blob: 83ab63eda4a2392881c2bbc7700738b369e6892c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Use the <code>chrome.login</code> API to launch and exit user sessions.
namespace login {
callback VoidCallback = void ();
callback StringCallback = void (DOMString result);
interface Functions {
// Launches a managed guest session if one is set up via the admin console.
// If there are several managed guest sessions set up, it will launch the
// first available one.
// |password|: If provided, the launched managed guest session will be
// lockable, and can only be unlocked by calling
// <code>unlockManagedGuestSession()</code> with the same password.
// |callback|: Note: If the function succeeds, the callback is not
// guaranteed to be called as the extension will be disabled when the
// session starts. Use this callback only to handle the failure case by
// checking <code>chrome.runtime.lastError</code>.
static void launchManagedGuestSession(optional DOMString password,
optional VoidCallback callback);
// Exits the current session.
// |dataForNextLoginAttempt|: If set, stores data which can be read by
// <code>fetchDataForNextLoginAttempt()</code> from the login screen. If
// unset, any currently stored data will be cleared.
static void exitCurrentSession(optional DOMString dataForNextLoginAttempt,
optional VoidCallback callback);
// Reads the <code>dataForNextLoginAttempt</code> set by
// <code>exitCurrentSession()</code>. Clears the previously stored data
// after reading so it can only be read once.
// |callback|: Called with the stored data, or an empty string if there was
// no previously stored data.
static void fetchDataForNextLoginAttempt(StringCallback callback);
// Locks the current managed guest session. The session has to have been
// launched by <code>launchManagedGuestSession()</code> with a password.
static void lockManagedGuestSession(optional VoidCallback callback);
// Unlocks a managed guest session which was launched by
// <code>launchManagedGuestSession()</code> with a password. The session
// will unlock if the provided password matches the one provided earlier.
// |password|: The password which will be used to unlock the session.
// |callback|: Note: If the function succeeds, the callback is not
// guaranteed to be called as the extension will be disabled when the
// session starts. Use this callback only to handle the failure case by
// checking <code>chrome.runtime.lastError</code>.
static void unlockManagedGuestSession(DOMString password,
optional VoidCallback callback);