blob: 6e104402a2523b6de8006cabd86d1986c95d6eff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "components/cronet/native/generated/cronet.idl_impl_interface.h"
extern "C" typedef struct stream_engine stream_engine;
namespace net {
class CertVerifier;
namespace cronet {
class CronetURLRequestContext;
// Implementation of Cronet_Engine that uses CronetURLRequestContext.
class Cronet_EngineImpl : public Cronet_Engine {
~Cronet_EngineImpl() override;
// Cronet_Engine implementation:
Cronet_RESULT StartWithParams(Cronet_EngineParamsPtr params) override;
bool StartNetLogToFile(Cronet_String file_name, bool log_all) override;
void StopNetLog() override;
Cronet_String GetVersionString() override;
Cronet_String GetDefaultUserAgent() override;
Cronet_RESULT Shutdown() override;
// Check |result| and aborts if result is not SUCCESS and enableCheckResult
// is true.
Cronet_RESULT CheckResult(Cronet_RESULT result);
// Set Mock CertVerifier for testing. Must be called before StartWithParams.
void SetMockCertVerifierForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<net::CertVerifier> mock_cert_verifier);
// Get stream engine for GRPC Bidirectional Stream support. The returned
// stream_engine is owned by |this| and is only valid until |this| shutdown.
stream_engine* GetBidirectionalStreamEngine();
CronetURLRequestContext* cronet_url_request_context() const {
return context_.get();
class StreamEngineImpl;
class Callback;
// Enable runtime CHECK of the result.
bool enable_check_result_ = true;
// Synchronize access to member variables from different threads.
base::Lock lock_;
// Cronet URLRequest context used for all network operations.
std::unique_ptr<CronetURLRequestContext> context_;
// Signaled when |context_| initialization is done.
base::WaitableEvent init_completed_;
// Flag that indicates whether logging is in progress.
bool is_logging_ = false;
// Signaled when |StopNetLog| is done.
base::WaitableEvent stop_netlog_completed_;
// Storage path used by this engine.
std::string in_use_storage_path_;
// Stream engine for GRPC Bidirectional Stream support.
std::unique_ptr<StreamEngineImpl> stream_engine_;
// Mock CertVerifier for testing. Only valid until StartWithParams.
std::unique_ptr<net::CertVerifier> mock_cert_verifier_;
}; // namespace cronet