blob: b781bdb2b335f664a9ac1375fd6387f5a099b317 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/pending_task.h"
#include "base/task/common/checked_lock.h"
#include "base/task/common/intrusive_heap.h"
#include "base/task/common/operations_controller.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/associated_thread_id.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/atomic_flag_set.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/enqueue_order.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/lazily_deallocated_deque.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/sequenced_task_source.h"
#include "base/task/sequence_manager/task_queue.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time_override.h"
#include "base/trace_event/base_tracing.h"
#include "base/values.h"
namespace base {
namespace sequence_manager {
class LazyNow;
class TimeDomain;
namespace internal {
class SequenceManagerImpl;
class WorkQueue;
class WorkQueueSets;
// TaskQueueImpl has four main queues:
// Immediate (non-delayed) tasks:
// |immediate_incoming_queue| - PostTask enqueues tasks here.
// |immediate_work_queue| - SequenceManager takes immediate tasks here.
// Delayed tasks
// |delayed_incoming_queue| - PostDelayedTask enqueues tasks here.
// |delayed_work_queue| - SequenceManager takes delayed tasks here.
// The |immediate_incoming_queue| can be accessed from any thread, the other
// queues are main-thread only. To reduce the overhead of locking,
// |immediate_work_queue| is swapped with |immediate_incoming_queue| when
// |immediate_work_queue| becomes empty.
// Delayed tasks are initially posted to |delayed_incoming_queue| and a wake-up
// is scheduled with the TimeDomain. When the delay has elapsed, the TimeDomain
// calls UpdateDelayedWorkQueue and ready delayed tasks are moved into the
// |delayed_work_queue|. Note the EnqueueOrder (used for ordering) for a delayed
// task is not set until it's moved into the |delayed_work_queue|.
// TaskQueueImpl uses the WorkQueueSets and the TaskQueueSelector to implement
// prioritization. Task selection is done by the TaskQueueSelector and when a
// queue is selected, it round-robins between the |immediate_work_queue| and
// |delayed_work_queue|. The reason for this is we want to make sure delayed
// tasks (normally the most common type) don't starve out immediate work.
class BASE_EXPORT TaskQueueImpl {
TaskQueueImpl(SequenceManagerImpl* sequence_manager,
TimeDomain* time_domain,
const TaskQueue::Spec& spec);
// Types of queues TaskQueueImpl is maintaining internally.
enum class WorkQueueType { kImmediate, kDelayed };
// Some methods have fast paths when on the main thread.
enum class CurrentThread { kMainThread, kNotMainThread };
// Non-nestable tasks may get deferred but such queue is being maintained on
// SequenceManager side, so we need to keep information how to requeue it.
struct DeferredNonNestableTask {
Task task;
internal::TaskQueueImpl* task_queue;
WorkQueueType work_queue_type;
using OnNextWakeUpChangedCallback = RepeatingCallback<void(TimeTicks)>;
using OnTaskReadyHandler = RepeatingCallback<void(const Task&, LazyNow*)>;
using OnTaskStartedHandler =
RepeatingCallback<void(const Task&, const TaskQueue::TaskTiming&)>;
using OnTaskCompletedHandler =
RepeatingCallback<void(const Task&, TaskQueue::TaskTiming*, LazyNow*)>;
// May be called from any thread.
scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> CreateTaskRunner(
TaskType task_type) const;
// TaskQueue implementation.
const char* GetName() const;
bool IsQueueEnabled() const;
void SetQueueEnabled(bool enabled);
void SetShouldReportPostedTasksWhenDisabled(bool should_report);
bool IsEmpty() const;
size_t GetNumberOfPendingTasks() const;
bool HasTaskToRunImmediately() const;
Optional<TimeTicks> GetNextScheduledWakeUp();
Optional<DelayedWakeUp> GetNextScheduledWakeUpImpl();
void SetQueuePriority(TaskQueue::QueuePriority priority);
TaskQueue::QueuePriority GetQueuePriority() const;
void AddTaskObserver(TaskObserver* task_observer);
void RemoveTaskObserver(TaskObserver* task_observer);
void SetTimeDomain(TimeDomain* time_domain);
TimeDomain* GetTimeDomain() const;
void SetBlameContext(trace_event::BlameContext* blame_context);
void InsertFence(TaskQueue::InsertFencePosition position);
void InsertFenceAt(TimeTicks time);
void RemoveFence();
bool HasActiveFence();
bool BlockedByFence() const;
EnqueueOrder GetEnqueueOrderAtWhichWeBecameUnblocked() const;
// Implementation of TaskQueue::SetObserver.
void SetObserver(TaskQueue::Observer* observer);
void UnregisterTaskQueue();
// Returns true if a (potentially hypothetical) task with the specified
// |enqueue_order| could run on the queue. Must be called from the main
// thread.
bool CouldTaskRun(EnqueueOrder enqueue_order) const;
// Returns true if a task with |enqueue_order| obtained from this queue was
// ever in the queue while it was disabled, blocked by a fence, or less
// important than kNormalPriority.
bool WasBlockedOrLowPriority(EnqueueOrder enqueue_order) const;
// Must only be called from the thread this task queue was created on.
void ReloadEmptyImmediateWorkQueue();
Value AsValue(TimeTicks now, bool force_verbose) const;
bool GetQuiescenceMonitored() const { return should_monitor_quiescence_; }
bool GetShouldNotifyObservers() const { return should_notify_observers_; }
void NotifyWillProcessTask(const Task& task,
bool was_blocked_or_low_priority);
void NotifyDidProcessTask(const Task& task);
// Check for available tasks in immediate work queues.
// Used to check if we need to generate notifications about delayed work.
bool HasPendingImmediateWork();
bool HasPendingImmediateWorkLocked()
bool has_pending_high_resolution_tasks() const {
return main_thread_only()
WorkQueue* delayed_work_queue() {
return main_thread_only().delayed_work_queue.get();
const WorkQueue* delayed_work_queue() const {
return main_thread_only().delayed_work_queue.get();
WorkQueue* immediate_work_queue() {
return main_thread_only().immediate_work_queue.get();
const WorkQueue* immediate_work_queue() const {
return main_thread_only().immediate_work_queue.get();
// Enqueues any delayed tasks which should be run now on the
// |delayed_work_queue|. Must be called from the main thread.
void MoveReadyDelayedTasksToWorkQueue(LazyNow* lazy_now);
base::internal::HeapHandle heap_handle() const {
return main_thread_only().heap_handle;
void set_heap_handle(base::internal::HeapHandle heap_handle) {
main_thread_only().heap_handle = heap_handle;
// Pushes |task| onto the front of the specified work queue. Caution must be
// taken with this API because you could easily starve out other work.
// TODO(kraynov): Simplify non-nestable task logic
void RequeueDeferredNonNestableTask(DeferredNonNestableTask task);
void PushImmediateIncomingTaskForTest(Task&& task);
// Iterates over |delayed_incoming_queue| removing canceled tasks. In
// addition MaybeShrinkQueue is called on all internal queues.
void ReclaimMemory(TimeTicks now);
// Registers a handler to invoke when a task posted to this TaskQueueImpl is
// ready. For a non-delayed task, this is when the task is posted. For a
// delayed task, this is when the delay expires.
void SetOnTaskReadyHandler(OnTaskReadyHandler handler);
// Allows wrapping TaskQueue to set a handler to subscribe for notifications
// about started and completed tasks.
void SetOnTaskStartedHandler(OnTaskStartedHandler handler);
void OnTaskStarted(const Task& task,
const TaskQueue::TaskTiming& task_timing);
// |task_timing| may be passed in Running state and may not have the end time,
// so that the handler can run an additional task that is counted as a part of
// the main task.
// The handler can call TaskTiming::RecordTaskEnd, which is optional, to
// finalize the task, and use the resulting timing.
void SetOnTaskCompletedHandler(OnTaskCompletedHandler handler);
void OnTaskCompleted(const Task& task,
TaskQueue::TaskTiming* task_timing,
LazyNow* lazy_now);
bool RequiresTaskTiming() const;
WeakPtr<SequenceManagerImpl> GetSequenceManagerWeakPtr();
SequenceManagerImpl* sequence_manager() const { return sequence_manager_; }
// Returns true if this queue is unregistered or task queue manager is deleted
// and this queue can be safely deleted on any thread.
bool IsUnregistered() const;
// Delete all tasks within this TaskQueue.
void DeletePendingTasks();
// Whether this task queue owns any tasks. Task queue being disabled doesn't
// affect this.
bool HasTasks() const;
void SetDelayedWakeUpForTesting(Optional<DelayedWakeUp> wake_up);
friend class WorkQueue;
friend class WorkQueueTest;
// A TaskQueueImpl instance can be destroyed or unregistered before all its
// associated TaskRunner instances are (they are refcounted). Thus we need a
// way to prevent TaskRunner instances from posting further tasks. This class
// guards PostTask calls using an OperationsController.
// This class is ref-counted as both the TaskQueueImpl instance and all
// associated TaskRunner instances share the same GuardedTaskPoster instance.
// When TaskQueueImpl shuts down it calls ShutdownAndWaitForZeroOperations(),
// preventing further PostTask calls being made to the underlying
// TaskQueueImpl.
class GuardedTaskPoster : public RefCountedThreadSafe<GuardedTaskPoster> {
explicit GuardedTaskPoster(TaskQueueImpl* outer);
bool PostTask(PostedTask task);
void StartAcceptingOperations() {
void ShutdownAndWaitForZeroOperations() {
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<GuardedTaskPoster>;
base::internal::OperationsController operations_controller_;
// Pointer might be stale, access guarded by |operations_controller_|
TaskQueueImpl* const outer_;
class TaskRunner : public SingleThreadTaskRunner {
explicit TaskRunner(scoped_refptr<GuardedTaskPoster> task_poster,
scoped_refptr<AssociatedThreadId> associated_thread,
TaskType task_type);
bool PostDelayedTask(const Location& location,
OnceClosure callback,
TimeDelta delay) final;
bool PostNonNestableDelayedTask(const Location& location,
OnceClosure callback,
TimeDelta delay) final;
bool RunsTasksInCurrentSequence() const final;
~TaskRunner() final;
bool PostTask(PostedTask task) const;
const scoped_refptr<GuardedTaskPoster> task_poster_;
const scoped_refptr<AssociatedThreadId> associated_thread_;
const TaskType task_type_;
// A queue for holding delayed tasks before their delay has expired.
struct DelayedIncomingQueue {
void push(Task&& task);
void pop();
bool empty() const { return queue_.empty(); }
size_t size() const { return queue_.size(); }
const Task& top() const { return; }
void swap(DelayedIncomingQueue* other);
bool has_pending_high_resolution_tasks() const {
return pending_high_res_tasks_;
void SweepCancelledTasks();
std::priority_queue<Task> TakeTasks() { return std::move(queue_); }
Value AsValue(TimeTicks now) const;
struct PQueue : public std::priority_queue<Task> {
// Expose the container and comparator.
using std::priority_queue<Task>::c;
using std::priority_queue<Task>::comp;
PQueue queue_;
// Number of pending tasks in the queue that need high resolution timing.
int pending_high_res_tasks_ = 0;
struct MainThreadOnly {
MainThreadOnly(TaskQueueImpl* task_queue, TimeDomain* time_domain);
// Another copy of TimeDomain for lock-free access from the main thread.
// See description inside struct AnyThread for details.
TimeDomain* time_domain;
TaskQueue::Observer* task_queue_observer = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<WorkQueue> delayed_work_queue;
std::unique_ptr<WorkQueue> immediate_work_queue;
DelayedIncomingQueue delayed_incoming_queue;
ObserverList<TaskObserver>::Unchecked task_observers;
base::internal::HeapHandle heap_handle;
bool is_enabled = true;
trace_event::BlameContext* blame_context = nullptr; // Not owned.
EnqueueOrder current_fence;
Optional<TimeTicks> delayed_fence;
// Snapshots the next sequence number when the queue is unblocked, otherwise
// it contains EnqueueOrder::none(). If the EnqueueOrder of a task just
// popped from this queue is greater than this, it means that the queue was
// never disabled or blocked by a fence while the task was queued.
EnqueueOrder enqueue_order_at_which_we_became_unblocked;
// If the EnqueueOrder of a task just popped from this queue is greater than
// this, it means that the queue was never disabled, blocked by a fence or
// less important than kNormalPriority while the task was queued.
// Implementation details:
// 1) When the queue is made less important than kNormalPriority, this is
// set to EnqueueOrder::max(). The EnqueueOrder of any task will compare
// less than this.
// 2) When the queue is made at least as important as kNormalPriority, this
// snapshots the next sequence number. If the queue is blocked, the value
// is irrelevant because no task should be popped. If the queue is not
// blocked, the EnqueueOrder of any already queued task will compare less
// than this.
// 3) When the queue is unblocked while at least as important as
// kNormalPriority, this snapshots the next sequence number. The
// EnqueueOrder of any already queued task will compare less than this.
OnTaskReadyHandler on_task_ready_handler;
OnTaskStartedHandler on_task_started_handler;
OnTaskCompletedHandler on_task_completed_handler;
// Last reported wake up, used only in UpdateWakeUp to avoid
// excessive calls.
Optional<DelayedWakeUp> scheduled_wake_up;
// If false, queue will be disabled. Used only for tests.
bool is_enabled_for_test = true;
// The time at which the task queue was disabled, if it is currently
// disabled.
Optional<TimeTicks> disabled_time;
// Whether or not the task queue should emit tracing events for tasks
// posted to this queue when it is disabled.
bool should_report_posted_tasks_when_disabled = false;
void PostTask(PostedTask task);
void PostImmediateTaskImpl(PostedTask task, CurrentThread current_thread);
void PostDelayedTaskImpl(PostedTask task, CurrentThread current_thread);
// Push the task onto the |delayed_incoming_queue|. Lock-free main thread
// only fast path.
void PushOntoDelayedIncomingQueueFromMainThread(Task pending_task,
TimeTicks now,
bool notify_task_annotator);
// Push the task onto the |delayed_incoming_queue|. Slow path from other
// threads.
void PushOntoDelayedIncomingQueue(Task pending_task);
void ScheduleDelayedWorkTask(Task pending_task);
void MoveReadyImmediateTasksToImmediateWorkQueueLocked()
// LazilyDeallocatedDeque use TimeTicks to figure out when to resize. We
// should use real time here always.
using TaskDeque =
LazilyDeallocatedDeque<Task, subtle::TimeTicksNowIgnoringOverride>;
// Extracts all the tasks from the immediate incoming queue and swaps it with
// |queue| which must be empty.
// Can be called from any thread.
void TakeImmediateIncomingQueueTasks(TaskDeque* queue);
void TraceQueueSize() const;
static Value QueueAsValue(const TaskDeque& queue, TimeTicks now);
static Value TaskAsValue(const Task& task, TimeTicks now);
// Schedules delayed work on time domain and calls the observer.
void UpdateDelayedWakeUp(LazyNow* lazy_now);
void UpdateDelayedWakeUpImpl(LazyNow* lazy_now,
Optional<DelayedWakeUp> wake_up);
// Activate a delayed fence if a time has come.
void ActivateDelayedFenceIfNeeded(TimeTicks now);
// Updates state protected by any_thread_lock_.
void UpdateCrossThreadQueueStateLocked()
void MaybeLogPostTask(PostedTask* task);
void MaybeAdjustTaskDelay(PostedTask* task, CurrentThread current_thread);
// Reports the task if it was due to IPC and was posted to a disabled queue.
// This should be called after WillQueueTask has been called for the task.
void MaybeReportIpcTaskQueuedFromMainThread(Task* pending_task,
const char* task_queue_name);
bool ShouldReportIpcTaskQueuedFromAnyThreadLocked(
base::TimeDelta* time_since_disabled)
void MaybeReportIpcTaskQueuedFromAnyThreadLocked(Task* pending_task,
const char* task_queue_name)
void MaybeReportIpcTaskQueuedFromAnyThreadUnlocked(
Task* pending_task,
const char* task_queue_name);
void ReportIpcTaskQueued(Task* pending_task,
const char* task_queue_name,
const base::TimeDelta& time_since_disabled);
// Invoked when the queue becomes enabled and not blocked by a fence.
void OnQueueUnblocked();
const char* name_;
SequenceManagerImpl* const sequence_manager_;
scoped_refptr<AssociatedThreadId> associated_thread_;
const scoped_refptr<GuardedTaskPoster> task_poster_;
mutable base::internal::CheckedLock any_thread_lock_;
struct AnyThread {
// Mirrored from MainThreadOnly. These are only used for tracing.
struct TracingOnly {
bool is_enabled = true;
Optional<TimeTicks> disabled_time;
bool should_report_posted_tasks_when_disabled = false;
explicit AnyThread(TimeDomain* time_domain);
// TimeDomain is maintained in two copies: inside AnyThread and inside
// MainThreadOnly. It can be changed only from main thread, so it should be
// locked before accessing from other threads.
TimeDomain* time_domain;
TaskQueue::Observer* task_queue_observer = nullptr;
TaskDeque immediate_incoming_queue;
// True if main_thread_only().immediate_work_queue is empty.
bool immediate_work_queue_empty = true;
bool post_immediate_task_should_schedule_work = true;
bool unregistered = false;
OnTaskReadyHandler on_task_ready_handler;
// A cache of |immediate_work_queue->work_queue_set_index()| which is used
// to index into
// SequenceManager::Settings::per_priority_cross_thread_task_delay to apply
// a priority specific delay for debugging purposes.
int queue_set_index = 0;
TracingOnly tracing_only;
AnyThread any_thread_ GUARDED_BY(any_thread_lock_);
MainThreadOnly main_thread_only_;
MainThreadOnly& main_thread_only() {
return main_thread_only_;
const MainThreadOnly& main_thread_only() const {
return main_thread_only_;
// Handle to our entry within the SequenceManagers |empty_queues_to_reload_|
// atomic flag set. Used to signal that this queue needs to be reloaded.
// If you call SetActive(false) you should do so inside |any_thread_lock_|
// because there is a danger a cross thread PostTask might reset it before we
// make |immediate_work_queue| non-empty.
AtomicFlagSet::AtomicFlag empty_queues_to_reload_handle_;
const bool should_monitor_quiescence_;
const bool should_notify_observers_;
const bool delayed_fence_allowed_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace sequence_manager
} // namespace base