blob: dba5253c6945f406142c626854426b810759a4b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/aligned_memory.h"
#include "base/memory/read_only_shared_memory_region.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/shared_memory_handle.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "media/base/decrypt_config.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/base/timestamp_constants.h"
#include "media/base/unaligned_shared_memory.h"
namespace media {
// A specialized buffer for interfacing with audio / video decoders.
// Specifically ensures that data is aligned and padded as necessary by the
// underlying decoding framework. On desktop platforms this means memory is
// allocated using FFmpeg with particular alignment and padding requirements.
// Also includes decoder specific functionality for decryption.
// NOTE: It is illegal to call any method when end_of_stream() is true.
class MEDIA_EXPORT DecoderBuffer
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DecoderBuffer> {
enum {
kPaddingSize = 64,
#if defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY)
kAlignmentSize = 16
kAlignmentSize = 32
// Allocates buffer with |size| >= 0. Buffer will be padded and aligned
// as necessary, and |is_key_frame_| will default to false.
explicit DecoderBuffer(size_t size);
// Create a DecoderBuffer whose |data_| is copied from |data|. Buffer will be
// padded and aligned as necessary. |data| must not be NULL and |size| >= 0.
// The buffer's |is_key_frame_| will default to false.
static scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> CopyFrom(const uint8_t* data,
size_t size);
// Create a DecoderBuffer whose |data_| is copied from |data| and |side_data_|
// is copied from |side_data|. Buffers will be padded and aligned as necessary
// Data pointers must not be NULL and sizes must be >= 0. The buffer's
// |is_key_frame_| will default to false.
static scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> CopyFrom(const uint8_t* data,
size_t size,
const uint8_t* side_data,
size_t side_data_size);
// Create a DecoderBuffer where data() of |size| bytes resides within the
// memory referred to by |region| at non-negative offset |offset|. The
// buffer's |is_key_frame_| will default to false.
// The shared memory will be mapped read-only.
// If mapping fails, nullptr will be returned.
static scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> FromSharedMemoryRegion(
base::subtle::PlatformSharedMemoryRegion region,
off_t offset,
size_t size);
// Create a DecoderBuffer where data() of |size| bytes resides within the
// ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion referred to by |mapping| at non-negative offset
// |offset|. The buffer's |is_key_frame_| will default to false.
// Ownership of |region| is transferred to the buffer.
static scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> FromSharedMemoryRegion(
base::ReadOnlySharedMemoryRegion region,
off_t offset,
size_t size);
// Create a DecoderBuffer indicating we've reached end of stream.
// Calling any method other than end_of_stream() on the resulting buffer
// is disallowed.
static scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> CreateEOSBuffer();
base::TimeDelta timestamp() const {
return timestamp_;
// TODO(dalecurtis): This should be renamed at some point, but to avoid a yak
// shave keep as a virtual with hacker_style() for now.
virtual void set_timestamp(base::TimeDelta timestamp);
base::TimeDelta duration() const {
return duration_;
void set_duration(base::TimeDelta duration) {
DCHECK(duration == kNoTimestamp ||
(duration >= base::TimeDelta() && duration != kInfiniteDuration))
<< duration.InSecondsF();
duration_ = duration;
const uint8_t* data() const {
if (shared_mem_mapping_ && shared_mem_mapping_->IsValid())
return static_cast<const uint8_t*>(shared_mem_mapping_->memory());
if (shm_)
return static_cast<uint8_t*>(shm_->memory());
return data_.get();
// TODO(sandersd): Remove writable_data().
uint8_t* writable_data() const {
return data_.get();
size_t data_size() const {
return size_;
const uint8_t* side_data() const {
return side_data_.get();
size_t side_data_size() const {
return side_data_size_;
typedef std::pair<base::TimeDelta, base::TimeDelta> DiscardPadding;
const DiscardPadding& discard_padding() const {
return discard_padding_;
void set_discard_padding(const DiscardPadding& discard_padding) {
discard_padding_ = discard_padding;
// Returns DecryptConfig associated with |this|. Returns null iff |this| is
// not encrypted.
const DecryptConfig* decrypt_config() const {
return decrypt_config_.get();
void set_decrypt_config(std::unique_ptr<DecryptConfig> decrypt_config) {
decrypt_config_ = std::move(decrypt_config);
// If there's no data in this buffer, it represents end of stream.
bool end_of_stream() const { return !shared_mem_mapping_ && !shm_ && !data_; }
bool is_key_frame() const {
return is_key_frame_;
void set_is_key_frame(bool is_key_frame) {
is_key_frame_ = is_key_frame;
// Returns true if all fields in |buffer| matches this buffer
// including |data_| and |side_data_|.
bool MatchesForTesting(const DecoderBuffer& buffer) const;
// Returns a human-readable string describing |*this|.
std::string AsHumanReadableString() const;
// Replaces any existing side data with data copied from |side_data|.
void CopySideDataFrom(const uint8_t* side_data, size_t side_data_size);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<DecoderBuffer>;
// Allocates a buffer of size |size| >= 0 and copies |data| into it. Buffer
// will be padded and aligned as necessary. If |data| is NULL then |data_| is
// set to NULL and |buffer_size_| to 0. |is_key_frame_| will default to
// false.
DecoderBuffer(const uint8_t* data,
size_t size,
const uint8_t* side_data,
size_t side_data_size);
DecoderBuffer(std::unique_ptr<UnalignedSharedMemory> shm, size_t size);
DecoderBuffer(std::unique_ptr<ReadOnlyUnalignedMapping> shared_mem_mapping,
size_t size);
virtual ~DecoderBuffer();
// Presentation time of the frame.
base::TimeDelta timestamp_;
// Presentation duration of the frame.
base::TimeDelta duration_;
// Size of the encoded data.
size_t size_;
// Encoded data, if it is stored on the heap.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t, base::AlignedFreeDeleter> data_;
// Side data. Used for alpha channel in VPx, and for text cues.
size_t side_data_size_;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t, base::AlignedFreeDeleter> side_data_;
// Copy of |data_| for debugging purposes. This field is not to be used.
void* data_at_initialize_;
// Encoded data, if it is stored in a shared memory mapping.
std::unique_ptr<ReadOnlyUnalignedMapping> shared_mem_mapping_;
// Encoded data, if it is stored in SHM.
std::unique_ptr<UnalignedSharedMemory> shm_;
// Encryption parameters for the encoded data.
std::unique_ptr<DecryptConfig> decrypt_config_;
// Duration of (audio) samples from the beginning and end of this frame which
// should be discarded after decoding. A value of kInfiniteDuration for the
// first value indicates the entire frame should be discarded; the second
// value must be base::TimeDelta() in this case.
DiscardPadding discard_padding_;
// Whether the frame was marked as a keyframe in the container.
bool is_key_frame_;
// Check for double destruction. This field is not to be used.
uint32_t destruction_ = 0x55555555;
// Constructor helper method for memory allocations.
void Initialize();
} // namespace media