blob: a1237f3b2a3eef197d9a780f549a726d2559159a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/sys_info.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace features {
extern const base::Feature kCustomizedTabLoadTimeout;
extern const base::Feature kInfiniteSessionRestore;
extern const base::Feature kProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscard;
extern const base::Feature kSiteCharacteristicsDatabase;
extern const base::Feature kStaggeredBackgroundTabOpening;
extern const base::Feature kStaggeredBackgroundTabOpeningExperiment;
extern const base::Feature kTabRanker;
} // namespace features
namespace resource_coordinator {
// Variations parameter names related to proactive discarding.
// See ProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscardsParams for details.
extern const char kProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscard_ShouldProactivelyDiscard[];
extern const char kProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscard_LowLoadedTabCountParam[];
extern const char
extern const char kProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscard_HighLoadedTabCountParam[];
extern const char kProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscard_LowOccludedTimeoutParam[];
extern const char kProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscard_ModerateOccludedTimeoutParam[];
extern const char kProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscard_HighOccludedTimeoutParam[];
extern const char kProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscard_FreezeTimeout[];
// Variations parameter names related to the site characteristics database.
// See ProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscardsParams for details.
extern const char kSiteCharacteristicsDb_FaviconUpdateObservationWindow[];
extern const char kSiteCharacteristicsDb_TitleUpdateObservationWindow[];
extern const char kSiteCharacteristicsDb_AudioUsageObservationWindow[];
extern const char kSiteCharacteristicsDb_NotificationsUsageObservationWindow[];
// Variation parameter names related to infinite session restore.
extern const char kInfiniteSessionRestore_MinSimultaneousTabLoads[];
extern const char kInfiniteSessionRestore_MaxSimultaneousTabLoads[];
extern const char kInfiniteSessionRestore_CoresPerSimultaneousTabLoad[];
extern const char kInfiniteSessionRestore_MinTabsToRestore[];
extern const char kInfiniteSessionRestore_MaxTabsToRestore[];
extern const char kInfiniteSessionRestore_MbFreeMemoryPerTabToRestore[];
// This is expressed in seconds.
extern const char kInfiniteSessionRestore_MaxTimeSinceLastUseToRestore[];
extern const char kInfiniteSessionRestore_MinSiteEngagementToRestore[];
// Default values of parameters related to the site characteristics database.
// See ProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscardsParams for details.
extern const bool kProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscard_ShouldProactivelyDiscardDefault;
extern const uint32_t kProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscard_LowLoadedTabCountDefault;
extern const uint32_t
extern const uint32_t kProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscard_HighLoadedTabCountDefault;
extern const base::TimeDelta
extern const base::TimeDelta
extern const base::TimeDelta
extern const base::TimeDelta
// Default values of parameters related to the site characteristics database.
// See SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseParams for details.
extern const base::TimeDelta
extern const base::TimeDelta
extern const base::TimeDelta
extern const base::TimeDelta
// Default values for infinite session restore feature.
extern const uint32_t kInfiniteSessionRestore_MinSimultaneousTabLoadsDefault;
extern const uint32_t kInfiniteSessionRestore_MaxSimultaneousTabLoadsDefault;
extern const uint32_t
extern const uint32_t kInfiniteSessionRestore_MinTabsToRestoreDefault;
extern const uint32_t kInfiniteSessionRestore_MaxTabsToRestoreDefault;
extern const uint32_t
extern const base::TimeDelta
extern const uint32_t kInfiniteSessionRestore_MinSiteEngagementToRestoreDefault;
// Parameters used by the proactive tab discarding feature.
// Proactive discarding has 5 key parameters:
// - min/max occluded timeouts
// - min/soft_max/hard_max loaded tab counts
// Proactive tab discarding decisions are made at two points in time:
// - when a new tab is created
// - when a max occluded timeout fires
// The following is a description of the initial simple proactive discarding
// logic. First, the number of loaded tabs is converted into one of 4 tab count
// states (LOW, MODERATE, HIGH, EXCESSIVE) using 3 simple thresholds.
// +-------+----------+---------+-----------+
// +-------+----------+---------+-----------+
// 0 n_low n_mod n_high +inf
// Depending on the tab count state, tabs are eligible for proactive discarding
// at different time tresholds, where the timeout is longer for lower tab
// count states. When in the low state the timeout is effectively infinite (no
// proactive discarding will occur), and when in the excessive state the timeout
// is zero (discarding will occur immediately).
// This logic is independent of urgent discarding, which may embark when things
// are sufficiently bad. Similarly, manual or extension driven discards can
// override this logic. Finally, proactive discarding can only discard occluded
// tabs, so it is always possible to have arbitrarily many visible tabs.
// NOTE: This is extremely simplistic, and by design. We will be using this to
// do a very simple "lightspeed" experiment to determine how much possible
// savings proactive discarding can hope to achieve.
struct ProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscardParams {
const ProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscardParams& rhs);
// Whether tabs should be proactively discarded. When the
// |kProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscard| feature is enabled and this is false, only
// proactive tab freezing happens.
bool should_proactively_discard;
// Tab count (inclusive) beyond which the state transitions to MODERATE.
// Intended to cover the majority of simple workflows and be small enough that
// it is very unlikely that memory pressure will be encountered with this many
// tabs loaded.
int low_loaded_tab_count;
// Tab count (inclusive) beyond which the state transitions to HIGH. This
// value is determined based on the available system memory, and is ensured to
// be in the interval [low_loaded_tab_count, high_loaded_tab_count].
int moderate_loaded_tab_count;
// Tab count (inclusive) beyond which the state transitions to EXCESSIVE.
// Not relative to system memory, as its intended to be a hard cap
// more akin to a maximum mental model size.
int high_loaded_tab_count;
// Amount of time a tab must be occluded before eligible for proactive
// discard when the tab count state is LOW.
base::TimeDelta low_occluded_timeout;
// Amount of time a tab must be occluded before eligible for proactive
// discard when the tab count state is MODERATE.
base::TimeDelta moderate_occluded_timeout;
// Amount of time a tab must be occluded before eligible for proactive
// discard when the tab count state is HIGH.
base::TimeDelta high_occluded_timeout;
// Amount of time a tab must be occluded before it is frozen.
base::TimeDelta freeze_timeout;
// Parameters used by the site characteristics database.
// The site characteristics database tracks tab usage of a some features, a tab,
// a feature is considered as unused if it hasn't been used for a sufficiently
// long period of time while the tab was backgrounded. There's currently 4
// features we're interested in:
// - Favicon update
// - Title update
// - Audio usage
// - Notifications usage
struct SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseParams {
const SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseParams& rhs);
// Minimum observation window before considering that this website doesn't
// update its favicon while in background.
base::TimeDelta favicon_update_observation_window;
// Minimum observation window before considering that this website doesn't
// update its title while in background.
base::TimeDelta title_update_observation_window;
// Minimum observation window before considering that this website doesn't
// use audio while in background.
base::TimeDelta audio_usage_observation_window;
// Minimum observation window before considering that this website doesn't
// use notifications while in background.
base::TimeDelta notifications_usage_observation_window;
// Parameters used by the infinite session restore feature.
struct InfiniteSessionRestoreParams {
InfiniteSessionRestoreParams(const InfiniteSessionRestoreParams& rhs);
// Parameters directly retrieved from the experiment configuration.
// The minimum number of tabs to ever load simultaneously. This can be
// exceeded by user actions or load timeouts. See TabLoader for details.
uint32_t min_simultaneous_tab_loads;
// The maximum number of simultaneous tab loads that should be permitted.
// Setting to zero means no maximum is applied.
uint32_t max_simultaneous_tab_loads;
// The number of CPU cores required before per permitted simultaneous tab
// load. Setting to zero means no CPU core limit applies.
uint32_t cores_per_simultaneous_tab_load;
// The minimum total number of tabs to restore (if there are even that many).
uint32_t min_tabs_to_restore;
// The maximum total number of tabs to restore in a session restore. Setting
// to zero means no maximum is applied.
uint32_t max_tabs_to_restore;
// The required amount of system free memory per tab to restore. Setting to
// zero means no memory limit will be applied.
uint32_t mb_free_memory_per_tab_to_restore;
// The maximum time since last use of a tab in order for it to be restored.
// Setting to zero means this logic does not apply.
base::TimeDelta max_time_since_last_use_to_restore;
// The minimum site engagement score in order for a tab to be restored.
// Setting this to zero means all tabs will be restored regardless of the
// site engagement score.
uint32_t min_site_engagement_to_restore;
// Gets parameters for the proactive tab discarding feature. This does no
// parameter validation, and sets the default values if the feature is not
// enabled.
ProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscardParams GetProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscardParams(
int memory_in_gb = base::SysInfo::AmountOfPhysicalMemory() /
(1024 * 1024 * 1024));
// Return a static ProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscardParams object that can be used by
// all the classes that need one.
const ProactiveTabFreezeAndDiscardParams&
base::TimeDelta GetTabLoadTimeout(const base::TimeDelta& default_timeout);
// Gets parameters for the site characteristics database feature. This does no
// parameter validation, and sets the default values if the feature is not
// enabled.
SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseParams GetSiteCharacteristicsDatabaseParams();
// Return a static SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseParams object that can be used by
// all the classes that need one.
const SiteCharacteristicsDatabaseParams&
// Gets parameters for the infinite session restore feature.
InfiniteSessionRestoreParams GetInfiniteSessionRestoreParams();
} // namespace resource_coordinator