blob: 4311c3406cc8a3e2af505df182c890e4de6e5ea3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/process/kill.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/input_device_change_observer.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_owner_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
#include "content/common/render_message_filter.mojom.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "net/base/load_states.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_ax_enums.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_console_message.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
#include "ui/gl/gpu_preference.h"
#include "ui/gl/gpu_switching_observer.h"
namespace content {
struct FrameReplicationState;
class TimeoutMonitor;
// A callback which will be called immediately before EnterBackForwardCache
// starts.
using WillEnterBackForwardCacheCallbackForTesting =
// This implements the RenderViewHost interface that is exposed to
// embedders of content, and adds things only visible to content.
// The exact API of this object needs to be more thoroughly designed. Right
// now it mimics what WebContentsImpl exposed, which is a fairly large API and
// may contain things that are not relevant to a common subset of views. See
// also the comment in render_view_host_delegate.h about the size and scope of
// the delegate API.
// Right now, the concept of page navigation (both top level and frame) exists
// in the WebContentsImpl still, so if you instantiate one of these elsewhere,
// you will not be able to traverse pages back and forward. We need to determine
// if we want to bring that and other functionality down into this object so it
// can be shared by others.
// DEPRECATED: RenderViewHostImpl is being removed as part of the SiteIsolation
// project. New code should not be added here, but to either RenderFrameHostImpl
// (if frame specific) or WebContentsImpl (if page specific).
// For context, please see and
class CONTENT_EXPORT RenderViewHostImpl
: public RenderViewHost,
public RenderWidgetHostOwnerDelegate,
public RenderProcessHostObserver,
public ui::GpuSwitchingObserver,
public IPC::Listener,
public base::RefCounted<RenderViewHostImpl> {
// Convenience function, just like RenderViewHost::FromID.
static RenderViewHostImpl* FromID(int process_id, int routing_id);
// Convenience function, just like RenderViewHost::From.
static RenderViewHostImpl* From(RenderWidgetHost* rwh);
static void GetPlatformSpecificPrefs(
blink::mojom::RendererPreferences* prefs);
RenderViewHostImpl(SiteInstance* instance,
std::unique_ptr<RenderWidgetHostImpl> widget,
RenderViewHostDelegate* delegate,
int32_t routing_id,
int32_t main_frame_routing_id,
bool swapped_out,
bool has_initialized_audio_host);
// RenderViewHost implementation.
bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) override;
RenderWidgetHostImpl* GetWidget() override;
RenderProcessHost* GetProcess() override;
int GetRoutingID() override;
RenderFrameHost* GetMainFrame() override;
void EnablePreferredSizeMode() override;
void ExecutePluginActionAtLocation(
const gfx::Point& location,
const blink::PluginAction& action) override;
RenderViewHostDelegate* GetDelegate() override;
SiteInstanceImpl* GetSiteInstance() override;
bool IsRenderViewLive() override;
void NotifyMoveOrResizeStarted() override;
WebPreferences GetWebkitPreferences() override;
void UpdateWebkitPreferences(const WebPreferences& prefs) override;
void OnWebkitPreferencesChanged() override;
// RenderProcessHostObserver implementation
void RenderProcessExited(RenderProcessHost* host,
const ChildProcessTerminationInfo& info) override;
// GpuSwitchingObserver implementation.
void OnGpuSwitched(gl::GpuPreference active_gpu_heuristic) override;
// Set up the RenderView child process. Virtual because it is overridden by
// TestRenderViewHost.
// The |opener_route_id| parameter indicates which RenderView created this
// (MSG_ROUTING_NONE if none).
// |window_was_created_with_opener| is true if this top-level frame was
// created with an opener. (The opener may have been closed since.)
// The |proxy_route_id| is only used when creating a RenderView in an inactive
// state.
// |devtools_frame_token| contains the devtools token for tagging requests and
// attributing them to the context frame.
// |replicated_frame_state| contains replicated data for the top-level frame,
// such as its name and sandbox flags.
virtual bool CreateRenderView(
int opener_frame_route_id,
int proxy_route_id,
const base::UnguessableToken& devtools_frame_token,
const FrameReplicationState& replicated_frame_state,
bool window_was_created_with_opener);
// Tracks whether this RenderViewHost is in an active state (rather than
// pending unload or unloaded), according to its main frame
// RenderFrameHost.
bool is_active() const { return main_frame_routing_id_ != MSG_ROUTING_NONE; }
// TODO(creis): Remove as part of
bool is_waiting_for_close_ack() const { return is_waiting_for_close_ack_; }
// Generate RenderViewCreated events for observers through the delegate.
// These events are only generated for active RenderViewHosts (which have a
// RenderFrameHost for the main frame) as well as inactive RenderViewHosts
// that have a pending main frame navigation; i.e., this is done only when
// GetMainFrame() is non-null.
// This function also ensures that a particular RenderViewHost never
// dispatches these events more than once. For example, if a RenderViewHost
// transitions from active to inactive after a cross-process navigation
// (where it no longer has a main frame RenderFrameHost), and then back to
// active after another cross-process navigation, this function will filter
// out the second notification.
// TODO(alexmos): Deprecate RenderViewCreated and remove this. See
void DispatchRenderViewCreated();
// Tells the renderer process to run the page's unload handler.
// A ClosePage_ACK ack is sent back when the handler execution completes.
void ClosePage();
// Close the page ignoring whether it has unload events registers.
// This is called after the beforeunload and unload events have fired
// and the user has agreed to continue with closing the page.
void ClosePageIgnoringUnloadEvents();
// Tells the renderer view to focus the first (last if reverse is true) node.
void SetInitialFocus(bool reverse);
bool SuddenTerminationAllowed() const;
void set_sudden_termination_allowed(bool enabled) {
sudden_termination_allowed_ = enabled;
// Creates a new RenderWidget with the given route id.
void CreateNewWidget(int32_t route_id,
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::Widget> widget);
// Creates a full screen RenderWidget.
void CreateNewFullscreenWidget(int32_t route_id,
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::Widget> widget);
// Send RenderViewReady to observers once the process is launched, but not
// re-entrantly.
void PostRenderViewReady();
// Passes current web preferences to the renderer after recomputing all of
// them, including the slow-to-compute hardware preferences.
// (RenderViewHost::OnWebkitPreferencesChanged is a faster alternate that
// avoids slow recomputations.)
void OnHardwareConfigurationChanged();
// Sets the routing id for the main frame. When set to MSG_ROUTING_NONE, the
// view is not considered active.
void SetMainFrameRoutingId(int routing_id);
// Called when the RenderFrameHostImpls/RenderFrameProxyHosts that own this
// RenderViewHost enter the BackForwardCache.
void EnterBackForwardCache();
// Called when the RenderFrameHostImpls/RenderFrameProxyHosts that own this
// RenderViewHost leave the BackForwardCache. This occurs immediately before a
// restored document is committed.
// |navigation_start| is the timestamp corresponding to the start of the
// back-forward cached navigation, which would be communicated to the page
// to allow it to record the latency of this navigation.
void LeaveBackForwardCache(base::TimeTicks navigation_start);
// Called during frame eviction to return all SurfaceIds in the frame tree.
// Marks all views in the frame tree as evicted.
std::vector<viz::SurfaceId> CollectSurfaceIdsForEviction();
// Resets any per page state. This should be called when a main frame
// associated with this RVH commits a navigation to a new document. Note that
// this means it should NOT be called for same document navigations or when
// restoring a page from the back-forward cache.
void ResetPerPageState();
bool did_first_visually_non_empty_paint() const {
return did_first_visually_non_empty_paint_;
void OnThemeColorChanged(RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh,
const base::Optional<SkColor>& theme_color);
base::Optional<SkColor> theme_color() const {
return main_frame_theme_color_;
// Notifies that / returns whether main document's onload() handler was
// completed.
void DocumentOnLoadCompletedInMainFrame();
bool IsDocumentOnLoadCompletedInMainFrame();
// Manual RTTI to ensure safe downcasts in tests.
virtual bool IsTestRenderViewHost() const;
void SetWillEnterBackForwardCacheCallbackForTesting(
const WillEnterBackForwardCacheCallbackForTesting& callback);
// NOTE: Do not add functions that just send an IPC message that are called in
// one or two places. Have the caller send the IPC message directly (unless
// the caller places are in different platforms, in which case it's better
// to keep them consistent).
friend class RefCounted<RenderViewHostImpl>;
~RenderViewHostImpl() override;
// RenderWidgetHostOwnerDelegate overrides.
void RenderWidgetDidInit() override;
void RenderWidgetDidClose() override;
void RenderWidgetDidFirstVisuallyNonEmptyPaint() override;
void RenderWidgetGotFocus() override;
void RenderWidgetLostFocus() override;
void RenderWidgetDidForwardMouseEvent(
const blink::WebMouseEvent& mouse_event) override;
bool MayRenderWidgetForwardKeyboardEvent(
const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& key_event) override;
bool ShouldContributePriorityToProcess() override;
void RequestSetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) override;
void SetBackgroundOpaque(bool opaque) override;
bool IsMainFrameActive() override;
bool IsNeverComposited() override;
WebPreferences GetWebkitPreferencesForWidget() override;
FrameTreeNode* GetFocusedFrame() override;
void ShowContextMenu(RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const ContextMenuParams& params) override;
// IPC message handlers.
void OnShowView(int route_id,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
const gfx::Rect& initial_rect,
bool user_gesture);
void OnShowWidget(int widget_route_id, const gfx::Rect& initial_rect);
void OnShowFullscreenWidget(int widget_route_id);
void OnRouteCloseEvent();
void OnUpdateTargetURL(const GURL& url);
void OnDocumentAvailableInMainFrame(bool uses_temporary_zoom_level);
void OnDidContentsPreferredSizeChange(const gfx::Size& new_size);
void OnPasteFromSelectionClipboard();
void OnTakeFocus(bool reverse);
void OnClosePageACK();
void OnFocus();
// TODO(nasko): Temporarily friend RenderFrameHostImpl, so we don't duplicate
// utility functions and state needed in both classes, while we move frame
// specific code away from this class.
friend class RenderFrameHostImpl;
friend class TestRenderViewHost;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderViewHostTest, BasicRenderFrameHost);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(RenderViewHostTest, RoutingIdSane);
// IPC::Listener implementation.
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) override;
void RenderViewReady();
// Called by |close_timeout_| when the page closing timeout fires.
void ClosePageTimeout();
// TODO(creis): Move to a private namespace on RenderFrameHostImpl.
// Delay to wait on closing the WebContents for a beforeunload/unload handler
// to fire.
static const int64_t kUnloadTimeoutMS;
// Returns the content specific preferences for this RenderViewHost.
// Recomputes only the "fast" preferences (those not requiring slow
// platform/device polling); the remaining "slow" ones are recomputed only if
// the preference cache is empty.
// TODO(creis): Move most of this method to RenderProcessHost, since it's
// mostly the same across all RVHs in a process. Move the rest to RFH.
// See
const WebPreferences ComputeWebPreferences();
// Sets the hardware-related fields in |prefs| that are slow to compute. The
// fields are set from cache if available, otherwise recomputed.
void SetSlowWebPreferences(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
WebPreferences* prefs);
// The RenderWidgetHost.
std::unique_ptr<RenderWidgetHostImpl> render_widget_host_;
// Our delegate, which wants to know about changes in the RenderView.
RenderViewHostDelegate* delegate_;
// The SiteInstance associated with this RenderViewHost. All pages drawn
// in this RenderViewHost are part of this SiteInstance. Cannot change
// over time.
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> instance_;
// Routing ID for this RenderViewHost.
const int routing_id_;
// Routing ID for the main frame's RenderFrameHost.
int main_frame_routing_id_;
// Set to true when waiting for a ViewHostMsg_ClosePageACK.
// TODO(creis): Move to RenderFrameHost and RenderWidgetHost.
// See
bool is_waiting_for_close_ack_ = false;
// True if the render view can be shut down suddenly.
bool sudden_termination_allowed_ = false;
// This is updated every time UpdateWebkitPreferences is called. That method
// is in turn called when any of the settings change that the WebPreferences
// values depend on.
std::unique_ptr<WebPreferences> web_preferences_;
// The timeout monitor that runs from when the page close is started in
// ClosePage() until either the render process ACKs the close with an IPC to
// OnClosePageACK(), or until the timeout triggers and the page is forcibly
// closed.
std::unique_ptr<TimeoutMonitor> close_timeout_;
// This monitors input changes so they can be reflected to the interaction MQ.
std::unique_ptr<InputDeviceChangeObserver> input_device_change_observer_;
bool updating_web_preferences_ = false;
// This tracks whether this RenderViewHost has notified observers about its
// creation with RenderViewCreated. RenderViewHosts may transition from
// active (with a RenderFrameHost for the main frame) to inactive state and
// then back to active, and for the latter transition, this avoids firing
// duplicate RenderViewCreated events.
bool has_notified_about_creation_ = false;
// ---------- Per page state START ------------------------------------------
// The following members will get reset when this RVH commits a navigation to
// a new document. See ResetPerPageState()
// Whether the first visually non-empty paint has occurred.
bool did_first_visually_non_empty_paint_ = false;
// The theme color for the underlying document as specified
// by theme-color meta tag.
base::Optional<SkColor> main_frame_theme_color_;
// ---------- Per page state END --------------------------------------------
// BackForwardCache:
bool is_in_back_forward_cache_ = false;
// True if the current main document finished executing onload() handler.
bool is_document_on_load_completed_in_main_frame_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RenderViewHostImpl> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace content