blob: fe0e57837c22fccb5ae33da3c29e8b69c6cd9ab1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GeoNotifier_h
#define GeoNotifier_h
#include "modules/geolocation/PositionCallback.h"
#include "modules/geolocation/PositionErrorCallback.h"
#include "modules/geolocation/PositionOptions.h"
#include "platform/Timer.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
namespace blink {
class Geolocation;
class Geoposition;
class PositionError;
class GeoNotifier : public GarbageCollectedFinalized<GeoNotifier> {
static GeoNotifier* create(Geolocation* geolocation, PositionCallback* positionCallback, PositionErrorCallback* positionErrorCallback, const PositionOptions& options)
return new GeoNotifier(geolocation, positionCallback, positionErrorCallback, options);
const PositionOptions& options() const { return m_options; }
// Sets the given error as the fatal error if there isn't one yet.
// Starts the timer with an interval of 0.
void setFatalError(PositionError*);
bool useCachedPosition() const { return m_useCachedPosition; }
// Tells the notifier to use a cached position and starts its timer with
// an interval of 0.
void setUseCachedPosition();
void runSuccessCallback(Geoposition*);
void runErrorCallback(PositionError*);
void startTimer();
void stopTimer();
// Runs the error callback if there is a fatal error. Otherwise, if a
// cached position must be used, registers itself for receiving one.
// Otherwise, the notifier has expired, and its error callback is run.
void timerFired(Timer<GeoNotifier>*);
GeoNotifier(Geolocation*, PositionCallback*, PositionErrorCallback*, const PositionOptions&);
Member<Geolocation> m_geolocation;
Member<PositionCallback> m_successCallback;
Member<PositionErrorCallback> m_errorCallback;
const PositionOptions m_options;
Timer<GeoNotifier> m_timer;
Member<PositionError> m_fatalError;
bool m_useCachedPosition;
} // namespace blink
#endif // GeoNotifier_h