blob: 86ab5c44b227eef48daf7906c9af377b873c6f63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <bitset>
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/common/resource_intercept_policy.h"
// A centralized file for base helper methods and policy decisions about
// navigations.
namespace content {
CONTENT_EXPORT bool IsPerNavigationMojoInterfaceEnabled();
CONTENT_EXPORT bool IsBackForwardCacheEnabled();
// Navigation type that affects the download decision and relevant metrics to be
// reported at download-discovery time.
// This enum backs a histogram. Please keep enums.xml up to date with any
// changes, and new entries should be appended at the end. Never re-arrange /
// re-use values.
enum class NavigationDownloadType {
// An entry reserved just for histogram. The client code is not expected to
// set or query this type in a policy.
kDefaultAllow = 0,
kViewSource = 1,
kInterstitial = 2,
// The navigation was initiated on a x-origin opener.
kOpenerCrossOrigin = 5,
// The navigation was initiated from or occurred in an iframe with
// |WebSandboxFlags::kDownloads| flag set and without user activation.
kSandboxNoGesture = 7,
// The navigation was initiated from or occurred in an ad frame without user
// activation.
kAdFrameNoGesture = 8,
// The navigation was initiated from or occurred in an ad frame with user
// activation.
kAdFrameGesture = 9,
kMaxValue = kAdFrameGesture
// Stores the navigation types that may be of interest to the download-related
// metrics to be reported at download-discovery time. Also controls how
// navigations behave when they turn into downloads. By default, navigation is
// allowed to become a download.
struct CONTENT_EXPORT NavigationDownloadPolicy {
NavigationDownloadPolicy(const NavigationDownloadPolicy&);
// Stores |type| to |observed_types|.
void SetAllowed(NavigationDownloadType type);
// Stores |type| to both |observed_types| and |disallowed_types|.
void SetDisallowed(NavigationDownloadType type);
// Returns if |observed_types| contains |type|.
bool IsType(NavigationDownloadType type) const;
// Get the ResourceInterceptPolicy derived from |disallowed_types|.
ResourceInterceptPolicy GetResourceInterceptPolicy() const;
// Returns if download is allowed based on |disallowed_types|.
bool IsDownloadAllowed() const;
// Record the download policy to histograms from |observed_types|.
void RecordHistogram() const;
// A bitset of navigation types observed that may be of interest to the
// download-related metrics to be reported at download-discovery time.
std::bitset<static_cast<size_t>(NavigationDownloadType::kMaxValue) + 1>
// A bitset of navigation types observed where if the navigation turns into
// a download, the download should be dropped.
std::bitset<static_cast<size_t>(NavigationDownloadType::kMaxValue) + 1>
} // namespace content