blob: af78e3c81b5d471695a92c90eda6db55611e0a82 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/system_monitor/system_monitor.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/chrome_extension_function.h"
#include "chrome/common/extensions/api/webrtc_audio_private.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/resource_context.h"
#include "extensions/browser/browser_context_keyed_api_factory.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_device_description.h"
namespace extensions {
// Listens for device changes and forwards as an extension event.
class WebrtcAudioPrivateEventService
: public BrowserContextKeyedAPI,
public base::SystemMonitor::DevicesChangedObserver {
explicit WebrtcAudioPrivateEventService(content::BrowserContext* context);
~WebrtcAudioPrivateEventService() override;
// BrowserContextKeyedAPI implementation.
void Shutdown() override;
static BrowserContextKeyedAPIFactory<WebrtcAudioPrivateEventService>*
static const char* service_name();
// base::SystemMonitor::DevicesChangedObserver implementation.
void OnDevicesChanged(base::SystemMonitor::DeviceType device_type) override;
friend class BrowserContextKeyedAPIFactory<WebrtcAudioPrivateEventService>;
void SignalEvent();
content::BrowserContext* browser_context_;
// Common base for WebrtcAudioPrivate functions, that provides a
// couple of optionally-used common implementations.
class WebrtcAudioPrivateFunction : public ChromeAsyncExtensionFunction {
~WebrtcAudioPrivateFunction() override;
// Retrieves the list of output device descriptions on the appropriate
// thread. Call from UI thread, callback will occur on IO thread.
void GetOutputDeviceDescriptions();
// Must override this if you call GetOutputDeviceDescriptions. Called on IO
// thread.
virtual void OnOutputDeviceDescriptions(
std::unique_ptr<media::AudioDeviceDescriptions> device_descriptions);
// Calculates a single HMAC. Call from any thread. Calls back via
// OnHMACCalculated on UI thread.
// This function, and device ID HMACs in this API in general use the
// calling extension's ID as the security origin. The only exception
// to this rule is when calculating the input device ID HMAC in
// getAssociatedSink, where we use the provided |securityOrigin|.
void CalculateHMAC(const std::string& raw_id);
// Must override this if you call CalculateHMAC.
virtual void OnHMACCalculated(const std::string& hmac);
// Calculates a single HMAC, using the extension ID as the security origin.
// Call only on IO thread.
std::string CalculateHMACImpl(const std::string& raw_id);
// Initializes |device_id_salt_|. Must be called on the UI thread,
// before any calls to |device_id_salt()|.
void InitDeviceIDSalt();
// Callable from any thread. Must previously have called
// |InitDeviceIDSalt()|.
std::string device_id_salt() const;
// Returns the RenderProcessHost associated with the given |request|
// authorized by the |security_origin|. Returns null if unauthorized or
// the RPH does not exist.
content::RenderProcessHost* GetRenderProcessHostFromRequest(
const api::webrtc_audio_private::RequestInfo& request,
const std::string& security_origin);
std::string device_id_salt_;
class WebrtcAudioPrivateGetSinksFunction : public WebrtcAudioPrivateFunction {
~WebrtcAudioPrivateGetSinksFunction() override {}
// Sequence of events is that we query the list of sinks on the
// AudioManager's thread, then calculate HMACs on the IO thread,
// then finish on the UI thread.
bool RunAsync() override;
void DoQuery();
void OnOutputDeviceDescriptions(
std::unique_ptr<media::AudioDeviceDescriptions> raw_ids) override;
void DoneOnUIThread();
class WebrtcAudioPrivateGetAssociatedSinkFunction
: public WebrtcAudioPrivateFunction {
~WebrtcAudioPrivateGetAssociatedSinkFunction() override;
bool RunAsync() override;
// This implementation is slightly complicated because of different
// thread requirements for the various functions we need to invoke.
// Each worker function will post a task to the appropriate thread
// for the next one.
// The sequence of events is:
// 1. Get the list of source devices on the device thread.
// 2. Given a source ID for an origin and that security origin, find
// the raw source ID. This needs to happen on the IO thread since
// we will be using the ResourceContext.
// 3. Given a raw source ID, get the raw associated sink ID on the
// device thread.
// 4. Given the raw associated sink ID, get its HMAC on the IO thread.
// 5. Respond with the HMAC of the associated sink ID on the UI thread.
// Fills in |source_devices_|. Note that these are input devices,
// not output devices, so don't use
// |WebrtcAudioPrivateFunction::GetOutputDeviceDescriptions|.
void GetDevicesOnDeviceThread();
// Takes the parameters of the function, retrieves the raw source
// device ID, or the empty string if none.
void GetRawSourceIDOnIOThread();
// Gets the raw sink ID for a raw source ID. Sends it to |CalculateHMAC|.
void GetAssociatedSinkOnDeviceThread(const std::string& raw_source_id);
// Receives the associated sink ID after its HMAC is calculated.
void OnHMACCalculated(const std::string& hmac) override;
// Accessed from UI thread and device thread, but only on one at a
// time, no locking needed.
std::unique_ptr<api::webrtc_audio_private::GetAssociatedSink::Params> params_;
// Audio sources (input devices). Filled in by DoWorkOnDeviceThread.
media::AudioDeviceDescriptions source_devices_;
class WebrtcAudioPrivateSetAudioExperimentsFunction
: public WebrtcAudioPrivateFunction {
~WebrtcAudioPrivateSetAudioExperimentsFunction() override;
bool RunAsync() override;
} // namespace extensions