blob: 07986816d827c9a7fd9144c75b1778eb640b2c75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/cssom/css_math_max.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/cssom/css_numeric_sum_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_builder.h"
namespace blink {
CSSMathMax* CSSMathMax::Create(const HeapVector<CSSNumberish>& args,
ExceptionState& exception_state) {
if (args.IsEmpty()) {
"Arguments can't be empty");
return nullptr;
CSSMathMax* result = Create(CSSNumberishesToNumericValues(args));
if (!result) {
exception_state.ThrowTypeError("Incompatible types");
return nullptr;
return result;
CSSMathMax* CSSMathMax::Create(CSSNumericValueVector values) {
bool error = false;
CSSNumericValueType final_type =
CSSMathVariadic::TypeCheck(values, CSSNumericValueType::Add, error);
return error ? nullptr
: MakeGarbageCollected<CSSMathMax>(
CSSNumericArray::Create(std::move(values)), final_type);
base::Optional<CSSNumericSumValue> CSSMathMax::SumValue() const {
auto cur_max = NumericValues()[0]->SumValue();
if (!cur_max || cur_max->terms.size() != 1)
return base::nullopt;
for (const auto& value : NumericValues()) {
const auto child_sum = value->SumValue();
if (!child_sum || child_sum->terms.size() != 1 ||
child_sum->terms[0].units != cur_max->terms[0].units)
return base::nullopt;
if (child_sum->terms[0].value > cur_max->terms[0].value)
cur_max = child_sum;
return cur_max;
void CSSMathMax::BuildCSSText(Nested, ParenLess, StringBuilder& result) const {
bool first_iteration = true;
for (const auto& value : NumericValues()) {
if (!first_iteration)
result.Append(", ");
first_iteration = false;
value->BuildCSSText(Nested::kYes, ParenLess::kYes, result);
} // namespace blink