blob: ad6943fb834a00648f6a75430f128d7cabadde71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h"
#include "base/metrics/user_metrics.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_local.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_config.h"
#include "base/trace_event/typed_macros.h"
#include "services/tracing/public/cpp/perfetto/perfetto_traced_process.h"
#include "services/tracing/public/cpp/perfetto/track_event_thread_local_event_sink.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/protos/perfetto/trace/chrome/chrome_metadata.pbzero.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/protos/perfetto/trace/chrome/chrome_trace_event.pbzero.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class ThreadInstructionCount;
class TraceEvent;
struct TraceEventHandle;
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base
namespace perfetto {
class TraceWriter;
namespace tracing {
class ThreadLocalEventSink;
class AutoThreadLocalBoolean {
explicit AutoThreadLocalBoolean(
base::ThreadLocalBoolean* thread_local_boolean)
: thread_local_boolean_(thread_local_boolean) {
~AutoThreadLocalBoolean() { thread_local_boolean_->Set(false); }
base::ThreadLocalBoolean* thread_local_boolean_;
// This class is a data source that clients can use to provide
// global metadata in dictionary form, by registering callbacks.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(TRACING_CPP) TraceEventMetadataSource
: public PerfettoTracedProcess::DataSourceBase {
static TraceEventMetadataSource* GetInstance();
using JsonMetadataGeneratorFunction =
using MetadataGeneratorFunction = base::RepeatingCallback<void(
bool /* privacy_filtering_enabled */)>;
// Any callbacks passed here will be called when tracing. Note that if tracing
// is enabled while calling this method, the callback may be invoked
// directly.
void AddGeneratorFunction(JsonMetadataGeneratorFunction generator);
// Same as above, but for filling in proto format.
void AddGeneratorFunction(MetadataGeneratorFunction generator);
// For background tracing, the legacy crash uploader needs
// metadata fields to be uploaded as POST args in addition to being
// embedded in the trace. TODO(oysteine): Remove when only the
// UMA uploader path is used.
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> GenerateLegacyMetadataDict();
// PerfettoTracedProcess::DataSourceBase implementation, called by
// ProducerClent.
void StartTracing(
PerfettoProducer* producer,
const perfetto::DataSourceConfig& data_source_config) override;
void StopTracing(base::OnceClosure stop_complete_callback) override;
void Flush(base::RepeatingClosure flush_complete_callback) override;
void ResetForTesting();
friend class base::NoDestructor<TraceEventMetadataSource>;
~TraceEventMetadataSource() override;
void GenerateMetadata(
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<MetadataGeneratorFunction>> proto_generators);
void GenerateMetadataFromGenerator(
const MetadataGeneratorFunction& generator);
void GenerateJsonMetadataFromGenerator(
const JsonMetadataGeneratorFunction& generator,
perfetto::protos::pbzero::ChromeEventBundle* event_bundle);
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> GenerateTraceConfigMetadataDict();
// All members are protected by |lock_|.
base::Lock lock_;
std::vector<JsonMetadataGeneratorFunction> json_generator_functions_;
std::vector<MetadataGeneratorFunction> generator_functions_;
const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> origin_task_runner_;
std::unique_ptr<perfetto::TraceWriter> trace_writer_;
bool privacy_filtering_enabled_ = false;
std::string chrome_config_;
std::unique_ptr<base::trace_event::TraceConfig> parsed_chrome_config_;
bool emit_metadata_at_start_ = false;
// This class acts as a bridge between the TraceLog and
// the PerfettoProducer. It converts incoming
// trace events to ChromeTraceEvent protos and writes
// them into the Perfetto shared memory.
: public PerfettoTracedProcess::DataSourceBase {
struct SessionFlags {
// True if startup tracing is enabled for the current tracing session.
bool is_startup_tracing : 1;
// This ID is incremented whenever a new tracing session is started (either
// when startup tracing is enabled or when the service tells us to start the
// session otherwise).
uint32_t session_id : 31;
static TraceEventDataSource* GetInstance();
// Destroys and recreates the global instance for testing.
static void ResetForTesting();
// Flushes and deletes the TraceWriter for the current thread, if any.
static void FlushCurrentThread();
static base::ThreadLocalBoolean* GetThreadIsInTraceEventTLS();
// Installs TraceLog overrides for tracing during Chrome startup.
void RegisterStartupHooks();
// The PerfettoProducer is responsible for calling StopTracing
// which will clear the stored pointer to it, before it
// gets destroyed. PerfettoProducer::CreateTraceWriter can be
// called by the TraceEventDataSource on any thread.
void StartTracing(
PerfettoProducer* producer,
const perfetto::DataSourceConfig& data_source_config) override;
// Called from the PerfettoProducer.
void StopTracing(base::OnceClosure stop_complete_callback) override;
void Flush(base::RepeatingClosure flush_complete_callback) override;
void ClearIncrementalState() override;
void SetupStartupTracing(PerfettoProducer* producer,
const base::trace_event::TraceConfig& trace_config,
bool privacy_filtering_enabled) override;
void AbortStartupTracing() override;
// Deletes TraceWriter safely on behalf of a ThreadLocalEventSink.
void ReturnTraceWriter(std::unique_ptr<perfetto::TraceWriter> trace_writer);
bool privacy_filtering_enabled() const { return privacy_filtering_enabled_; }
bool IsEnabled();
// Registered with base::StatisticsRecorder to receive a callback on every
// histogram sample which gets added.
static void OnMetricsSampleCallback(const char* histogram_name,
uint64_t name_hash,
base::HistogramBase::Sample sample);
// Registered as a callback to receive every action recorded using
// base::RecordAction(), when tracing is enabled with a histogram category.
static void OnUserActionSampleCallback(const std::string& action,
base::TimeTicks action_time);
friend class base::NoDestructor<TraceEventDataSource>;
~TraceEventDataSource() override;
void OnFlushFinished(const scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedString>&,
bool has_more_events);
void StartTracingInternal(
PerfettoProducer* producer_client,
const perfetto::DataSourceConfig& data_source_config);
void RegisterWithTraceLog();
void OnStopTracingDone();
std::unique_ptr<perfetto::TraceWriter> CreateTraceWriterLocked();
TrackEventThreadLocalEventSink* CreateThreadLocalEventSink();
static TrackEventThreadLocalEventSink* GetOrPrepareEventSink();
// Callback from TraceLog / typed macros, can be called from any thread.
static void OnAddLegacyTraceEvent(
base::trace_event::TraceEvent* trace_event,
bool thread_will_flush,
base::trace_event::TraceEventHandle* handle);
static base::trace_event::TrackEventHandle OnAddTypedTraceEvent(
base::trace_event::TraceEvent* trace_event);
static void OnUpdateDuration(
const unsigned char* category_group_enabled,
const char* name,
base::trace_event::TraceEventHandle handle,
int thread_id,
bool explicit_timestamps,
const base::TimeTicks& now,
const base::ThreadTicks& thread_now,
base::trace_event::ThreadInstructionCount thread_instruction_now);
// Extracts UMA histogram names that should be logged in traces and logs their
// starting values.
void ResetHistograms(const base::trace_event::TraceConfig& trace_config);
// Logs selected UMA histogram.
void LogHistograms();
// Logs a given histogram in traces.
void LogHistogram(base::HistogramBase* histogram);
void EmitTrackDescriptor();
uint32_t IncrementSessionIdOrClearStartupFlagWhileLocked();
void SetStartupTracingFlagsWhileLocked();
bool IsStartupTracingActive() const;
bool IsPrivacyFilteringEnabled(); // Takes the |lock_|.
bool disable_interning_ = false;
base::OnceClosure stop_complete_callback_;
// Incremented and accessed atomically but without memory order guarantees.
static constexpr uint32_t kInvalidSessionID = 0;
std::atomic<SessionFlags> session_flags_{
SessionFlags{false, kInvalidSessionID}};
// To avoid lock-order inversion, this lock should not be held while making
// calls to mojo interfaces or posting tasks, or calling any other code path
// that may acquire another lock that may also be held while emitting a trace
// event ( Use AutoLockWithDeferredTaskPosting rather than
// base::AutoLock to protect code paths which may post tasks.
base::Lock lock_; // Protects subsequent members.
uint32_t target_buffer_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<perfetto::TraceWriter> trace_writer_;
bool is_enabled_ = false;
bool flushing_trace_log_ = false;
base::OnceClosure flush_complete_task_;
std::vector<std::string> histograms_;
bool privacy_filtering_enabled_ = false;
std::string process_name_;
int process_id_ = base::kNullProcessId;
base::ActionCallback user_action_callback_ =
} // namespace tracing