blob: a2e833b68d6d0736c4e808da7f3d9ffb3edbd9d2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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import static;
import org.tensorflow.lite.DataType;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Helper class for converting values that represents bounding boxes into rectangles.
* <p>The class provides a static function to create bounding boxes as {@link
*} from different types of configurations.
* <p>Generally, a bounding box could be represented by 4 float values, but the values could be
* interpreted in many ways. We now support 3 {@link Type} of configurations, and the order of
* elements in each type is configurable as well.
public final class BoundingBoxUtil {
/** Denotes how a bounding box is represented. */
public enum Type {
* Represents the bounding box by using the combination of boundaries, {left, top, right,
* bottom}. The default order is {left, top, right, bottom}. Other orders can be indicated
* by an index array.
* Represents the bounding box by using the upper_left corner, width and height. The default
* order is {upper_left_x, upper_left_y, width, height}. Other orders can be indicated by an
* index array.
* Represents the bounding box by using the center of the box, width and height. The default
* order is {center_x, center_y, width, height}. Other orders can be indicated by an index
* array.
/** Denotes if the coordinates are actual pixels or relative ratios. */
public enum CoordinateType {
/** The coordinates are relative ratios in range [0, 1]. */
/** The coordinates are actual pixel values. */
* Creates a list of bounding boxes from a {@link TensorBuffer} which represents bounding boxes.
* @param tensor holds the data representing some boxes.
* @param valueIndex denotes the order of the elements defined in each bounding box type. An
* empty
* index array represent the default order of each bounding box type. For example, to denote
* the default order of BOUNDARIES, {left, top, right, bottom}, the index should be {0, 1,
* 2, 3}. To denote the order {left, right, top, bottom}, the order should be {0, 2, 1, 3}.
* <p>The index array can be applied to all bounding box types to adjust the order of their
* corresponding underlying elements.
* @param boundingBoxAxis specifies the index of the dimension that represents bounding box. The
* size of that dimension is required to be 4. Index here starts from 0. For example, if the
* tensor has shape 4x10, the axis for bounding boxes is likely to be 0. Negative axis is
* also supported: -1 gives the last axis and -2 gives the second, .etc. theFor shape 10x4, the
* axis is likely to be 1 (or -1, equivalently).
* @param type defines how values should be converted into boxes. See {@link Type}
* @param coordinateType defines how values are interpreted to coordinates. See {@link
* CoordinateType}
* @param height the height of the image which the boxes belong to. Only has effects when {@code
* coordinateType} is {@link CoordinateType#RATIO}
* @param width the width of the image which the boxes belong to. Only has effects when {@code
* coordinateType} is {@link CoordinateType#RATIO}
* @return A list of bounding boxes that the {@code tensor} represents. All dimensions except
* {@code boundingBoxAxis} will be collapsed with order kept. For example, given {@code
* tensor} with shape {1, 4, 10, 2} and {@code boundingBoxAxis = 1}, The result will be a
* list of 20 bounding boxes.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if size of bounding box dimension (set by {@code
* boundingBoxAxis}) is not 4.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code boundingBoxAxis} is not in {@code (-(D+1), D)}
* where
* {@code D} is the number of dimensions of the {@code tensor}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code tensor} has data type other than {@link
* DataType#FLOAT32}.
public static List<RectF> convert(TensorBuffer tensor, int[] valueIndex, int boundingBoxAxis,
Type type, CoordinateType coordinateType, int height, int width) {
int[] shape = tensor.getShape();
checkArgument(boundingBoxAxis >= -shape.length && boundingBoxAxis < shape.length,
"Axis %d is not in range (-(D+1), D), where D is the number of dimensions of input"
+ " tensor (shape=%s)",
boundingBoxAxis, Arrays.toString(shape)));
if (boundingBoxAxis < 0) {
boundingBoxAxis = shape.length + boundingBoxAxis;
checkArgument(shape[boundingBoxAxis] == 4,
String.format("Size of bounding box dimension %d is not 4. Got %d in shape %s",
boundingBoxAxis, shape[boundingBoxAxis], Arrays.toString(shape)));
checkArgument(valueIndex.length == 4,
String.format("Bounding box index array length %d is not 4. Got index array %s",
valueIndex.length, Arrays.toString(valueIndex)));
checkArgument(tensor.getDataType() == DataType.FLOAT32,
"Bounding Boxes only create from FLOAT32 buffers. Got: "
+ tensor.getDataType().name());
List<RectF> boundingBoxList = new ArrayList<>();
// Collapse dimensions to {a, 4, b}. So each bounding box could be represent as (i, j), and
// its four values are (i, k, j), where 0 <= k < 4. We can compute the 4 flattened index by
// i * 4b + k * b + j.
int a = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < boundingBoxAxis; i++) {
a *= shape[i];
int b = 1;
for (int i = boundingBoxAxis + 1; i < shape.length; i++) {
b *= shape[i];
float[] values = new float[4];
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = tensor.getBuffer();
FloatBuffer floatBuffer = byteBuffer.asFloatBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < b; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
values[k] = floatBuffer.get((i * 4 + k) * b + j);
values, valueIndex, type, coordinateType, height, width));
return boundingBoxList;
private static RectF convertOneBoundingBox(float[] values, int[] valueIndex, Type type,
CoordinateType coordinateType, int height, int width) {
float[] orderedValues = new float[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
orderedValues[i] = values[valueIndex[i]];
return convertOneBoundingBox(orderedValues, type, coordinateType, height, width);
private static RectF convertOneBoundingBox(
float[] values, Type type, CoordinateType coordinateType, int height, int width) {
switch (type) {
return convertFromBoundaries(values, coordinateType, height, width);
return convertFromUpperLeft(values, coordinateType, height, width);
case CENTER:
return convertFromCenter(values, coordinateType, height, width);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot recognize BoundingBox.Type " + type);
private static RectF convertFromBoundaries(
float[] values, CoordinateType coordinateType, int imageHeight, int imageWidth) {
float left = values[0];
float top = values[1];
float right = values[2];
float bottom = values[3];
return getRectF(left, top, right, bottom, imageHeight, imageWidth, coordinateType);
private static RectF convertFromUpperLeft(
float[] values, CoordinateType coordinateType, int imageHeight, int imageWidth) {
float left = values[0];
float top = values[1];
float right = values[0] + values[2];
float bottom = values[1] + values[3];
return getRectF(left, top, right, bottom, imageHeight, imageWidth, coordinateType);
private static RectF convertFromCenter(
float[] values, CoordinateType coordinateType, int imageHeight, int imageWidth) {
float centerX = values[0];
float centerY = values[1];
float w = values[2];
float h = values[3];
float left = centerX - w / 2;
float top = centerY - h / 2;
float right = centerX + w / 2;
float bottom = centerY + h / 2;
return getRectF(left, top, right, bottom, imageHeight, imageWidth, coordinateType);
private static RectF getRectF(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, int imageHeight,
int imageWidth, CoordinateType coordinateType) {
if (coordinateType == CoordinateType.PIXEL) {
return new RectF(left, top, right, bottom);
} else if (coordinateType == CoordinateType.RATIO) {
return new RectF(
left * imageWidth, top * imageHeight, right * imageWidth, bottom * imageHeight);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot convert coordinate type " + coordinateType);
// Private constructor to prevent initialization.
private BoundingBoxUtil() {}