent with
// |RenderFrameHost::ForEachRenderFrameHost|'s order, however no order is
// guaranteed between pages.
// For callers only interested in the primary page,
// |GetMainFrame()->ForEachRenderFrameHost()| can be used.
// See |RenderFrameHost::ForEachRenderFrameHost| for details.
virtual void ForEachRenderFrameHost(
RenderFrameHost::FrameIterationCallback on_frame) = 0;
virtual void ForEachRenderFrameHost(
RenderFrameHost::FrameIterationAlwaysContinueCallback on_frame) = 0;
// Gets the current RenderViewHost for this tab.
virtual RenderViewHost* GetRenderViewHost() = 0;
// Returns the currently active RenderWidgetHostView. This may change over
// time and can be nullptr (during setup and teardown).
virtual RenderWidgetHostView* GetRenderWidgetHostView() = 0;
// Returns the outermost RenderWidgetHostView. This will return the platform
// specific RenderWidgetHostView (as opposed to
// RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame), which can be used to create context
// menus.
virtual RenderWidgetHostView* GetTopLevelRenderWidgetHostView() = 0;
// Request a one-time snapshot of the accessibility tree without changing
// the accessibility mode. See RenderFrame::AXTreeSnapshotter for
// definitions of |ax_mode|, |max_nodes|, and |timeout|.
using AXTreeSnapshotCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const ui::AXTreeUpdate&)>;
virtual void RequestAXTreeSnapshot(AXTreeSnapshotCallback callback,
ui::AXMode ax_mode,
bool exclude_offscreen,
size_t max_nodes,
base::TimeDelta timeout) = 0;
// Causes the current page to be closed, including running its onunload event
// handler.
virtual void ClosePage() = 0;
// Returns the theme color for the underlying content as set by the
// theme-color meta tag if any.
virtual absl::optional<SkColor> GetThemeColor() = 0;
// Returns the background color for the underlying content as set by CSS if
// any.
virtual absl::optional<SkColor> GetBackgroundColor() = 0;
// Sets the renderer-side default background color of the page. This is used
// when the page has not loaded enough to know a background color or if the
// page does not set a background color.
// Pass in nullopt to reset back to the default.
// Note there are situations where the base background color is not used, such
// as fullscreen.
// Note currently this is sent directly to the renderer, so does not interact
// directly with `RenderWidgetHostView::SetBackgroundColor`. There is pending
// refactor to remove `RenderWidgetHostView::SetBackgroundColor` and merge its
// functionality here, which will be more consistent and simpler to
// understand.
virtual void SetPageBaseBackgroundColor(absl::optional<SkColor> color) = 0;
// Sets the ColorProviderSource for the WebContents. The WebContents will
// maintain an observation of `source` until a new source is set or the
// current source is destroyed. WebContents will receive updates when the
// source's ColorProvider changes.
virtual void SetColorProviderSource(ui::ColorProviderSource* source) = 0;
// Returns the committed WebUI if one exists.
virtual WebUI* GetWebUI() = 0;
// Sets the user-agent that may be used for navigations in this WebContents.
// The user-agent is *only* used when
// NavigationEntry::SetIsOverridingUserAgent(true) is used (the value of
// is-overriding-user-agent may be specified in LoadURLParams). If
// |override_in_new_tabs| is true, and the first navigation in the tab is
// renderer initiated, then is-overriding-user-agent is set to true for the
// NavigationEntry. See SetRendererInitiatedUserAgentOverrideOption() for
// details on how renderer initiated navigations are configured.
// If nonempty, |ua_override|'s value must not contain '\0', '\r', or '\n' (in
// other words, it must be a valid HTTP header value).
virtual void SetUserAgentOverride(const blink::UserAgentOverride& ua_override,
bool override_in_new_tabs) = 0;
// Configures the value of is-overriding-user-agent for renderer initiated
// navigations. The default is UA_OVERRIDE_INHERIT. This value does not apply
// to the first renderer initiated navigation if the tab has no navigations.
// See SetUserAgentOverride() for details on that.
virtual void SetRendererInitiatedUserAgentOverrideOption(
NavigationController::UserAgentOverrideOption option) = 0;
virtual const blink::UserAgentOverride& GetUserAgentOverride() = 0;
// Set the accessibility mode so that accessibility events are forwarded
// to each WebContentsObserver.
virtual void EnableWebContentsOnlyAccessibilityMode() = 0;
// Returns true only if the WebContentsObserver accessibility mode is
// enabled.
virtual bool IsWebContentsOnlyAccessibilityModeForTesting() = 0;
// Returns true only if complete accessibility mode is on, meaning there's
// both renderer accessibility, and a native browser accessibility tree.
virtual bool IsFullAccessibilityModeForTesting() = 0;
virtual ui::AXMode GetAccessibilityMode() = 0;
virtual void SetAccessibilityMode(ui::AXMode mode) = 0;
virtual std::string DumpAccessibilityTree(
bool internal,
std::vector<ui::AXPropertyFilter> property_filters) = 0;
// A callback that takes a string which contains accessibility event
// information.
using AccessibilityEventCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const std::string&)>;
// Starts or stops recording accessibility events. |start_recording| is true
// when recording should start and false when recording should stop.
// |callback| is an optional function which is called when an accessibility
// event is received while accessibility events are being recorded. When
// |start_recording| is true, it is expected that |callback| has a value; when
// |start_recording| is false, it is expected that |callback| does not.
virtual void RecordAccessibilityEvents(
bool start_recording,
absl::optional<AccessibilityEventCallback> callback) = 0;
// Tab navigation state ------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the current navigation properties, which if a navigation is
// pending may be provisional (e.g., the navigation could result in a
// download, in which case the URL would revert to what it was previously).
virtual const std::u16string& GetTitle() = 0;
// Saves the given title to the navigation entry and does associated work. It
// will update history and the view with the new title, and also synthesize
// titles for file URLs that have none. Thus |entry| must have a URL set.
virtual void UpdateTitleForEntry(NavigationEntry* entry,
const std::u16string& title) = 0;
// Returns the SiteInstance associated with the current page.
virtual SiteInstance* GetSiteInstance() = 0;
// Returns whether this WebContents is loading a resource.
virtual bool IsLoading() = 0;
// Returns the current load progress.
virtual double GetLoadProgress() = 0;
// Returns whether a navigation is currently in progress that should show
// loading UI if such UI exists (progress bar, loading spinner, stop button,
// etc.) True for different-document navigations and appHistory's
// transitionWhile(). This being true implies that IsLoading() is also true.
virtual bool ShouldShowLoadingUI() = 0;
// Returns whether the current primary main document has reached and finished
// executing its onload() handler. Corresponds to
// WebContentsObserver::DocumentOnLoadCompletedInPrimaryMainFrame() and see
// comments there for more details.
virtual bool IsDocumentOnLoadCompletedInPrimaryMainFrame() = 0;
// Returns whether this WebContents is waiting for a first-response for the
// main resource of the page.
virtual bool IsWaitingForResponse() = 0;
// Returns the current load state and the URL associated with it.
// The load state is only updated while IsLoading() is true.
virtual const net::LoadStateWithParam& GetLoadState() = 0;
virtual const std::u16string& GetLoadStateHost() = 0;
// Returns the upload progress.
virtual uint64_t GetUploadSize() = 0;
virtual uint64_t GetUploadPosition() = 0;
// Returns the character encoding of the page.
virtual const std::string& GetEncoding() = 0;
// Indicates that the tab was previously discarded.
// wasDiscarded is exposed on Document after discard, see:
// When a tab is discarded, WebContents sets was_discarded on its
// root FrameTreeNode.
// In addition, when a child frame is created, this bit is passed on from
// parent to child.
// When a navigation request is created, was_discarded is passed on to the
// request and reset to false in FrameTreeNode.
virtual bool WasDiscarded() = 0;
virtual void SetWasDiscarded(bool was_discarded) = 0;
// Internal state ------------------------------------------------------------
// Indicates whether the WebContents is being captured (e.g., for screenshots,
// or mirroring video and/or audio). Each IncrementCapturerCount() call must
// be balanced with a corresponding DecrementCapturerCount() call.
// Both internal-to-content and embedders must increment the capturer count
// while capturing to ensure "hidden rendering" optimizations are disabled.
// For example, renderers will be configured to produce compositor frames
// regardless of their "backgrounded" or on-screen occlusion state.
// Embedders can detect whether a WebContents is being captured (see
// IsBeingCaptured() below) and use this, for example, to provide an
// alternative user interface. So, developers should be careful to understand
// the side-effects from using or changing these APIs, both upstream and
// downstream of this API layer.
// Callers must hold onto the returned base::ScopedClosureRunner until they
// are done capturing.
// |capture_size| is only used in the case of mirroring (i.e., screen capture
// video); otherwise, an empty gfx::Size should be provided. This specifies
// the capturer's target video resolution, but can be empty to mean
// "unspecified." This becomes a temporary override to GetPreferredSize(),
// allowing embedders to size the WebContents on-screen views for optimal
// capture quality.
// |stay_hidden| affects the page visibility state of the renderers (i.e., a
// web page can be made aware of whether it is actually user-visible). If
// true, the show/hide state of the WebContents will be passed to the
// renderers, like normal. If false, the renderers will always be told they
// are user-visible while being captured.
// |stay_awake| will cause a WakeLock to be held which prevents system sleep.
// |is_activity| means the capture will cause the last active time to be
// updated.
virtual base::ScopedClosureRunner IncrementCapturerCount(
const gfx::Size& capture_size,
bool stay_hidden,
bool stay_awake,
bool is_activity = true) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
// Getter for the capture handle, which allows a captured application to
// opt-in to exposing information to its capturer(s).
virtual const blink::mojom::CaptureHandleConfig& GetCaptureHandleConfig() = 0;
// Returns true if audio/screenshot/video is being captured by the embedder,
// as indicated by calls to IncrementCapturerCount().
virtual bool IsBeingCaptured() = 0;
// Returns true if audio/screenshot/video is being captured by the embedder
// and renderers are being told they are always user-visible, as indicated by
// calls to IncrementCapturerCount().
virtual bool IsBeingVisiblyCaptured() = 0;
// Indicates/Sets whether all audio output from this WebContents is muted.
// This does not affect audio capture, just local/system output.
virtual bool IsAudioMuted() = 0;
virtual void SetAudioMuted(bool mute) = 0;
// Returns true if the audio is currently audible.
virtual bool IsCurrentlyAudible() = 0;
// Indicates whether any frame in the WebContents is connected to a Bluetooth
// Device.
virtual bool IsConnectedToBluetoothDevice() = 0;
// Indicates whether any frame in the WebContents is scanning for Bluetooth
// devices.
virtual bool IsScanningForBluetoothDevices() = 0;
// Indicates whether any frame in the WebContents is connected to a serial
// port.
virtual bool IsConnectedToSerialPort() = 0;
// Indicates whether any frame in the WebContents is connected to a HID
// device.
virtual bool IsConnectedToHidDevice() = 0;
// Indicates whether any frame in the WebContents has File System Access
// handles.
virtual bool HasFileSystemAccessHandles() = 0;
// Indicates whether a video is in Picture-in-Picture for |this|.
virtual bool HasPictureInPictureVideo() = 0;
// Indicates whether this tab should be considered crashed. This becomes false
// again when the renderer process is recreated after a crash in order to
// recreate the main frame.
virtual bool IsCrashed() = 0;
virtual base::TerminationStatus GetCrashedStatus() = 0;
virtual int GetCrashedErrorCode() = 0;
// Whether the tab is in the process of being destroyed.
virtual bool IsBeingDestroyed() = 0;
// Convenience method for notifying the delegate of a navigation state
// change.
virtual void NotifyNavigationStateChanged(InvalidateTypes changed_flags) = 0;
// Notifies the WebContents that audio state has changed. The contents is
// aware of all of its potential sources of audio and needs to poll them
// directly to determine its aggregate audio state.
virtual void OnAudioStateChanged() = 0;
// Get/Set the last time that the WebContents was made active (either when it
// was created or shown with WasShown()).
virtual base::TimeTicks GetLastActiveTime() = 0;
// Invoked when the WebContents becomes shown/hidden. A hidden WebContents
// isn't painted on the screen.
virtual void WasShown() = 0;
virtual void WasHidden() = 0;
// Invoked when the WebContents becomes occluded. An occluded WebContents
// isn't painted on the screen, except in a window switching feature (e.g.
// Alt-Tab).
virtual void WasOccluded() = 0;
// Returns the visibility of the WebContents' view.
virtual Visibility GetVisibility() = 0;
// This function checks *all* frames in this WebContents (not just the main
// frame) and returns true if at least one frame has either a beforeunload or
// an unload/pagehide/visibilitychange handler.
// The value of this may change over time. For example, if true and the
// beforeunload listener is executed and allows the user to exit, then this
// returns false.
virtual bool NeedToFireBeforeUnloadOrUnloadEvents() = 0;
// Runs the beforeunload handler for the main frame and all its subframes.
// See also ClosePage in RenderViewHostImpl, which runs the unload handler.
// If |auto_cancel| is true, and the beforeunload handler returns a non-empty
// string (indicating the page wants to present a confirmation dialog), then
// the beforeunload operation will automatically return with |proceed=false|
// and no dialog will be shown to the user. This is used to interrupt a
// potential discard without causing the dialog to appear.
virtual void DispatchBeforeUnload(bool auto_cancel) = 0;
// Attaches |inner_web_contents| to the container frame |render_frame_host|,
// which must be in a FrameTree for this WebContents. This outer WebContents
// takes ownership of |inner_web_contents|.
// Note: |render_frame_host| will be swapped out and destroyed during the
// process. Generally a frame same-process with its parent is the right choice
// but ideally it should be "about:blank" to avoid problems with beforeunload.
// To ensure sane usage of this API users first should call the async API
// RenderFrameHost::PrepareForInnerWebContentsAttach first.
// Note: If |is_full_page| is true, focus will be given to the inner
// WebContents.
virtual void AttachInnerWebContents(
std::unique_ptr<WebContents> inner_web_contents,
RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
bool is_full_page) = 0;
// Returns whether this WebContents is an inner WebContents for a guest.
// Important: please avoid using this in new callsites, and use
// GetOuterWebContents instead.
virtual bool IsInnerWebContentsForGuest() = 0;
// Returns whether this WebContents is a portal. This returns true even when
// this WebContents is not attached to its portal host's WebContents tree.
// This value may change over time due to portal activation and adoption.
virtual bool IsPortal() = 0;
// If |IsPortal()| is true, returns this WebContents' portal host's
// WebContents. Otherwise, returns nullptr.
virtual WebContents* GetPortalHostWebContents() = 0;
// Returns the outer WebContents frame, the same frame that this WebContents
// was attached in AttachToOuterWebContentsFrame().
virtual RenderFrameHost* GetOuterWebContentsFrame() = 0;
// Returns the outer WebContents of this WebContents if any.
// Otherwise, return nullptr.
virtual WebContents* GetOuterWebContents() = 0;
// Returns the root WebContents of the WebContents tree. Always returns
// non-null value.
virtual WebContents* GetOutermostWebContents() = 0;
// Returns a vector to the inner WebContents within this WebContents.
virtual std::vector<WebContents*> GetInnerWebContents() = 0;
// Returns the user-visible WebContents that is responsible for the UI
// activity in the provided WebContents. For example, this delegate may be
// aware that the contents is embedded in some other contents, or hosts
// background activity on behalf of a user-visible tab which should be used to
// display dialogs and similar affordances to the user.
// This may be distinct from the outer web contents (for example, the
// responsible contents may logically "own" a contents but not currently embed
// it for rendering).
// Always returns a non-null value.
virtual WebContents* GetResponsibleWebContents() = 0;
// Invoked when visible security state changes.
virtual void DidChangeVisibleSecurityState() = 0;
// Sends the current preferences to all renderer processes for the current
// page.
virtual void SyncRendererPrefs() = 0;
// Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stop any pending navigation.
virtual void Stop() = 0;
// Freezes or unfreezes the current page. A frozen page runs as few tasks as
// possible. This cannot be called when the page is visible. If the page is
// made visible after this is called, it is automatically unfrozen.
virtual void SetPageFrozen(bool frozen) = 0;
// Creates a new WebContents with the same state as this one. The returned
// heap-allocated pointer is owned by the caller.
virtual std::unique_ptr<WebContents> Clone() = 0;
// Reloads the focused frame.
virtual void ReloadFocusedFrame() = 0;
// Editing commands ----------------------------------------------------------
virtual void Undo() = 0;
virtual void Redo() = 0;
virtual void Cut() = 0;
virtual void Copy() = 0;
virtual void CopyToFindPboard() = 0;
virtual void Paste() = 0;
virtual void PasteAndMatchStyle() = 0;
virtual void Delete() = 0;
virtual void SelectAll() = 0;
virtual void CollapseSelection() = 0;
virtual void ScrollToTopOfDocument() = 0;
virtual void ScrollToBottomOfDocument() = 0;
// Adjust the selection starting and ending points in the focused frame by
// the given amounts. A negative amount moves the selection towards the
// beginning of the document, a positive amount moves the selection towards
// the end of the document.
virtual void AdjustSelectionByCharacterOffset(int start_adjust,
int end_adjust,
bool show_selection_menu) = 0;
// Replaces the currently selected word or a word around the cursor.
virtual void Replace(const std::u16string& word) = 0;
// Replaces the misspelling in the current selection.
virtual void ReplaceMisspelling(const std::u16string& word) = 0;
// Let the renderer know that the menu has been closed.
virtual void NotifyContextMenuClosed(const GURL& link_followed) = 0;
// Executes custom context menu action that was provided from Blink.
virtual void ExecuteCustomContextMenuCommand(int action,
const GURL& link_followed) = 0;
// Views and focus -----------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the native widget that contains the contents of the tab.
virtual gfx::NativeView GetNativeView() = 0;
// Returns the native widget with the main content of the tab (i.e. the main
// render view host, though there may be many popups in the tab as children of
// the container).
virtual gfx::NativeView GetContentNativeView() = 0;
// Returns the outermost native view. This will be used as the parent for
// dialog boxes.
virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetTopLevelNativeWindow() = 0;
// Computes the rectangle for the native widget that contains the contents of
// the tab in the screen coordinate system.
virtual gfx::Rect GetContainerBounds() = 0;
// Get the bounds of the View, relative to the parent.
virtual gfx::Rect GetViewBounds() = 0;
// Resize a WebContents to |new_bounds|.
virtual void Resize(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds) = 0;
// Get the size of a WebContents.
virtual gfx::Size GetSize() = 0;
// Returns the current drop data, if any.
virtual DropData* GetDropData() = 0;
// Sets focus to the native widget for this tab.
virtual void Focus() = 0;
// Sets focus to the appropriate element when the WebContents is shown the
// first time.
virtual void SetInitialFocus() = 0;
// Stores the currently focused view.
virtual void StoreFocus() = 0;
// Restores focus to the last focus view. If StoreFocus has not yet been
// invoked, SetInitialFocus is invoked.
virtual void RestoreFocus() = 0;
// Focuses the first (last if |reverse| is true) element in the page.
// Invoked when this tab is getting the focus through tab traversal (|reverse|
// is true when using Shift-Tab).
virtual void FocusThroughTabTraversal(bool reverse) = 0;
// Misc state & callbacks ----------------------------------------------------
// Check whether we can do the saving page operation this page given its MIME
// type.
virtual bool IsSavable() = 0;
// Prepare for saving the current web page to disk.
virtual void OnSavePage() = 0;
// Save page with the main HTML file path, the directory for saving resources,
// and the save type: HTML only or complete web page. Returns true if the
// saving process has been initiated successfully.
virtual bool SavePage(const base::FilePath& main_file,
const base::FilePath& dir_path,
SavePageType save_type) = 0;
// Saves the given frame's URL to the local filesystem. If `rfh` is provided,
// the saving is performed in its context. For example, the associated
// navigation isolation info will be used for making the network request.
virtual void SaveFrame(const GURL& url,
const Referrer& referrer,
RenderFrameHost* rfh) = 0;
// Saves the given frame's URL to the local filesystem. The headers, if
// provided, is used to make a request to the URL rather than using cache.
// Format of |headers| is a new line separated list of key value pairs:
// "<key1>: <value1>\r\n<key2>: <value2>". The saving is performed in the
// context of `rfh`. For example, the associated navigation isolation info
// will be used for making the network request.
virtual void SaveFrameWithHeaders(const GURL& url,
const Referrer& referrer,
const std::string& headers,
const std::u16string& suggested_filename,
RenderFrameHost* rfh) = 0;
// Generate an MHTML representation of the current page conforming to the
// settings provided by |params| and returning final status information via
// the callback. See MHTMLGenerationParams for details on generation settings.
// A resulting |file_size| of -1 represents a failure. Any other value
// represents the size of the successfully generated file.
// TODO( GenerateMHTML will eventually be removed
// and GenerateMHTMLWithResult will be renamed to GenerateMHTML to replace it.
// Both GenerateMHTML and GenerateMHTMLWithResult perform the same operation.
// however, GenerateMHTMLWithResult provides a struct as output, that contains
// the file size and more.
virtual void GenerateMHTML(
const MHTMLGenerationParams& params,
base::OnceCallback<void(int64_t /* file_size */)> callback) = 0;
virtual void GenerateMHTMLWithResult(
const MHTMLGenerationParams& params,
MHTMLGenerationResult::GenerateMHTMLCallback callback) = 0;
// Generates a Web Bundle representation of the current page.
virtual void GenerateWebBundle(
const base::FilePath& file_path,
base::OnceCallback<void(uint64_t /* file_size */,
callback) = 0;
// Returns the contents MIME type after a navigation.
virtual const std::string& GetContentsMimeType() = 0;
// Returns the settings which get passed to the renderer.
virtual blink::RendererPreferences* GetMutableRendererPrefs() = 0;
// Tells the tab to close now. The tab will take care not to close until it's
// out of nested run loops.
virtual void Close() = 0;
// Indicates if this tab was explicitly closed by the user (control-w, close
// tab menu item...). This is false for actions that indirectly close the tab,
// such as closing the window. The setter is maintained by TabStripModel, and
// the getter only useful from within TAB_CLOSED notification
virtual void SetClosedByUserGesture(bool value) = 0;
virtual bool GetClosedByUserGesture() = 0;
// Gets the minimum/maximum zoom percent.
virtual int GetMinimumZoomPercent() = 0;
virtual int GetMaximumZoomPercent() = 0;
// Set the renderer's page scale to the given factor.
virtual void SetPageScale(float page_scale_factor) = 0;
// Gets the preferred size of the contents.
virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() = 0;
// Called when the response to a pending mouse lock request has arrived.
// Returns true if |allowed| is true and the mouse has been successfully
// locked.
virtual bool GotResponseToLockMouseRequest(
blink::mojom::PointerLockResult result) = 0;
// Wrapper around GotResponseToLockMouseRequest to fit into
// ChromeWebViewPermissionHelperDelegate's structure.
virtual void GotLockMousePermissionResponse(bool allowed) = 0;
// Drop the mouse lock if it is currently locked, or reject an
// outstanding request if it is pending.
virtual void DropMouseLockForTesting() = 0;
// Called when the response to a keyboard mouse lock request has arrived.
// Returns false if the request is no longer valid, otherwise true.
virtual bool GotResponseToKeyboardLockRequest(bool allowed) = 0;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Called when the user has selected a color in the color chooser.
virtual void DidChooseColorInColorChooser(SkColor color) = 0;
// Called when the color chooser has ended.
virtual void DidEndColorChooser() = 0;
// Returns true if the location bar should be focused by default rather than
// the page contents. The view calls this function when the tab is focused
// to see what it should do.
virtual bool FocusLocationBarByDefault() = 0;
// Does this have an opener (corresponding to window.opener in JavaScript)
// associated with it?
virtual bool HasOpener() = 0;
// Returns the opener if HasOpener() is true, or nullptr otherwise.
virtual RenderFrameHost* GetOpener() = 0;
// Returns true if this WebContents was opened by another WebContents, even
// if the opener was suppressed. In contrast to HasOpener/GetOpener, the
// original opener doesn't reflect window.opener which can be suppressed or
// updated. This traces all the way back, so if the original owner was closed,
// but _it_ had an original owner, this will return the original owner's
// original owner, etc.
virtual bool HasOriginalOpener() = 0;
// Returns the original opener if HasOriginalOpener() is true, or nullptr
// otherwise.
virtual RenderFrameHost* GetOriginalOpener() = 0;
// Returns the WakeLockContext accociated with this WebContents.
virtual device::mojom::WakeLockContext* GetWakeLockContext() = 0;
// |http_status_code| can be 0 e.g. for data: URLs.
// |bitmaps| will be empty on download failure.
// |sizes| are the sizes in pixels of the bitmaps before they were resized due
// to the max bitmap size passed to DownloadImage(). Each entry in the bitmaps
// vector corresponds to an entry in the sizes vector (both vector sizes are
// guaranteed to be equal). If a bitmap was resized, there should be a single
// returned bitmap.
using ImageDownloadCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(int id,
int http_status_code,
const GURL& image_url,
const std::vector<SkBitmap>& bitmaps,
const std::vector<gfx::Size>& sizes)>;
// Sends a request to download the given image |url| and returns the unique
// id of the download request. When the download is finished, |callback| will
// be called with the bitmaps received from the renderer.
// If |is_favicon| is true, the cookies are not sent and not accepted during
// download.
// Bitmaps with pixel sizes larger than |max_bitmap_size| are filtered out
// from the bitmap results. If there are no bitmap results <=
// |max_bitmap_size|, the smallest bitmap is resized to |max_bitmap_size| and
// is the only result. A |max_bitmap_size| of 0 means unlimited.
// For vector images, |preferred_size| will serve as a viewport into which
// the image will be rendered. This would usually be the dimensions of the
// rectangle where the bitmap will be rendered. If |preferred_size| is empty,
// any existing intrinsic dimensions of the image will be used. If
// |max_bitmap_size| is non-zero it will also impose an upper bound on the
// longest edge of |preferred_size| (|preferred_size| will be scaled down).
// If |bypass_cache| is true, |url| is requested from the server even if it
// is present in the browser cache.
virtual int DownloadImage(const GURL& url,
bool is_favicon,
const gfx::Size& preferred_size,
uint32_t max_bitmap_size,
bool bypass_cache,
ImageDownloadCallback callback) = 0;
// Same as DownloadImage(), but uses the ImageDownloader from the specified
// frame instead of the main frame.
virtual int DownloadImageInFrame(
const GlobalRenderFrameHostId& initiator_frame_routing_id,
const GURL& url,
bool is_favicon,
const gfx::Size& preferred_size,
uint32_t max_bitmap_size,
bool bypass_cache,
ImageDownloadCallback callback) = 0;
// Finds text on a page. |search_text| should not be empty. |skip_delay|
// indicates that the find request should be sent to the renderer immediately
// instead of waiting for privacy/performance mitigations.
virtual void Find(int request_id,
const std::u16string& search_text,
blink::mojom::FindOptionsPtr options,
bool skip_delay = false) = 0;
// Notifies the renderer that the user has closed the FindInPage window
// (and what action to take regarding the selection).
virtual void StopFinding(StopFindAction action) = 0;
// Returns true if audio has been audible from the WebContents since the last
// navigation.
virtual bool WasEverAudible() = 0;
// Returns whether the renderer is in fullscreen mode.
virtual bool IsFullscreen() = 0;
// Returns a copy of the current WebPreferences associated with this
// WebContents. If it does not exist, this will create one and send the newly
// computed value to all renderers.
// Note that this will not trigger a recomputation of WebPreferences if it
// already exists - this will return the last computed/set value of
// WebPreferences. If we want to guarantee that the value reflects the current
// state of the WebContents, NotifyPreferencesChanged() should be called
// before calling this.
virtual const blink::web_pref::WebPreferences&
GetOrCreateWebPreferences() = 0;
// Notify this WebContents that the preferences have changed, so it needs to
// recompute the current WebPreferences based on the current state of the
// WebContents, etc. This will send an IPC to all the renderer processes
// associated with this WebContents.
// Note that this will do this by creating a new WebPreferences with default
// values, then recomputing some of the attributes based on current states.
// This means if there's any value previously set through SetWebPreferences
// which does not have special recomputation logic in either
// WebContentsImpl::ComputeWebPreferences or
// ContentBrowserClient::OverrideWebkitPrefs, it will return back to its
// default value whenever this function is called.
virtual void NotifyPreferencesChanged() = 0;
// Sets the WebPreferences to |prefs|. This will send an IPC to all the
// renderer processes associated with this WebContents.
// Note that this is different from NotifyPreferencesChanged, which recomputes
// the WebPreferences based on the current state of things. Instead, we're
// setting this to a specific value. This also means that if we trigger a
// recomputation of WebPreferences after this, the WebPreferences value will
// be overridden. if there's any value previously set through
// SetWebPreferences which does not have special recomputation logic in either
// WebContentsImpl::ComputeWebPreferences or
// ContentBrowserClient::OverrideWebkitPrefs, it will return back to its
// default value, which might be different from the value we set it to here.
// If you want to use this function outside of tests, consider adding
// recomputation logic in either of those functions.
// TODO(rakina): Try to make values set through this function stick even after
// recomputations.
virtual void SetWebPreferences(
const blink::web_pref::WebPreferences& prefs) = 0;
// Passes current web preferences to all renderer in this WebContents after
// possibly recomputing them as follows: all "fast" preferences (those not
// requiring slow platform/device polling) are recomputed unconditionally; the
// remaining "slow" ones are recomputed only if they have not been computed
// before.
// This method must be called if any state that affects web preferences has
// changed so that it can be recomputed and sent to the renderer.
virtual void OnWebPreferencesChanged() = 0;
// Requests the renderer to exit fullscreen.
// |will_cause_resize| indicates whether the fullscreen change causes a
// view resize. e.g. This will be false when going from tab fullscreen to
// browser fullscreen.
virtual void ExitFullscreen(bool will_cause_resize) = 0;
// The WebContents is trying to take some action that would cause user
// confusion if taken while in fullscreen. If this WebContents or any outer
// WebContents is in fullscreen, drop it.
// Returns a ScopedClosureRunner, and for the lifetime of that closure, this
// (and other related) WebContentses will not enter fullscreen. If the action
// should cause a one-time dropping of fullscreen (e.g. a UI element not
// attached to the WebContents), invoke RunAndReset() on the returned
// base::ScopedClosureRunner to release the fullscreen block immediately.
// Otherwise, if the action should cause fullscreen to be prohibited for a
// span of time (e.g. a UI element attached to the WebContents), keep the
// closure alive for that duration.
// If |display_id| is valid, only WebContentses on that specific screen will
// exit fullscreen; the scoped prohibition will still apply to all displays.
// This supports sites using cross-screen window placement capabilities to
// retain fullscreen and open or place a window on another screen.
virtual base::ScopedClosureRunner ForSecurityDropFullscreen(
int64_t display_id = display::kInvalidDisplayId) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
// Unblocks requests from renderer for a newly created window. This is
// used in showCreatedWindow() or sometimes later in cases where
// delegate->ShouldResumeRequestsForCreatedWindow() indicated the requests
// should not yet be resumed. Then the client is responsible for calling this
// as soon as they are ready.
virtual void ResumeLoadingCreatedWebContents() = 0;
// Sets whether the WebContents is for overlaying content on a page.
virtual void SetIsOverlayContent(bool is_overlay_content) = 0;
virtual int GetCurrentlyPlayingVideoCount() = 0;
virtual absl::optional<gfx::Size> GetFullscreenVideoSize() = 0;
// Tells the renderer to clear the focused element (if any).
virtual void ClearFocusedElement() = 0;
// Returns true if the current focused element is editable.
virtual bool IsFocusedElementEditable() = 0;
// Returns true if a context menu is showing on the page.
virtual bool IsShowingContextMenu() = 0;
// Tells the WebContents whether the context menu is showing.
virtual void SetShowingContextMenu(bool showing) = 0;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
CONTENT_EXPORT static WebContents* FromJavaWebContents(
const base::android::JavaRef<jobject>& jweb_contents_android);
virtual base::android::ScopedJavaLocalRef<jobject> GetJavaWebContents() = 0;
// Selects and zooms to the find result nearest to the point (x,y) defined in
// find-in-page coordinates.
virtual void ActivateNearestFindResult(float x, float y) = 0;
// Requests the rects of the current find matches from the renderer
// process. |current_version| is the version of find rects that the caller
// already knows about. This version will be compared to the current find
// rects version in the renderer process (which is updated whenever the rects
// change), to see which new rect data will need to be sent back.
// TODO(paulmeyer): This process will change slightly once multi-process
// find-in-page is implemented. This comment should be updated at that time.
virtual void RequestFindMatchRects(int current_version) = 0;
// Returns an InterfaceProvider for Java-implemented interfaces that are
// scoped to this WebContents. This provides access to interfaces implemented
// in Java in the browser process to C++ code in the browser process.
virtual service_manager::InterfaceProvider* GetJavaInterfaces() = 0;
#endif // OS_ANDROID
// Returns true if the WebContents has completed its first meaningful paint
// since the last navigation.
virtual bool CompletedFirstVisuallyNonEmptyPaint() = 0;
// TODO( This is a simple mitigation to validate
// that an action that requires a user gesture actually has one in the
// trustworthy browser process, rather than relying on the untrustworthy
// renderer. This should be eventually merged into and accounted for in the
// user activation work.
virtual bool HasRecentInteractiveInputEvent() = 0;
// Sets a flag that causes the WebContents to ignore input events.
virtual void SetIgnoreInputEvents(bool ignore_input_events) = 0;
// Returns the group id for all audio streams that correspond to a single
// WebContents. This can be used to determine if a AudioOutputStream was
// created from a renderer that originated from this WebContents.
virtual base::UnguessableToken GetAudioGroupId() = 0;
// Returns the raw list of favicon candidates as reported to observers via
// WebContentsObserver::DidUpdateFaviconURL() since the last navigation start.
// Consider using FaviconDriver in components/favicon if possible for more
// reliable favicon-related state.
virtual const std::vector<blink::mojom::FaviconURLPtr>& GetFaviconURLs() = 0;
// Intended for desktop PWAs with manifest entry of window-controls-overlay,
// This sends the available title bar area bounds to the renderer process.
virtual void UpdateWindowControlsOverlay(const gfx::Rect& bounding_rect) = 0;
// Returns the Window Control Overlay rectangle. Only applies to an
// outermost main frame's widget. Other widgets always returns an empty rect.
virtual gfx::Rect GetWindowsControlsOverlayRect() const = 0;
// Whether the WebContents has an active player that is effectively
// fullscreen. That means that the video is either fullscreen or it is the
// content of a fullscreen page (in other words, a fullscreen video with
// custom controls).
virtual bool HasActiveEffectivelyFullscreenVideo() = 0;
// Serialise this object into a trace.
virtual void WriteIntoTrace(perfetto::TracedValue context) = 0;
// Disallows navigations that activate a prerendered page or a back/forward
// cached page in this WebContents. Such pages will be ignored and normal
// navigation will occur instead.
// TODO( Remove this. This is a temporary
// workaround to avoid breaking features that must be taught to deal with
// activation navigations.
virtual void DisallowActivationNavigationsForBug1234857() = 0;
// Returns the value from CreateParams::creator_location.
virtual const base::Location& GetCreatorLocation() = 0;
// Hide or show the browser controls for the given WebContents, based on
// allowed states, desired state and whether the transition should be animated
// or not.
virtual void UpdateBrowserControlsState(cc::BrowserControlsState constraints,
cc::BrowserControlsState current,
bool animate) = 0;
// Sets the last time a tab switch made this WebContents visible.
// `start_time` is the timestamp of the input event that triggered the tab
// switch. `destination_is_loaded` is true when
// ResourceCoordinatorTabHelper::IsLoaded() is true for the new tab contents.
// These will be used to record metrics with the latency between the input
// event and the time when the WebContents is painted.
virtual void SetTabSwitchStartTime(base::TimeTicks start_time,
bool destination_is_loaded) = 0;
// Starts an embedder triggered (browser-initiated) prerendering page and
// returns the unique_ptr<PrerenderHandle>, which cancels prerendering on its
// destruction. If the prerendering failed to start (e.g. if prerendering is
// disabled, failure happened or because this URL is already being
// prerendered), this function returns a nullptr.
virtual std::unique_ptr<PrerenderHandle> StartPrerendering(
const GURL& prerendering_url,
PrerenderTriggerType trigger_type,
const std::string& embedder_histogram_suffix) = 0;
// This interface should only be implemented inside content.
friend class WebContentsImpl;
WebContents() = default;
} // namespace content