blob: f72641a3d3122b595801869e7e72aa8b9016db6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
namespace blink {
struct NotificationResources;
} // namespace blink
namespace content {
struct NotificationDatabaseData;
// Parses the serialized notification data |input| into a new object, |output|.
// Returns whether the serialized |input| could be deserialized successfully.
CONTENT_EXPORT bool DeserializeNotificationDatabaseData(
const std::string& input,
NotificationDatabaseData* output);
// Serializes the contents of |input| into the string |output|. Returns whether
// the notification data could be serialized successfully.
CONTENT_EXPORT bool SerializeNotificationDatabaseData(
const NotificationDatabaseData& input,
std::string* output);
// Parses the serialized notification resources |input| into a new object,
// |output|. Returns whether the serialized |input| could be deserialized
// successfully.
CONTENT_EXPORT bool DeserializeNotificationDatabaseResources(
const std::string& input,
blink::NotificationResources* output);
// Serializes the contents of |input| into the string |output|. Returns whether
// the notification resources could be serialized successfully.
CONTENT_EXPORT bool SerializeNotificationDatabaseResources(
const blink::NotificationResources& input,
std::string* output);
} // namespace content