blob: 75376aa435d25ea1895aea7f55abfeb211b2bcc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/compositor/compositor_export.h"
namespace ui {
class AnimationMetricsReporter;
// This is the interface to send animation smoothness numbers to a given
// AnimationMetricsReporter.
// Classes that run animations (e.g. ui::LayerAnimationSequence,
// views::CompositorAnimationRunner) should own one of these objects and pass
// the values required to calculate animation smoothness when an animation
// starts and ends.
// To use, when your animation starts:
// animation_metrics_recorder_->OnAnimationStart(frame, start_time,
// expected_duration);
// and when it ends:
// animation metrics_recorder_->OnAnimationEnd(frame, refresh_rate);
// and your attached AnimationMetricsReporter will report the calculated
// smoothness. Note that if the animator is attached or detached during an
// animation, this class will have to be notified.
// Unless implementing a complex custom animator, client code should just need
// to supply an AnimationMetricsReporter to an animations class that already
// owns an instance of this class.
class COMPOSITOR_EXPORT AnimationMetricsRecorder {
explicit AnimationMetricsRecorder(AnimationMetricsReporter* reporter);
AnimationMetricsRecorder(const AnimationMetricsRecorder&) = delete;
AnimationMetricsRecorder& operator=(const AnimationMetricsRecorder&) = delete;
// Called when the animator is attached to/detached from a Compositor to
// update |start_frame_number_|.
void OnAnimatorAttached(base::Optional<int> frame_number);
void OnAnimatorDetached();
void OnAnimationStart(base::Optional<int> start_frame_number,
base::TimeTicks effective_start_time,
base::TimeDelta duration);
void OnAnimationEnd(base::Optional<int> end_frame_number, float refresh_rate);
AnimationMetricsReporter* const reporter_;
// Variables set at the start of an animation which are required to compute
// the smoothness when the animation ends.
// |start_frame_number_| is the frame number in relevant Compositor when
// the animation starts. If not set, it means the animator and its Layer
// is not attached to a Compositor when the animation starts, or is
// detached from the Compositor partway through the animation.
base::Optional<int> start_frame_number_;
base::TimeTicks effective_start_time_;
base::TimeDelta duration_;
// Whether animator is detached from Compositor partway through the animation.
// If it is true, no metrics is reported because the number of frames could
// not be counted correctly in such case.
bool animator_detached_after_start_ = false;
} // namespace ui