blob: 32450ad89b40e0ba40b9bdf82476a0a1a3fa6991 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/data_use_measurement/core/data_use_user_data.h"
#include "components/metrics/data_use_tracker.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/network_connection_tracker.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "base/android/application_status_listener.h"
class GURL;
namespace net {
class HttpResponseHeaders;
class URLRequest;
namespace data_use_measurement {
class DataUseAscriber;
class URLRequestClassifier;
// Records the data use of user traffic and various services in UMA histograms.
// The UMA is broken down by network technology used (Wi-Fi vs cellular). On
// Android, the UMA is further broken down by whether the application was in the
// background or foreground during the request.
// TODO(amohammadkhan): Complete the layered architecture.
class DataUseMeasurement
: public network::NetworkConnectionTracker::NetworkConnectionObserver {
class ServicesDataUseObserver {
// Called when services data use is reported.
virtual void OnServicesDataUse(int64_t recv_bytes, int64_t sent_bytes) = 0;
// Returns true if the NTA hash is initiated by user traffic.
static bool IsUserRequest(int32_t network_traffic_annotation_hash_id);
// Returns true if the NTA hash is one used by Chrome downloads.
static bool IsUserDownloadsRequest(
int32_t network_traffic_annotation_hash_id);
// Returns true if the NTA hash is one used by metrics (UMA, UKM) component.
static bool IsMetricsServiceRequest(
int32_t network_traffic_annotation_hash_id);
// Returns the content-type saved in the request userdata when the response
// headers were received.
static DataUseUserData::DataUseContentType GetContentTypeForRequest(
const net::URLRequest& request);
std::unique_ptr<URLRequestClassifier> url_request_classifier,
DataUseAscriber* ascriber,
network::NetworkConnectionTracker* network_connection_tracker);
~DataUseMeasurement() override;
// Called before a request is sent.
void OnBeforeURLRequest(net::URLRequest* request);
// Called right after a redirect response code was received for |request|.
void OnBeforeRedirect(const net::URLRequest& request,
const GURL& new_location);
// Called when response headers are received for |request|.
void OnHeadersReceived(net::URLRequest* request,
const net::HttpResponseHeaders* response_headers);
// Called when data is received or sent on the network, respectively.
void OnNetworkBytesReceived(const net::URLRequest& request,
int64_t bytes_received);
void OnNetworkBytesSent(const net::URLRequest& request, int64_t bytes_sent);
// Indicates that |request| has been completed or failed.
void OnCompleted(const net::URLRequest& request, bool started);
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// This function should just be used for testing purposes. A change in
// application state can be simulated by calling this function.
void OnApplicationStateChangeForTesting(
base::android::ApplicationState application_state);
// Updates the data use to metrics service. |is_metrics_service_usage|
// indicates if the data use is from metrics component.
virtual void UpdateDataUseToMetricsService(int64_t total_bytes,
bool is_cellular,
bool is_metrics_service_usage) = 0;
void AddServicesDataUseObserver(ServicesDataUseObserver* observer);
void RemoveServicesDataUseObserver(ServicesDataUseObserver* observer);
// Specifies that data is received or sent, respectively.
enum TrafficDirection { DOWNSTREAM, UPSTREAM };
// Returns the current application state (Foreground or Background). It always
// returns Foreground if Chrome is not running on Android.
DataUseUserData::AppState CurrentAppState() const;
// Records data use histograms of services. It gets the size of exchanged
// message, its direction (which is upstream or downstream) and reports to the
// histogram DataUse.Services.{Dimensions} with, services as the buckets.
// |app_state| indicates the app state which can be foreground, or background.
void ReportDataUsageServices(int32_t traffic_annotation_hash,
TrafficDirection dir,
DataUseUserData::AppState app_state,
int64_t message_size_bytes) const;
// Returns if the current network connection type is cellular.
bool IsCurrentNetworkCellular() const;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Records the count of bytes received and sent by Chrome on the network as
// reported by the operating system.
void MaybeRecordNetworkBytesOS();
// Number of bytes received and sent by Chromium as reported by the network
// delegate since the operating system was last queried for traffic
// statistics.
int64_t bytes_transferred_since_last_traffic_stats_query_ = 0;
friend class DataUseMeasurementTest;
// Makes the full name of the histogram. It is made from |prefix| and suffix
// which is made based on network and application status. suffix is a string
// representing whether the data use was on the send ("Upstream") or receive
// ("Downstream") path, and whether the app was in the "Foreground" or
// "Background".
std::string GetHistogramNameWithConnectionType(
const char* prefix,
TrafficDirection dir,
DataUseUserData::AppState app_state) const;
// Makes the full name of the histogram. It is made from |prefix| and suffix
// which is made based on network and application status. suffix is a string
// representing whether the data use was on the send ("Upstream") or receive
// ("Downstream") path, whether the app was in the "Foreground" or
// "Background", and whether a "Cellular" or "WiFi" network was use. For
// example, "Prefix.Upstream.Foreground.Cellular" is a possible output.
// |app_state| indicates the app state which can be foreground, background, or
// unknown.
std::string GetHistogramName(const char* prefix,
TrafficDirection dir,
DataUseUserData::AppState app_state,
bool is_connection_cellular) const;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Called whenever the application transitions from foreground to background
// and vice versa.
void OnApplicationStateChange(
base::android::ApplicationState application_state);
// Records the data use of the |request|, thus |request| must be non-null.
// |dir| is the direction (which is upstream or downstream) and |bytes| is the
// number of bytes in the direction.
void ReportDataUseUMA(const net::URLRequest& request,
TrafficDirection dir,
int64_t bytes);
// Reports the message size of the service requests.
void ReportServicesMessageSizeUMA(const net::URLRequest& request);
// Records data use histograms split on TrafficDirection, AppState and
// TabState.
void RecordTabStateHistogram(TrafficDirection dir,
DataUseUserData::AppState app_state,
bool is_tab_visible,
int64_t bytes) const;
// Records data use histograms split on page tranition.
void RecordPageTransitionUMA(const net::URLRequest& request) const;
// Records data use histograms of user traffic and services traffic split on
// content type, AppState and TabState.
void RecordContentTypeHistogram(
DataUseUserData::DataUseContentType content_type,
bool is_user_traffic,
DataUseUserData::AppState app_state,
bool is_tab_visible,
int64_t bytes);
// NetworkConnectionObserver overrides
void OnConnectionChanged(
network::mojom::ConnectionType connection_type) override;
// Classifier for identifying if an URL request is user initiated.
std::unique_ptr<URLRequestClassifier> url_request_classifier_;
// DataUseAscriber used to get the attributes of data use.
DataUseAscriber* ascriber_;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Application listener store the last known state of the application in this
// field.
base::android::ApplicationState app_state_;
// ApplicationStatusListener used to monitor whether the application is in the
// foreground or in the background. It is owned by DataUseMeasurement.
std::unique_ptr<base::android::ApplicationStatusListener> app_listener_;
// Number of bytes received and sent by Chromium as reported by the operating
// system when it was last queried for traffic statistics. Set to 0 if the
// operating system was never queried.
int64_t rx_bytes_os_;
int64_t tx_bytes_os_;
// The time at which Chromium app state changed to background. Can be null if
// app is not in background.
base::TimeTicks last_app_background_time_;
// True if app is in background and first network read has not yet happened.
bool no_reads_since_background_;
// Watches for network connection changes. Global singleton object and
// outlives |this|
network::NetworkConnectionTracker* network_connection_tracker_;
// The current connection type.
network::mojom::ConnectionType connection_type_;
} // namespace data_use_measurement