blob: 04a93703b6396c9126ca9fb990658563d73dc606 [file] [log] [blame]
This is a testharness.js-based test.
PASS Referrer Policy: Expects origin for iframe-tag to cross-http origin and keep-origin redirection from http context.
PASS Referrer Policy: Expects origin for iframe-tag to cross-http origin and no-redirect redirection from http context.
PASS Referrer Policy: Expects origin for iframe-tag to cross-http origin and swap-origin redirection from http context.
PASS Referrer Policy: Expects origin for iframe-tag to cross-https origin and keep-origin redirection from http context.
PASS Referrer Policy: Expects origin for iframe-tag to cross-https origin and no-redirect redirection from http context.
PASS Referrer Policy: Expects origin for iframe-tag to cross-https origin and swap-origin redirection from http context.
PASS Referrer Policy: Expects origin for iframe-tag to same-http origin and keep-origin redirection from http context.
PASS Referrer Policy: Expects origin for iframe-tag to same-http origin and no-redirect redirection from http context.
PASS Referrer Policy: Expects origin for iframe-tag to same-http origin and swap-origin redirection from http context.
PASS Referrer Policy: Expects origin for iframe-tag to same-https origin and keep-origin redirection from http context.
PASS Referrer Policy: Expects origin for iframe-tag to same-https origin and no-redirect redirection from http context.
FAIL Referrer Policy: Expects origin for iframe-tag to same-https origin and swap-origin redirection from http context. assert_in_array: document.referrer value "http://web-platform.test:8001/referrer-policy/gen/srcdoc.meta/strict-origin/iframe-tag.http.html" not in array ["http://web-platform.test:8001/", undefined]
Harness: the test ran to completion.