blob: dbb380b1f0477f052d4ab6006d8f30c65ac10f89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "cc/input/overscroll_behavior.h"
#include "cc/input/touch_action.h"
#include "cc/trees/browser_controls_params.h"
#include "cc/trees/layer_tree_settings.h"
#include "cc/trees/managed_memory_policy.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/local_surface_id.h"
#include "content/common/buildflags.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/content_to_visible_time_reporter.h"
#include "content/common/drag_event_source_info.h"
#include "content/public/common/drop_data.h"
#include "content/public/common/screen_info.h"
#include "content/renderer/mouse_lock_dispatcher.h"
#include "content/renderer/render_widget_delegate.h"
#include "content/renderer/render_widget_mouse_lock_dispatcher.h"
#include "content/renderer/render_widget_screen_metrics_emulator_delegate.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_listener.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sender.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "ppapi/buildflags/buildflags.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/referrer_policy.mojom.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_input_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/viewport_intersection_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_text_input_info.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_page_popup.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_widget.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_widget_client.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/ime_text_span.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/text_input_mode.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/text_input_type.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
#include "ui/events/types/scroll_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/vector2d_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
#include "ui/surface/transport_dib.h"
namespace IPC {
class SyncMessageFilter;
namespace blink {
struct WebDeviceEmulationParams;
class WebDragData;
class WebFrameWidget;
class WebInputMethodController;
class WebLocalFrame;
class WebMouseEvent;
class WebPagePopup;
} // namespace blink
namespace cc {
class SwapPromise;
namespace gfx {
class ColorSpace;
struct PresentationFeedback;
class Range;
namespace content {
class CompositorDependencies;
class FrameSwapMessageQueue;
class PepperPluginInstanceImpl;
class RenderFrameImpl;
class RenderFrameProxy;
class RenderViewImpl;
class RenderWidgetDelegate;
class RenderWidgetScreenMetricsEmulator;
struct VisualProperties;
// RenderWidget provides a communication bridge between a WebWidget and
// a RenderWidgetHost, the latter of which lives in a different process.
// RenderWidget is used to implement:
// - RenderViewImpl (deprecated)
// - Fullscreen mode (RenderWidgetFullScreen)
// - Popup "menus" (like the color chooser and date picker)
// - Widgets for frames (the main frame, and subframes due to out-of-process
// iframe support)
// Background info:
// OOPIF causes webpages to be renderered by multiple renderers. Each renderer
// has one instance of a RenderViewImpl, which represents page state shared by
// each renderer. The frame tree is mirrored across each renderer. Local nodes
// are represented by RenderFrame, and remote nodes are represented by
// RenderFrameProxy. Each local root has a corresponding RenderWidget. This
// RenderWidget is used to route input and graphical output between the browser
// and the renderer.
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderWidget
: public IPC::Listener,
public IPC::Sender,
public blink::WebPagePopupClient, // Is-a WebWidgetClient also.
public RenderWidgetScreenMetricsEmulatorDelegate {
RenderWidget(int32_t widget_routing_id,
CompositorDependencies* compositor_deps,
bool hidden,
bool never_composited);
~RenderWidget() override;
using ShowCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(RenderWidget* widget_to_show,
blink::WebNavigationPolicy policy,
const gfx::Rect& initial_rect)>;
// Time-To-First-Active-Paint(TTFAP) type
enum {
// Convenience type for creation method taken by InstallCreateForFrameHook().
// The method signature matches the RenderWidget constructor.
using CreateRenderWidgetFunction =
std::unique_ptr<RenderWidget> (*)(int32_t routing_id,
bool hidden,
bool never_composited);
// Overrides the implementation of CreateForFrame() function below. Used by
// web tests to return a partial fake of RenderWidget.
static void InstallCreateForFrameHook(
CreateRenderWidgetFunction create_widget);
// Creates a RenderWidget that is meant to be associated with a RenderFrame.
// Testing infrastructure, such as test_runner, can override this function
// by calling InstallCreateForFrameHook().
static std::unique_ptr<RenderWidget> CreateForFrame(
int32_t widget_routing_id,
CompositorDependencies* compositor_deps,
bool never_composited);
// Creates a RenderWidget for a popup. This is separate from CreateForFrame()
// because popups do not not need to be faked out.
// A RenderWidget popup is owned by the browser process. The object will be
// destroyed by the WidgetMsg_Close message. The object can request its own
// destruction via ClosePopupWidgetSoon().
static RenderWidget* CreateForPopup(int32_t widget_routing_id,
CompositorDependencies* compositor_deps,
bool hidden,
bool never_composited);
// Initialize a new RenderWidget for a popup. The |show_callback| is called
// when RenderWidget::Show() happens. The |opener_widget| is the local root
// of the frame that is opening the popup.
void InitForPopup(ShowCallback show_callback,
RenderWidget* opener_widget,
blink::WebPagePopup* web_page_popup,
const ScreenInfo& screen_info);
// Initialize a new RenderWidget for pepper fullscreen. The |show_callback| is
// called when RenderWidget::Show() happens.
void InitForPepperFullscreen(ShowCallback show_callback,
blink::WebWidget* web_widget,
const ScreenInfo& screen_info);
// Initialize a new RenderWidget that will be attached to a RenderFrame (via
// the WebFrameWidget), for a frame that is a main frame.
void InitForMainFrame(ShowCallback show_callback,
blink::WebFrameWidget* web_frame_widget,
const ScreenInfo& screen_info);
// Initialize a new RenderWidget that will be attached to a RenderFrame (via
// the WebFrameWidget), for a frame that is a local root, but not the main
// frame.
void InitForChildLocalRoot(blink::WebFrameWidget* web_frame_widget,
const ScreenInfo& screen_info);
// Sets a delegate to handle certain RenderWidget operations that need an
// escape to the RenderView.
void set_delegate(RenderWidgetDelegate* delegate) {
delegate_ = delegate;
RenderWidgetDelegate* delegate() const { return delegate_; }
// Closes a RenderWidget that was created by |CreateForFrame|. Ownership is
// passed into this object to asynchronously delete itself.
void CloseForFrame(std::unique_ptr<RenderWidget> widget);
int32_t routing_id() const { return routing_id_; }
CompositorDependencies* compositor_deps() const { return compositor_deps_; }
// This can return nullptr while the RenderWidget is closing. When for_frame()
// is true, the widget returned is a blink::WebFrameWidget.
blink::WebWidget* GetWebWidget() const { return webwidget_; }
// Returns the current instance of WebInputMethodController which is to be
// used for IME related tasks. This instance corresponds to the one from
// focused frame and can be nullptr.
blink::WebInputMethodController* GetInputMethodController() const;
const gfx::Size& size() const { return size_; }
bool is_fullscreen_granted() const { return is_fullscreen_granted_; }
bool is_hidden() const { return is_hidden_; }
const gfx::Size& visible_viewport_size() const {
return visible_viewport_size_;
// A main frame RenderWidget is destroyed and recreated using the same routing
// id. So messages en route to a destroyed RenderWidget may end up being
// received by a provisional RenderWidget, even though we don't normally
// communicate with a RenderWidget for a provisional frame. This can be used
// to avoid that race condition of acting on IPC messages meant for a
// destroyed RenderWidget.
bool IsForProvisionalFrame() const;
// Functions to track out-of-process frames for special notifications.
void RegisterRenderFrameProxy(RenderFrameProxy* proxy);
void UnregisterRenderFrameProxy(RenderFrameProxy* proxy);
// Functions to track all RenderFrame objects associated with this
// RenderWidget.
void RegisterRenderFrame(RenderFrameImpl* frame);
void UnregisterRenderFrame(RenderFrameImpl* frame);
// IPC::Listener
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) override;
// IPC::Sender
bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) override;
// RenderWidgetScreenMetricsEmulatorDelegate
void SetScreenMetricsEmulationParameters(
bool enabled,
const blink::WebDeviceEmulationParams& params) override;
void SetScreenInfoAndSize(const ScreenInfo& screen_info,
const gfx::Size& widget_size,
const gfx::Size& visible_viewport_size) override;
void SetScreenRects(const gfx::Rect& widget_screen_rect,
const gfx::Rect& window_screen_rect) override;
// blink::WebWidgetClient
void ScheduleAnimation() override;
void DidMeaningfulLayout(blink::WebMeaningfulLayout layout_type) override;
void ClosePopupWidgetSoon() override;
void Show(blink::WebNavigationPolicy) override;
blink::WebScreenInfo GetScreenInfo() override;
blink::WebRect WindowRect() override;
blink::WebRect ViewRect() override;
void SetWindowRect(const blink::WebRect&) override;
void ConvertViewportToWindow(blink::WebRect* rect) override;
void ConvertViewportToWindow(blink::WebFloatRect* rect) override;
void ConvertWindowToViewport(blink::WebFloatRect* rect) override;
gfx::Point ConvertWindowPointToViewport(const gfx::Point& point) override;
gfx::PointF ConvertWindowPointToViewport(const gfx::PointF& point) override;
bool RequestPointerLock(blink::WebLocalFrame* requester_frame,
blink::WebWidgetClient::PointerLockCallback callback,
bool request_unadjusted_movement) override;
bool RequestPointerLockChange(
blink::WebLocalFrame* requester_frame,
blink::WebWidgetClient::PointerLockCallback callback,
bool request_unadjusted_movement) override;
void RequestPointerUnlock() override;
bool IsPointerLocked() override;
void StartDragging(network::mojom::ReferrerPolicy policy,
const blink::WebDragData& data,
blink::WebDragOperationsMask mask,
const SkBitmap& drag_image,
const gfx::Point& image_offset) override;
void SetPageScaleStateAndLimits(float page_scale_factor,
bool is_pinch_gesture_active,
float minimum,
float maximum) override;
void RequestDecode(const cc::PaintImage& image,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> callback) override;
viz::FrameSinkId GetFrameSinkId() override;
void RecordTimeToFirstActivePaint(base::TimeDelta duration) override;
void DidCommitAndDrawCompositorFrame() override;
void DidCommitCompositorFrame(base::TimeTicks commit_start_time) override;
void DidCompletePageScaleAnimation() override;
void RequestNewLayerTreeFrameSink(
LayerTreeFrameSinkCallback callback) override;
bool WillHandleGestureEvent(const blink::WebGestureEvent& event) override;
bool WillHandleMouseEvent(const blink::WebMouseEvent& event) override;
bool CanComposeInline() override;
bool ShouldDispatchImeEventsToPepper() override;
blink::WebTextInputType GetPepperTextInputType() override;
gfx::Rect GetPepperCaretBounds() override;
void FocusChanged(bool enable) override;
void ImeSetCompositionForPepper(
const blink::WebString& text,
const std::vector<ui::ImeTextSpan>& ime_text_spans,
const gfx::Range& replacement_range,
int selection_start,
int selection_end) override;
void ImeCommitTextForPepper(
const blink::WebString& text,
const std::vector<ui::ImeTextSpan>& ime_text_spans,
const gfx::Range& replacement_range,
int relative_cursor_pos) override;
void ImeFinishComposingTextForPepper(bool keep_selection) override;
// Returns the scale being applied to the document in blink by the device
// emulator. Returns 1 if there is no emulation active. Use this to position
// things when the coordinates did not come from blink, such as from the mouse
// position.
float GetEmulatorScale() const override;
void UpdateTextInputState();
// Sends a request to the browser to close this RenderWidget.
void CloseWidgetSoon();
cc::LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host() { return layer_tree_host_; }
void SetHandlingInputEvent(bool handling_input_event);
// Queues the IPC |message| to be sent to the browser, delaying sending until
// the next compositor frame submission. At that time they will be sent before
// any message from the compositor as part of submitting its frame. This is
// used for messages that need synchronization with the compositor, but in
// general you should use Send().
// This mechanism is not a drop-in replacement for IPC: messages sent this way
// will not be automatically available to BrowserMessageFilter, for example.
// FIFO ordering is preserved between messages enqueued.
void QueueMessage(std::unique_ptr<IPC::Message> msg);
// Checks if the selection bounds have been changed. If they are changed,
// the new value will be sent to the browser process.
void UpdateSelectionBounds();
// Called when the Widget has changed size as a result of an auto-resize.
void DidAutoResize(const gfx::Size& new_size);
MouseLockDispatcher* mouse_lock_dispatcher() const {
return mouse_lock_dispatcher_.get();
// When emulated, this returns the original (non-emulated) ScreenInfo.
const ScreenInfo& GetOriginalScreenInfo() const;
void DidNavigate(ukm::SourceId source_id, const GURL& url);
bool auto_resize_mode() const { return auto_resize_mode_; }
const gfx::Size& min_size_for_auto_resize() const {
return min_size_for_auto_resize_;
const gfx::Size& max_size_for_auto_resize() const {
return max_size_for_auto_resize_;
uint32_t capture_sequence_number() const {
return last_capture_sequence_number_;
viz::FrameSinkId GetFrameSinkIdAtPoint(const gfx::PointF& point,
gfx::PointF* local_point);
void OnSetActive(bool active);
void UseSynchronousResizeModeForTesting(bool enable);
void SetDeviceScaleFactorForTesting(float factor);
void SetZoomLevelForTesting(double zoom_level);
void ResetZoomLevelForTesting();
void SetDeviceColorSpaceForTesting(const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space);
void SetWindowRectSynchronouslyForTesting(const gfx::Rect& new_window_rect);
void EnableAutoResizeForTesting(const gfx::Size& min_size,
const gfx::Size& max_size);
void DisableAutoResizeForTesting(const gfx::Size& new_size);
// Do a hit test for a given point in viewport coordinate.
blink::WebHitTestResult GetHitTestResultAtPoint(const gfx::PointF& point);
// Forces a redraw and invokes the callback once the frame's been displayed
// to the user in the display compositor.
using PresentationTimeCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const gfx::PresentationFeedback&)>;
virtual void RequestPresentation(PresentationTimeCallback callback);
// Notify subclasses that we handled OnUpdateVisualProperties.
virtual void AfterUpdateVisualProperties() {}
// Destroy the RenderWidget. The |widget| is the owning pointer of |this|.
virtual void Close(std::unique_ptr<RenderWidget> widget);
// Friend RefCounted so that the dtor can be non-public. Using this class
// without ref-counting is an error.
friend class base::RefCounted<RenderWidget>;
// TODO(nasko): Temporarily friend RenderFrameImpl for WasSwappedOut(),
// while we move frame specific code away from RenderViewImpl/RenderWidget.
friend class RenderFrameImpl;
// For unit tests.
friend class InteractiveRenderWidget;
friend class PopupRenderWidget;
friend class QueueMessageSwapPromiseTest;
friend class RenderWidgetTest;
friend class RenderViewImplTest;
void Initialize(ShowCallback show_callback,
blink::WebWidget* web_widget,
const ScreenInfo& screen_info);
// Initializes the compositor and dependent systems, as part of the
// Initialize() process.
void InitCompositing(const ScreenInfo& screen_info);
// Request the window to close from the renderer by sending the request to the
// browser.
static void DoDeferredClose(int widget_routing_id);
// Must be called to pass updated values to blink when the widget size, the
// visual viewport size, or the device scale factor change.
void ResizeWebWidget();
// Enable or disable auto-resize. This is part of
// OnUpdateVisualProperties though tests may call to it more directly.
void SetAutoResizeMode(bool auto_resize,
const gfx::Size& min_size_before_dsf,
const gfx::Size& max_size_before_dsf,
float device_scale_factor);
// Sets the zoom level on the RenderView. This is part of
// OnUpdateVisualProperties though tests may call to it more directly.
void SetZoomLevel(double zoom_level);
// Helper method to get the device_viewport_rect() from the compositor, which
// is always in physical pixels.
gfx::Rect CompositorViewportRect() const;
// RenderWidget IPC message handlers.
void OnClose();
void OnUpdateVisualProperties(const VisualProperties& properties);
void OnCreatingNewAck();
void OnEnableDeviceEmulation(const blink::WebDeviceEmulationParams& params);
void OnDisableDeviceEmulation();
void OnWasHidden();
void OnWasShown(
base::TimeTicks show_request_timestamp,
bool was_evicted,
const base::Optional<content::RecordContentToVisibleTimeRequest>&
void OnCreateVideoAck(int32_t video_id);
void OnUpdateVideoAck(int32_t video_id);
void OnRequestSetBoundsAck();
void OnGetFPS();
void OnUpdateScreenRects(const gfx::Rect& widget_screen_rect,
const gfx::Rect& window_screen_rect);
void OnSetViewportIntersection(
const blink::ViewportIntersectionState& intersection_state);
void OnDragTargetDragEnter(
const std::vector<DropData::Metadata>& drop_meta_data,
const gfx::PointF& client_pt,
const gfx::PointF& screen_pt,
blink::WebDragOperationsMask operations_allowed,
int key_modifiers);
void OnDragSourceEnded(const gfx::PointF& client_point,
const gfx::PointF& screen_point,
blink::WebDragOperation drag_operation);
void OnOrientationChange();
void OnWaitNextFrameForTests(int routing_id);
// Sets the "hidden" state of this widget. All modification of is_hidden_
// should use this method so that we can properly inform the RenderThread of
// our state.
void SetHidden(bool hidden);
// Returns a rect that the compositor needs to raster. For a main frame this
// is always the entire viewport, but for out-of-process iframes this can be
// constrained to limit overdraw.
gfx::Rect ViewportVisibleRect();
// QueueMessage implementation extracted into a static method for easy
// testing.
static std::unique_ptr<cc::SwapPromise> QueueMessageImpl(
std::unique_ptr<IPC::Message> msg,
FrameSwapMessageQueue* frame_swap_message_queue,
scoped_refptr<IPC::SyncMessageFilter> sync_message_filter,
int source_frame_number);
// Set the pending window rect.
// Because the real render_widget is hosted in another process, there is
// a time period where we may have set a new window rect which has not yet
// been processed by the browser. So we maintain a pending window rect
// size. If JS code sets the WindowRect, and then immediately calls
// GetWindowRect() we'll use this pending window rect as the size.
void SetPendingWindowRect(const blink::WebRect& r);
// Returns the WebFrameWidget associated with this RenderWidget if any.
// Returns nullptr if GetWebWidget() returns nullptr or returns a WebWidget
// that is not a WebFrameWidget. A WebFrameWidget only makes sense when there
// a local root associated with it. RenderWidgetFullscreenPepper and a swapped
// out RenderWidgets are amongst the cases where this method returns nullptr.
blink::WebFrameWidget* GetFrameWidget() const;
// Applies/Removes the DevTools device emulation transformation to/from a
// screen rect.
void ScreenRectToEmulated(gfx::Rect* screen_rect) const;
void EmulatedToScreenRect(gfx::Rect* screen_rect) const;
void UpdateSurfaceAndScreenInfo(
const viz::LocalSurfaceIdAllocation& new_local_surface_id_allocation,
const gfx::Rect& compositor_viewport_pixel_rect,
const ScreenInfo& new_screen_info);
// Used to force the size of a window when running web tests.
void SetWindowRectSynchronously(const gfx::Rect& new_window_rect);
void UpdateTextInputStateInternal(bool show_virtual_keyboard,
bool reply_to_request);
gfx::ColorSpace GetRasterColorSpace() const;
// Returns the focused pepper plugin, if any, inside the WebWidget. That is
// the pepper plugin which is focused inside a frame which belongs to the
// local root associated with this RenderWidget.
PepperPluginInstanceImpl* GetFocusedPepperPluginInsideWidget();
// Whether this widget is for a frame. This excludes widgets that are not for
// a frame (eg popups, pepper), but includes both the main frame
// (via delegate_) and subframes (via for_child_local_root_frame_).
bool for_frame() const { return delegate_ || for_child_local_root_frame_; }
// Routing ID that allows us to communicate to the parent browser process
// RenderWidgetHost.
const int32_t routing_id_;
// Dependencies for initializing a compositor, including flags for optional
// features.
CompositorDependencies* const compositor_deps_;
// The delegate for this object which is just a RenderViewImpl.
// This member is non-null if and only if the RenderWidget is associated with
// a RenderViewImpl.
RenderWidgetDelegate* delegate_ = nullptr;
// We are responsible for destroying this object via its Close method, unless
// the RenderWidget is associated with a RenderViewImpl through |delegate_|.
// Becomes null once close is initiated on the RenderWidget.
blink::WebWidget* webwidget_ = nullptr;
// This is valid while |webwidget_| is valid.
cc::LayerTreeHost* layer_tree_host_ = nullptr;
// Present when emulation is enabled, only in a main frame RenderWidget. Used
// to override values given from the browser such as ScreenInfo,
// WidgetScreenRect, WindowScreenRect, and the widget's size.
std::unique_ptr<RenderWidgetScreenMetricsEmulator> device_emulator_;
// When emulation is enabled, and a popup widget is opened, the popup widget
// needs these values to move between the popup's (non-emulated) coordinates
// and the opener widget's (emulated) coordinates. They are only valid when
// the |opener_emulator_scale_| is non-zero.
gfx::Point opener_widget_screen_origin_;
gfx::Point opener_original_widget_screen_origin_;
float opener_emulator_scale_ = 0;
// The rect where this view should be initially shown.
gfx::Rect initial_rect_;
// Web tests override the device scale factor in the renderer with this. We
// store it to keep the override if the browser passes along VisualProperties
// with the real device scale factor. A value of 0.f means this is ignored.
float device_scale_factor_for_testing_ = 0;
// Web tests override the zoom factor in the renderer with this. We store it
// to keep the override if the browser passes along VisualProperties with the
// real device scale factor. A value of -INFINITY means this is ignored.
double zoom_level_for_testing_ = -INFINITY;
// The size of the RenderWidget in DIPs. This may differ from the viewport
// set in the compositor, as the viewport can be a subset of the RenderWidget
// in such cases as:
// - When (hiding-on-scroll) top and bottom controls are present.
// - Rounding issues with OOPIFs (??).
gfx::Size size_;
// The size of the visible viewport in pixels.
gfx::Size visible_viewport_size_;
// Stores the zoom level to propagate to new child RenderWidgets. Initialized
// to 0 to match the value in RenderViewImpl, but this will be the value being
// propagated down the RenderWidget tree, whereas the value in RenderViewImpl
// is derived from these as RenderWidgets update their corresponding
// RenderViewImpls.
double zoom_level_ = 0;
// Whether the WebWidget is in auto resize mode, which is used for example
// by extension popups.
bool auto_resize_mode_ = false;
// The minimum size to use for auto-resize.
gfx::Size min_size_for_auto_resize_;
// The maximum size to use for auto-resize.
gfx::Size max_size_for_auto_resize_;
// Indicates that we shouldn't bother generated paint events.
bool is_hidden_;
// Indicates that we are never visible, so never produce graphical output.
const bool never_composited_;
// Indicates whether tab-initiated fullscreen was granted.
bool is_fullscreen_granted_ = false;
// True once Close() is called, during the self-destruction process, and to
// verify destruction always goes through Close().
bool closing_ = false;
// In web tests, synchronous resizing mode may be used. Normally each widget's
// size is controlled by IPC from the browser. In synchronous resize mode the
// renderer controls the size directly, and IPCs from the browser must be
// ignored. This was deprecated but then later undeprecated, so it is now
// called unfortunate instead. See When this is
// enabled the various size properties will be controlled directly when
// SetWindowRect() is called instead of needing a round trip through the
// browser.
// Note that SetWindowRectSynchronouslyForTesting() provides a secondary way
// to control the size of the RenderWidget independently from the renderer
// process, without the use of this mode, however it would be overridden by
// the browser if they disagree.
bool synchronous_resize_mode_for_testing_ = false;
// While we are waiting for the browser to update window sizes, we track the
// pending size temporarily.
int pending_window_rect_count_ = 0;
gfx::Rect pending_window_rect_;
// Properties of the screen hosting the RenderWidget. Rects in this structure
// do not include any scaling by device scale factor, so are logical pixels
// not physical device pixels.
ScreenInfo screen_info_;
// The screen rects of the view and the window that contains it. These do not
// include any scaling by device scale factor, so are logical pixels not
// physical device pixels.
gfx::Rect widget_screen_rect_;
gfx::Rect window_screen_rect_;
// Stored during the SynchronizeVisualProperties cascade. See VisualProperties
// for a more detailed explanation of how when this value is computed and
// propagated.
std::vector<gfx::Rect> root_widget_window_segments_;
// The time spent in input handlers this frame. Used to throttle input acks.
base::TimeDelta total_input_handling_time_this_frame_;
scoped_refptr<FrameSwapMessageQueue> frame_swap_message_queue_;
// Lists of RenderFrameProxy objects for which this RenderWidget is their
// local root. Each of these represents a child local root RenderWidget in
// another RenderView frame tree. For values that are propagated from
// a parent RenderWidget to its children, they are plumbed through the
// RenderFrameProxys in this list, which bounce those values through the
// browser to the child RenderWidget in the correct process.
base::ObserverList<RenderFrameProxy>::Unchecked render_frame_proxies_;
// A list of RenderFrames associated with this RenderWidget. Notifications
// are sent to each frame in the list for events such as changing
// visibility state for example.
base::ObserverList<RenderFrameImpl>::Unchecked render_frames_;
// Mouse Lock dispatcher attached to this view.
std::unique_ptr<RenderWidgetMouseLockDispatcher> mouse_lock_dispatcher_;
// Wraps the |webwidget_| as a MouseLockDispatcher::LockTarget interface.
std::unique_ptr<MouseLockDispatcher::LockTarget> webwidget_mouse_lock_target_;
viz::LocalSurfaceIdAllocation local_surface_id_allocation_from_parent_;
// Whether this widget is for a child local root frame. This excludes widgets
// that are not for a frame (eg popups) and excludes the widget for the main
// frame (which is attached to the RenderViewImpl).
bool for_child_local_root_frame_ = false;
// RenderWidgets are created for frames, popups and pepper fullscreen. In the
// former case, the caller frame takes ownership and eventually passes the
// unique_ptr back in Close(). In the latter cases, the browser process takes
// ownership via IPC. These booleans exist to allow us to confirm than an IPC
// message to kill the render widget is coming for a popup or fullscreen.
bool popup_ = false;
bool pepper_fullscreen_ = false;
// A callback into the creator/opener of this widget, to be executed when
// WebWidgetClient::Show() occurs.
ShowCallback show_callback_;
// This field stores drag/drop related info for the event that is currently
// being handled. If the current event results in starting a drag/drop
// session, this info is sent to the browser along with other drag/drop info.
DragEventSourceInfo possible_drag_event_info_;
// Object to record tab switch time into this RenderWidget
ContentToVisibleTimeReporter tab_switch_time_recorder_;
// Browser controls params such as top and bottom controls heights, whether
// controls shrink blink size etc.
cc::BrowserControlsParams browser_controls_params_;
// The last seen page scale state, which comes from the main frame and is
// propagated through the RenderWidget tree. This state is passed to any new
// child RenderWidget.
float page_scale_factor_from_mainframe_ = 1.f;
bool is_pinch_gesture_active_from_mainframe_ = false;
gfx::Rect compositor_visible_rect_;
uint32_t last_capture_sequence_number_ = 0u;
} // namespace content