blob: 7c0c0b25617f22df6b1aa065eaec5a196b82273b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/file_locations.h"
#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "testing/platform_test.h"
extern std::string GetLocalizedFileName(const std::string& base_name,
const std::string& locale,
const std::string& ext);
extern std::string GetIOSLocaleMapping(const std::string& locale);
namespace {
class FileLocationsTest : public PlatformTest {
void SetUp() override {
// These files must exist for this unit test to pass.
termsBaseName_ = "terms";
extension_ = "html";
enFile_ = "terms_en.html";
frFile_ = "terms_fr.html";
std::string termsBaseName_;
std::string extension_;
std::string enFile_;
std::string frFile_;
TEST_F(FileLocationsTest, TestTermsOfServiceUrl) {
std::string filename(GetTermsOfServicePath());
TEST_F(FileLocationsTest, TestIOSLocaleMapping) {
EXPECT_EQ("en-US", GetIOSLocaleMapping("en-US"));
EXPECT_EQ("es", GetIOSLocaleMapping("es"));
EXPECT_EQ("es-419", GetIOSLocaleMapping("es-MX"));
EXPECT_EQ("pt-BR", GetIOSLocaleMapping("pt"));
EXPECT_EQ("pt-PT", GetIOSLocaleMapping("pt-PT"));
EXPECT_EQ("zh-CN", GetIOSLocaleMapping("zh-Hans"));
EXPECT_EQ("zh-TW", GetIOSLocaleMapping("zh-Hant"));
TEST_F(FileLocationsTest, TestFileNameLocaleWithExtension) {
EXPECT_EQ(enFile_, GetLocalizedFileName(termsBaseName_, "en", extension_));
EXPECT_EQ(frFile_, GetLocalizedFileName(termsBaseName_, "fr", extension_));
EXPECT_EQ(frFile_, GetLocalizedFileName(termsBaseName_, "fr-XX", extension_));
// No ToS for "xx" locale so expect default "en" ToS. Unlikely, but this
// test will fail once the ToS for "xx" locale is added.
EXPECT_EQ(enFile_, GetLocalizedFileName(termsBaseName_, "xx", extension_));
// Tests that locale/languages available on iOS are mapped to either a
// translated Chrome Terms of Service or to English.
TEST_F(FileLocationsTest, TestTermsOfServiceForSupportedLanguages) {
// List of available localized terms_*.html files. Note that this list is
// hardcoded and needs to be manually maintained as new locales are added
// to Chrome. See http://crbug/522638
NSSet* localizedTermsHtml =
[NSSet setWithObjects:@"ar", @"bg", @"ca", @"cs", @"da", @"de", @"el",
@"en-GB", @"en", @"es-419", @"es", @"fa", @"fi",
@"fr", @"he", @"hi", @"hr", @"hu", @"id", @"it",
@"ja", @"ko", @"lt", @"nb", @"nl", @"pl", @"pt-BR",
@"pt-PT", @"ro", @"ru", @"sk", @"sr", @"sv", @"th",
@"tr", @"uk", @"vi", @"zh-CN", @"zh-TW", nil];
for (NSString* locale in [NSLocale availableLocaleIdentifiers]) {
NSString* normalizedLocale =
[locale stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"_" withString:@"-"];
NSArray* parts = [normalizedLocale componentsSeparatedByString:@"-"];
NSString* language = [parts objectAtIndex:0];
std::string filename = GetLocalizedFileName(
if (filename == enFile_ && ![language isEqualToString:@"en"]) {
NSLog(@"OK: Locale %@ using language %@ falls back to use English ToS",
locale, language);
EXPECT_FALSE([localizedTermsHtml containsObject:language]);
} // namespace