blob: 83c2abb4e2a873465f626f18f3c237683472e1a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "ui/base/layout.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
#include "url/url_util.h"
namespace base {
class RefCountedMemory;
class DictionaryValue;
namespace blink {
class OriginTrialPolicy;
namespace IPC {
class Message;
namespace gfx {
class Image;
namespace gpu {
struct GPUInfo;
namespace media {
struct CdmHostFilePath;
class MediaDrmBridgeClient;
namespace content {
class ContentBrowserClient;
class ContentClient;
class ContentGpuClient;
class ContentRendererClient;
class ContentUtilityClient;
class ServiceManagerConnection;
struct CdmInfo;
struct PepperPluginInfo;
// Setter and getter for the client. The client should be set early, before any
// content code is called.
CONTENT_EXPORT void SetContentClient(ContentClient* client);
// Content's embedder API should only be used by content.
ContentClient* GetContentClient();
// Used for tests to override the relevant embedder interfaces. Each method
// returns the old value. In browser tests it seems safest to call these in
// SetUpOnMainThread() or you may get TSan errors due a race between the
// browser "process" and the child "process" for the test both accessing it.
CONTENT_EXPORT ContentBrowserClient* SetBrowserClientForTesting(
ContentBrowserClient* b);
CONTENT_EXPORT ContentRendererClient* SetRendererClientForTesting(
ContentRendererClient* r);
CONTENT_EXPORT ContentUtilityClient* SetUtilityClientForTesting(
ContentUtilityClient* u);
// Interface that the embedder implements.
class CONTENT_EXPORT ContentClient {
virtual ~ContentClient();
ContentBrowserClient* browser() { return browser_; }
ContentGpuClient* gpu() { return gpu_; }
ContentRendererClient* renderer() { return renderer_; }
ContentUtilityClient* utility() { return utility_; }
// Sets the active URL (the URL of a frame that is navigating or processing an
// IPC message), and the origin of the main frame (for diagnosing crashes).
// Use GURL() or std::string() to clear the URL/origin.
// A string is used for the origin because the source of that value may be a
// WebSecurityOrigin or a full URL (if called from the browser process) and a
// string is the lowest-common-denominator.
virtual void SetActiveURL(const GURL& url, std::string top_origin) {}
// Sets the data on the current gpu.
virtual void SetGpuInfo(const gpu::GPUInfo& gpu_info) {}
// Gives the embedder a chance to register its own pepper plugins.
virtual void AddPepperPlugins(
std::vector<content::PepperPluginInfo>* plugins) {}
// Gives the embedder a chance to register the Content Decryption Modules
// (CDM) it supports, as well as the CDM host file paths to verify CDM host.
// |cdms| or |cdm_host_file_paths| can be null which means that specific list
// is not needed.
virtual void AddContentDecryptionModules(
std::vector<content::CdmInfo>* cdms,
std::vector<media::CdmHostFilePath>* cdm_host_file_paths) {}
// Gives the embedder a chance to register its own schemes early in the
// startup sequence.
struct CONTENT_EXPORT Schemes {
std::vector<std::string> standard_schemes;
std::vector<std::string> referrer_schemes;
std::vector<std::string> savable_schemes;
// Additional schemes that should be allowed to register service workers.
// Only secure and trustworthy schemes should be added.
std::vector<std::string> service_worker_schemes;
// Registers a URL scheme to be treated as a local scheme (i.e., with the
// same security rules as those applied to "file" URLs). This means that
// normal pages cannot link to or access URLs of this scheme.
std::vector<std::string> local_schemes;
// Registers a URL scheme to be treated as a noAccess scheme. This means
// that pages loaded with this URL scheme always have an opaque origin.
std::vector<std::string> no_access_schemes;
// Registers a non-HTTP URL scheme which can be sent CORS requests.
std::vector<std::string> cors_enabled_schemes;
// Registers a URL scheme whose resources can be loaded regardless of a
// page's Content Security Policy.
std::vector<std::string> csp_bypassing_schemes;
// See
std::vector<std::string> secure_schemes;
// Registers a URL scheme as strictly empty documents, allowing them to
// commit synchronously.
std::vector<std::string> empty_document_schemes;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Normally, non-standard schemes canonicalize to opaque origins. However,
// Android WebView requires non-standard schemes to still be preserved.
bool allow_non_standard_schemes_in_origins = false;
virtual void AddAdditionalSchemes(Schemes* schemes) {}
// Returns whether the given message should be sent in a swapped out renderer.
virtual bool CanSendWhileSwappedOut(const IPC::Message* message);
// Returns a string resource given its id.
virtual base::string16 GetLocalizedString(int message_id) const;
// Returns a string resource given its id and replace $1 with the given
// replacement.
virtual base::string16 GetLocalizedString(
int message_id,
const base::string16& replacement) const;
// Return the contents of a resource in a StringPiece given the resource id.
virtual base::StringPiece GetDataResource(
int resource_id,
ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor) const;
// Returns the raw bytes of a scale independent data resource.
virtual base::RefCountedMemory* GetDataResourceBytes(
int resource_id) const;
// Returns whether the contents of a resource are compressed (with gzip).
virtual bool IsDataResourceGzipped(int resource_id) const;
// Returns a native image given its id.
virtual gfx::Image& GetNativeImageNamed(int resource_id) const;
// Called by content::GetProcessTypeNameInEnglish for process types that it
// doesn't know about because they're from the embedder.
virtual std::string GetProcessTypeNameInEnglish(int type);
// Called once during initialization of NetworkService to provide constants
// to NetLog. (Though it may be called multiples times if NetworkService
// crashes and needs to be reinitialized). The return value is merged with
// |GetNetConstants()| and passed to FileNetLogObserver - see documentation
// of |FileNetLogObserver::CreateBounded()| for more information. The
// convention is to put new constants under a subdict at the key "clientInfo".
virtual base::DictionaryValue GetNetLogConstants() const;
// Returns whether or not V8 script extensions should be allowed for a
// service worker.
virtual bool AllowScriptExtensionForServiceWorker(
const url::Origin& script_origin);
// Returns the origin trial policy, or nullptr if origin trials are not
// supported by the embedder.
virtual blink::OriginTrialPolicy* GetOriginTrialPolicy();
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Returns true for clients like Android WebView that uses synchronous
// compositor. Note setting this to true will permit synchronous IPCs from
// the browser UI thread.
virtual bool UsingSynchronousCompositing();
// Returns the MediaDrmBridgeClient to be used by media code on Android.
virtual media::MediaDrmBridgeClient* GetMediaDrmBridgeClient();
#endif // OS_ANDROID
virtual void OnServiceManagerConnected(ServiceManagerConnection* connection);
friend class ContentClientInitializer; // To set these pointers.
friend class InternalTestInitializer;
// The embedder API for participating in browser logic.
ContentBrowserClient* browser_;
// The embedder API for participating in gpu logic.
ContentGpuClient* gpu_;
// The embedder API for participating in renderer logic.
ContentRendererClient* renderer_;
// The embedder API for participating in utility logic.
ContentUtilityClient* utility_;
} // namespace content