blob: fa88dfd14230f81995a4e7bdecc0e30547823a77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This namespace provides various helpers and state relating to Google Chrome
// distributions (such as RLZ), and specifically relating to the brand of the
// current install. Brands are codes that are assigned to partners for tracking
// distribution information.
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
class GURL;
namespace google_brand {
// Returns in |brand| the brand code or distribution tag that has been
// assigned to a partner. Returns false if the information is not available.
bool GetBrand(std::string* brand);
// Returns in |brand| the reactivation brand code or distribution tag
// that has been assigned to a partner for reactivating a dormant chrome
// install. Returns false if the information is not available.
bool GetReactivationBrand(std::string* brand);
// True if a build is strictly organic, according to its brand code.
bool IsOrganic(const std::string& brand);
// True if a build should run as organic during first run. This uses
// a slightly different set of brand codes from the standard IsOrganic
// method.
bool IsOrganicFirstRun(const std::string& brand);
// True if |brand| is an internet cafe brand code.
bool IsInternetCafeBrandCode(const std::string& brand);
// This class is meant to be used only from test code, and sets the brand
// code returned by the function GetBrand() above while the object exists.
class BrandForTesting {
explicit BrandForTesting(const std::string& brand);
std::string brand_;
} // namespace google_brand