blob: 0871edc8a9723bd1efb522d55718e154f3a5fcfd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/resource_request.h"
#include "services/network/public/interfaces/url_loader.mojom.h"
namespace content {
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
// SharedURLLoaderFactoryInfo contains necessary information to construct a
// SharedURLLoaderFactory. It is not sequence safe but can be passed across
// sequences. Please see the comments of SharedURLLoaderFactory for how this
// class is used.
class CONTENT_EXPORT SharedURLLoaderFactoryInfo {
virtual ~SharedURLLoaderFactoryInfo();
friend class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
// Creates a SharedURLLoaderFactory. It should only be called by
// SharedURLLoaderFactory::Create(), which makes sense that CreateFactory() is
// never called multiple times for each SharedURLLoaderFactoryInfo instance.
virtual scoped_refptr<SharedURLLoaderFactory> CreateFactory() = 0;
// A SharedURLLoaderFactory instance is supposed to be used on a single
// sequence. To use it on a different sequence, use Clone() and pass the
// resulting SharedURLLoaderFactoryInfo instance to the target sequence. On the
// target sequence, call SharedURLLoaderFactory::Create() to convert the info
// instance to a new SharedURLLoaderFactory.
class CONTENT_EXPORT SharedURLLoaderFactory
: public base::RefCounted<SharedURLLoaderFactory> {
struct Constraints {
// Skip appcache and service worker if this flag is set to true.
bool bypass_custom_network_loader = false;
static scoped_refptr<SharedURLLoaderFactory> Create(
std::unique_ptr<SharedURLLoaderFactoryInfo> info);
virtual void CreateLoaderAndStart(
network::mojom::URLLoaderRequest loader,
int32_t routing_id,
int32_t request_id,
uint32_t options,
const network::ResourceRequest& request,
network::mojom::URLLoaderClientPtr client,
const net::MutableNetworkTrafficAnnotationTag& traffic_annotation,
const Constraints& constaints = kDefaultConstraints) = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<SharedURLLoaderFactoryInfo> Clone() = 0;
friend class base::RefCounted<SharedURLLoaderFactory>;
virtual ~SharedURLLoaderFactory();
static const Constraints kDefaultConstraints;
} // namespace content